A/N: It's the epilouge…it feels so bizzare…so unreal…it's over…it's over…it's over…yeah-it's over. I can't believe it! Can ya'll belive it? Okay, so here I am…babbling away…let's get started with this puppy!

Disclaimer: I don't own the Twilight series, neither do you. But it's still fun to play around with the characters, huh?


*12 Years Later*

"Hey kiddo." I unlocked the door and let EJ in the passenger seat. He threw his red bookbag in the back and sat next to me with a plop. "Seatbelt." I said before turning the key. He sighed dramatically and buckled with hesitation. "Hey-you know the deal…and your mother would kill me if I let you go in the car with no seatbelt…Dammit!" I hit my hand against the steering wheel when I saw the long line of cars waiting to get out.

"Oh…yeah-sucks. I know." He commented and then turned to his phone. He shook his head and began typing out a message.

"Who are you texting?" I asked, attempting to look over. His cheeks colored that very unhealthy shade of red. Yes. That is most certainly Bella's child.

"Um…Karina." He smiled shyly. Yep. That is also my child, he's got everybody wrapped around his finger. I smiled, then chuckled once.

"You are definitely my child, child." I reached over and mussed that mop of hair on his head. And that is my hair…well-the texture and the craziness of the thing, the color is Bella's.

"Where are we going?" he frowned and sat back, he was right-we weren't going home, instead we were going to the hospital. Charlie got shot a few days ago and we didn't think he was gonna make it.

"We are going to see your grandfather." He nodded and went back to texting his girl. Wow. I raised a good one.


I heard laughter outside Charlie's room…granted-it was sad laughter. The kind of laugh that when you are crying and when someone makes you laugh to make you feel better…that kind of laugh. We knocked and saw Bella and Renee sitting around Charlie's bed. I nudged EJ to go hug his grandparents, which he did accordingly. Renee kissed his messy hair and smiled at him.

"Why don't we go for a walk? We can go see the babies?" She said quietly. They walked out, I went over to Bella and gave her a light kiss on the cheek.

"Okay Bells…" gave her a smile "Edward." I get a freaking glare? Why is everybody always so mad at me? "Lemme talk to you both. I don't like you Edward…I never liked you."

"Gee…thanks Chief. It means a lot." He narrowed his eyes at me, Bella's eyes narrowed at me too.

"I never liked you…I still don't like you. Even though you gave me a grandchild, and made my daughter's life…well…awesome, really. I don't like you." Wow. Not cool Chief. "But…I do appreciate all that you've done…"

"Thanks Dad…that means a lot to me." I put my best, most charming smile on my face and gave him it. He shook his head.

"To you, it's Chief Swan." I dropped my jaw, really? Wow, okay man. Whatever. Be cold on your death bed. I hope you go to hell.

Bella and Charlie's own jaws were on the ground, staring up at me with wide eyes. I looked that them confused.

"Did you just tell me to go to hell?" Charlie snapped. I jumped back.

"Wow, you are the worst liar in the world, you dumbass. You said that outloud." Bella shook her head at me. I looked at them, did I really?

"You know I still am the Chief…I can have you arrested right now." He said smartly.

"Crap…sorry dude…I didn't mean it…really." I pleaded.

"Yeah…right." Charlie looked at Bella and beckoned her over, "I love you Bells. And I couldn't have asked for a better daughter-you remember that, kay?" Charlie gave her a kiss on the cheek. Bella's tears seemed endless as she hugged her dying father. Well, about to die. He knew he was going by at least tonight. Must suck…knowing you're about to die. I couldn't imagine…

"Bye Daddy, I love you." She kissed his cheek and squeezed him once.

"Cullen!" he barked when he released Bella, hesitantly I walked forward. He put his hand out. "Take the hand." He rolled his eyes. I put my hand in his and shook his hand. Just before I could go, he pulled me in for a hug, I nearly killed myself by almost falling to the hard floor.

"Uh…Chief…?" I asked, uncomfortable in my father-in-law's arms.

"You did my daughter good boy…real good. Thank you." He whispered. I nodded and ran into the empty bed next to him when I was let go.

"Bye Chief."


"It sucks that Grandpa died." EJ said while we did the dishes that night.

"Yeah…just-don't mention it to your mother, okay? She was really close to him, and it would break her heart to hear about it." I put the dried plate away. He nodded.

"Wow…I married such an idiot…" I screamed like a little girl and dropped a wine glass when I heard the voice behind us. Hey-it came out of nowhere…so just…you know what? You can just shut the hell up!

"No. You didn't 'marry and idiot'" I quoted her. She raised an eyebrow. Then screamed like I just did and looked frightened. That wasn't me, was it? I walked over to her and wrapped her up in a hug.

"But I love my idiot…" she looked up at me.

"Well…what can I say? That Tommy Gun Stole My Heart."

"There were no Tommy Gun's." I looked back at her. She smacked the back of my head and glared at me.

"You're ruining the moment right now, dummy." She said. "So just shut-up and kiss me." My Bella whispered before kissing my lips.

"…What Tommy Gun?" EJ commented, utterly confused.

Bella and I looked at each other with a slight smile on our faces.

"It's a long story." Bella said, shrugging. I smiled cheesily and looked at them both.

"Yeah…with no Tommy Guns."