Roxas leaves the lab. And hides behind a corner.

"Roxas did you plant the charges?" Axel asks looking at his blonde haired friend.

"Yep their all set. Now when Vexen enters his lab. BOOM! Lab pieces everywhere."

"I can't believe this was your idea."

"Yeah it just came to me. That's all."

"Shut up here he comes!"

Vexen walks down the hall. He gets his key out and unlocks his door. The one that Roxas unlocked and then locked again. He opens the door and.......BOOM!!!

"Hahahah!!!" They both laugh almost in unison.

Vexen's hair is stuck back and it looks almost like Axel's hair. He's covered in ash from head to toe. "Axel! Roxas! When I find you two! You'll rue this day I swear!"

"Come on Roxas lets blow this popsicle stand."

"Okay, hey lets go grab some sea salt ice cream." They then leave to go to Twilight Town.

"Hmmm if I dust the lab for finger prints maybe I'll find the culprit or culprits as I should say."

He dusts his whole lab until he finds the trip wire. He puts it under his microscope and looks at the finger prints. "Roxas you'll regret this."

Vexen's POV

He makes a potion of some sort and puts a label on it. "This should make him ever regret messing with me! MWAHAHAHA!!!! Man I really should stop talking to myself." He walks to Demyx's room to find the young mullet haired boy listening to his ipod.

"Oh hey Vexen. What's up?"

"Will you give this potion to Roxas. But, DO NOT SAY IT"S FROM ME! Got it."

"Yeah sure." Demyx scratches his head.

"What do I want from you?"

"Give this to Roxas. Don't say it's from you. Got it!"

"Good now go."

"Okay Vex."

"It's VEXEN!"

"Okay Vexen," he walked down the halls until he got to Roxas's room. He wasn't their so he wrote a note. Which was put on top of the bottle.

Dear Roxas, here is a yummy in the tummy drink I bought for you. Have a swig. Luv your bud bud Demmy!

He exits the room and heads back to his own room. To listen to his songs.

Roxas's POV

"Bye Axel and thanks for the ice cream."

"No prob."

He walks to his room and finds a bottle. He reads the note. "Aw Demyx that's really cool of you to do." He drinks the potion and gets ready for bed.

"Man I, I don't feel to good. I wonder what was in that."

After taking a shower, putting on his night, night pants and reading a little bit of his book. He gets under his sheets and slowly falls asleep.


Sorry for such a short chapter. I promise that future chapters will be longer. But I hope you will continue to stay with the story. Even though the first chapter was short and probably sucked. Please R+R!