A/N Ok guys I am so sorry that I've not written a chapter in such a long time but I have been really stuck, I was really unsure if i was even going to carry this story on but I was rereading the reviews and I knew I had to try and continue. So here is a chapter with a bit more insight into our UNSUB. Enjoy and don't forget to R&R.

Chapter 9 – Murder by numbers – The Police

Unknown POV

The sound of women screaming have always made me smile, when I was younger I used to take pleasure in the shrieks my sister Jane would make when I jumped out at her from behind a wall or tree, the older I got I began to enjoy the screams of females for a different reason.

Hearing a women scream in pleasure because of me gave me a thrill, I liked knowing they were making these noises because of something I was doing, I could spend all night teasing them as long as I got the result I wanted. The best screams however were discovered by accident. M y first serious girlfriend Emily was always a bit feisty, she liked to challenge me and question my authority. One of the ways she achieved this was by withholding the one thing she knew I craved from her. Her screams.

She would laugh in my face afterwards and tease me with the fact that I wasn't talented enough to get her off, this often resulted in me losing my temper and hitting a wall or going to the gym and beating the shit out of a punching bag. One night however I wasn't able to control myself.


"You're such a sorry excuse for a man, can't even fuck your own girlfriend properly. No wonder I'm always so frustrated" Emily laughed in my face.

I could feel my blood boiling, clenching my fists I walked into our bedroom and started to gather my workout clothes.

"Oh yeah, just run off to that place. What? You too scared to have a conversation like a grownup? Hmmm well if you want to take the easy route then so can I. I might just call Lewis and ask him to help relieve some of this pressure I've been feeling. I'm sure he could make me moan or better yet... scream"

I stopped at the doorway and gripped the frame, that little bitch thought she could fuck some other guy and get away with it?

"Baby the only screaming you will be doing will be because of me. So you can just get any idea of calling that little wimp out of your mind"

I could feel my temper rising and knew I needed to get out of the room. Emily however wanted a bit more confrontation it seemed, as she walked to where I was standing and got right into my face.

"Well if you could do your job as a boyfriend properly then maybe I wouldn't feel the need to screw other guys. I mean if you think that I'm going to wait much longer to actually have a fucking orgasm then you've got another thing coming" I watched as a smirk settled on her face.

"So just go baby, the sooner you're gone, the sooner I can call a real man"


I watched as the smirk slid off of Emily's' face and a look of horror replaced it instead. Her hand lifted to her cheek and tears gathered in her eyes, she looked terrified. The funny thing was, I never felt as powerful as right then.

"You hit me! YOU FUCKING HIT ME!" She screamed.

"Em, calm down and move out of my way before I do something much worse"

"No. I won't calm down. I certainly won't sit down either. Get out of my house before I call the police" her voice trembled and I knew that she was being serious.

I grabbed her arm that was pointing at the door and pulled her towards the living room, she struggled to get out of my grip so I held on tighter.

"Ouch, you're hurting me. Let me go. Please" she begged.

I couldn't listen to her though. I knew the first chance she got she would run away and probably make good on her threat to call the cops. I pulled her towards the couch and threw her onto it. I stood for a moment and watched as she shrank into the cushions. Before I could get her to calm down she attempted to get up and head towards the door.

I managed to grab her hair as she went past me and pulled her down to the floor, I straddled her waist so she couldn't get up. She scratched my face so I slapped her again.

"Are you going to calm down now?" I kept her arms above her head with one of my hands.

I felt a wet sensation run down my cheek, wiping my free hand across it I looked down at Emily's determined face.

"That wasn't nice sweetheart. You really shouldn't have done that"

I gripped her head and bit into her neck. Then I heard the one sound that made me smile. She screamed, it was better than a scream of pleasure as well. It was a scream of fear. I knew I had to hear more.

"That's right baby, scream for me. I told you I could make you do it" I laughed.

I moved my hand to the coffee table and grabbed the letter opener that I left there that morning. I traced it down her neck before tearing her blouse open. Trailing it down to her stomach I pressed down into the skin, smiling as I watched a drop of blood appear, she screamed louder.

"Shhh, shhh, shhh. We don't want anyone disturbing our fun now. Do we?" I kissed her lips.

Emily squirmed underneath me, so I pressed down with the opener again.

"Now Kitten, let's hear you some more"

End flashback

I had made her scream for hours on end that night, before I finally got bored of hearing her says please. After I had my fun I wrapped my hands around her neck and kept them there until she went still.

It took me all of 30 seconds to get my breathing back to normal. I had ran into the bedroom and grabbed my suit cover, I had placed Emily's body inside before driving to a nearby lake. Making sure nobody was around I grabbed a deserted rowing boat and dumped her body into the water.

