A.N. Last one! I just asked if you liked it, and that I have a sequel. I'm not sure which I like better. What about you?

Disclaimer: How many different ways have I told you now? 14? Whew. Let's add another! I, me, don't own Percy Jackson

Moon Kissed Viscaria

Nico got up and went to Viscaria.

Annabeth and Percy were still cuddled up together just staring at the moon.

"Whoa whoa whoa," Percy said. "What are you doing?" He started to get up.

"I'm bringing Viscaria back," Nico said simply. He bent down and picked up Viscaria, bridal style. She was lifeless in his arms, and that was the first time he doubted if he could do it.

The feeling he had was mostly like a burn. A soft burn, but it spread through his whole body. He knew that this would work, because the more he doubted himself, the hotter the burn got. If he didn't put that flower in the water soon, that fire would consume him.

Picking up Viscaria had his first wave of doubt. How was this supposed to work? The flame picked up. She was cursed. You can't just get a rid of them like that. The fire licked up his face, causing him to get a blush. She's dead, and you can't bring her back. The fire scorched him, causing him to gasp in pain.

"Nico…" Annabeth said painfully.

"It will work," Nico said.

"I don't know Nico, she's…" Annabeth wasn't ready to say the D word yet.

"It will work." And he started to walk again.

"Nico, wait," Annabeth said. She walked up to him and grabbed his arm. She instantly pulled back.

"Whoa, Nico! You're hot!"

"Hey!" Percy hollered.

"No, no, no, you idiot. I mean hot. Like he's running a fever. Are you feeling ok?" She knew that was probably a very stupid question to ask right after she said it. Of course he's not feeling ok. Why else would he be going crazy?

"I'm fine. I need to go before it's too late." he said frantically. With his eyes darting and his twitching hands, anyone would think he was crazy. But he knew what he was doing.

He hoped.

Nico flinched. "Are you sure?" Annabeth asked, really starting to worry.

"Yes, I'm fine! Now let me go!" he snapped at her. He knew he would regret that later, but he needs to go, now.

"Fine." Annabeth didn't blame him. She could get a little mad at his tone, but she forgave him. He's been through a lot, at least let him have this.

"Thank you," Nico muttered to her. Then he went to the stream

Once he got there, he gently lay Viscaria down, moved hair out of her eyes, and pulled out his viscaria.

"This will work," Nico told the flower. His whole body was almost torched to death. He didn't have the strength to doubt himself anymore.

He placed the flower into the water, as gently as Viscaria had always picked them. He stared at it. Nothing happened.

Oh gods. He can't save her.

He sniffled. Nico had not yet cried for Viscaria because he was a man. And men can cry, but it's better for everyone if they did it when no one was looking, and for a short amount of time.

Well, no one was watching Nico.

A lone tear slid down his cheek. It landed in his lap.

He stared at the flower, suddenly hating the sight of it. You were supposed to work! You were supposed to bring her back! He lifted it out of the water. He was even about to throw it too when something strange happened.

The flower started to glow. Just like Bianca. Just like the moon.

Slowly, too slowly for Nico's liking, the glow started to detach itself from the flower, and crawled towards Viscaria. He held his breath.

Finally, the glow made it to her. It slid down her throat.

Everything had gone silent. Not even the wind jostled the trees.

Nico waited. And waited. And waited.


His fire still burned his body, and he had a feeling he would always have it if Viscaria didn't wake up.


Viscaria still hadn't moved.

Nico wasn't ready to give up yet.

She took one shuddering breath.

"Percy," Annabeth whimpered.

"What?" he said softly.

"I don't want Nico to go crazy."

"I know, sweety, I know. I don't want him to either."

"What if he is? What if he misses her too much and kills himself?"

"I…I don't know," Percy answered.

Suddenly the whole forest no longer had any noise what's so ever.

They lay there, too afraid to make a sound.


"V-Viscaria?" he whispered.

"N-nnnnnnnn…" she trailed off. Her eyes weren't even open yet.

"Nonononononono," he belted out really fast. She was not going to leave him again.

She coughed. "N-nn-Nico?" she stuttered out.

"Yes?" he whispered. He was too afraid to touch her. What if 'POOF!' and she was gone again?

"Wwwhat happened?" she got out. It was hard for him to understand her, she was taking so quietly.

"You died, so I brought you back to life," he said as if he did it everyday, no big deal.

Except it was a big deal.

"You…what?" she asked. She wasn't mad, she just didn't hear him right. He couldn't have possibly brought her back to life, right?

"You were dead. So I brought you back to life." He enunciated each syllable.

"I died?" She wasn't strong enough to lift her head up. The most she could do was wiggle her fingers. And her toes.

"Yeah," Nico said.

Then she remembered. She did die. Oh gods. She was dead. Oh dear.

"You brought me back?" she whispered.

"Yeah." Now that Nico had heard it out loud, he couldn't help but feel proud. He brought someone back to life. It was just a bonus that it was someone he loved.

Viscaria jumped up so fast, Nico didn't even know what to do. But then she was hugging him. Hard. Bone crunching hard. Like the kind of hugs you only get from your mother. He sure was havin' a hard time breathing today.

"Nico!" she said into his shoulder. He couldn't tell if she was crying or not. She squeezed him tighter. He would fight through the pain. Just as long as she didn't die again, he could live with the fire.

Viscaria released him just as he was turning blue. He gushed out a breath, only for it to be taken from him again by Viscaria, who at the moment was kissing the life out of him.

The fire was gone. Well, actually a knew one took its place. But this one didn't hurt.

Nico stumbled back Percy and Annabeth. At first, he was alone. Annabeth was worried. He looked different then he had a second ago. He looked a lot more alive.


Annabeth jumped up. "Viscaria?" she called.

"Annabeth?" she heard. Her eyes widened.

They ran to each other.


After hugging Viscaria, Annabeth gave one to Nico.

Percy didn't complain this time.


Once they got back to camp, everyone rejoiced and they had their camp party. No one was told that Viscaria had died, or that Nico had brought her back. Well, except for Mr. D and Chiron.

"Nico," Mr. D nodded to him as he walked by. That was all though. Nico smiled.


He handed Viscaria a flower. A viscaria. They were blooming everywhere, and Nico was glad that they weren't flowers for the dead.

She smiled up at him. She took his hand.

They danced under the brilliant glow of the moon. Every time Nico saw that glow, he couldn't help but smile.


Later that night, as Nico ate his dinner, he couldn't help but apologize to his sister.

He glanced at Viscaria at her table.

He would always have a grudge on Marive. She took the thing he loved most in the world away from him. That should never be taken away from you.

"Why did you let that happen?" Ares asked his secret lover, Aphrodite.

She sighed. "He's had every other hardship this world can thrown at him. I thought that he should at least have one good thing."

"So you made it his love life?" Ares asked incredulously.

"Yes. He deserves to have one. Did you not just see what he did? He brought her back to life! Any man who was willing to do that should deserve that love reciprocated."

"But they are complete opposites!" he argued.

"And we're not?" she countered. "Opposites attract, Ares."

"Whatever you say, Aphro."

She glared at him. "I told you not to call me that!" she yelled at him.

"I know! Sorry," he apologized.

"Jeez, are all brothers annoying?"