The first few weeks I was on edge, before I realised that nobody suspected a thing. I told the neighbours that Emily had left me and told her family that she had ran off with another man. Everybody was sympathetic and left me to my own devices. Once I knew I was in the clear I started to go over all the details. I would stay up late at night and picture Emily's face as she screamed.

Before long I had the urge to hear screams again, I managed to find the sounds in a prostitute called Candy. She put up a fight and nearly got away a few times, after Candy there was Sarah. She was the one that took my hunger to the next step.

Sarah was a girl that I met in a bar one night. We had got to talking and she let me into her fantasies of vampirism. She told me that she had always gotten off on the letting of blood. We had talked for a while before leaving for a motel that was nearby. There she introduced me to her fantasies.

Later on the next morning as I was cleaning the blood from the floor and removing all trace of me ever being there I realised that I felt stronger. I felt as if there was nothing in the world that could stop me.

I knew it was all down to the new part of my act, it soon became part of my normal routine. I enjoyed the feeling that it gave me and I knew that I was becoming something more than human. My routine went down the drain though when I came across her.

She was crossing the street and looked as beautiful as ever. She hadn't changed since high school yet she looked more grown up than I last remembered. Before I knew what I was doing I was shouting her name and running after her.

We agreed to meet for lunch, where I was informed that she still hung out with her best friend from school and another of our school friends. After lunch was finished we exchanged numbers and promised to meet up later.

We did meet up later, we met up quite a few times and before I even knew what hit me we were going steady. Being with her seemed to rid me of my urges to kill and hear screams, a year passed and I was happy. I was happy with a women that I loved and friends that I cared for. I had a job that I was respected in and was finally in a goof place.

Until someone pointed out that my girl and her friend were awfully close to one another, I tried to reason that they had always been that way but even when I was saying the words doubt was obvious in my voice. I watched them closely and couldn't help but be jealous of the familiarity that they had with each other. He would touch her in places that only I was allowed to touch and knew secrets only I should know.

His girlfriend didn't seem to notice anything wrong but all I could see was Emily laughing in my face and talking about fucking another man. I knew that the monster was unleashed and didn't want to hurt her until I got proof that she was doing me wrong. So I done the next best thing, I targeted women that reminded me of her. Women with long brown hair, big doe eyes and a beautiful pout.

It seemed to quench the thirst that I had when I was around her or her pretty boy best friend. Then one night I tried to surprise her at her flat and discovered the two of them asleep on the couch. That was all the proof I needed, I started to plan my next step to taking my revenge.

I know exactly what I'm going to do and how I'm going to do it. The best thing is that she doesn't know what is going to hit her, all this time she has been searching for me and I've been right under her nose. To make sure that when I carry out my plan everything goes smoothly I'm carrying out a practise run with some homeless girl that I found the other day.

"Hey man, you ok?" pretty boy asks me as I walk to his apartment with him and his fiancé.

"Yeah, sorry bro I just spaced out" I laugh at the fact he's oblivious as her when it comes to my plan.

He opens the door to his apartment and all three of us can hear music coming from the living room, we enter to find my girl sitting with her work colleagues looking over paper work. She looks up and signals at us to give her 5 minutes.

Once that you've decided on a killing
First you make a stone of your heart
And if you find that your hands are still willing
Then you can turn a murder into art

There really isn't any need for bloodshed
You just do it with a little more finesse
If you can slip a tablet into someone's coffee
Then it avoids an awful lot of mess

It's murder by numbers, one, two, three
It's as easy to learn as your ABC
Murder by numbers, one, two, three
It's as easy to learn as your ABC

"I don't know why the UNSUB wants us to hear this, but whatever the reason it's important and we need to study it to discover what he wants us to know. So Parker I need you to get everyone a copy with the lyrics. Guys you need to study it and come back with answers"

My girl was amazing to watch work and whilst in the past I hated her being a part of this dangerous work, now it was exciting to think her part of my world. I looked to our friends and noticed they were not as pleased. Neither of them wanted her near this stuff and I know pretty boy would lock her up if he had half the chance. Just to keep her safe.

"Anyway guys that's enough of work for today. I'm sure you guys remember Edward, Tanya and of course my boyfriend James" Bella smiled.

I smiled as I shook their hands, they were nowhere near to catching me and once I took down Bella they would be too distraught to even think of looking in my direction.

"Hey, nice to meet you again. You guys still on the case of this Williamsburg killer? Boy this guy is smart with all that Bells told us. I sure hope you guys catch him" I smiled knowing the last part would never happen.

All our greatest killers were industrious
At least the ones that we all know by name

Ok guys so as a forgive me present for not updating for ages. I decided to let the big secret out. I just wonder when Bella will work it out. Please R&R and let me know what you think.

Love you guys

Stace xoxoxo