Chapter Seventeen

A Time to Heal

It had been over a year since Beatrice had left with Erik. She had become Madame Erik Le Fleur. Erik had walked in a graveyard looking at stones until he found one that felt right. The name on the stone had been Le Fleur. He didn't question why he felt drawn to that particular name. It did not really matter. He would always be who he had always been underneath all the civilized trappings. For Beatrice he kept that other man hidden deep inside. They had gone to Italy to stay until they decided what they would do and where they would go next. His infamy had as yet not spread that far at least not so as to make him a recognizable figure.

Under pressure from Beatrice Erik had submitted several pieces to publishers. They had bought them asking him if he had more. Erik had begun to live out his dream. Composing music the world would actually hear as well as having the love of a woman. He took on a few students to teach music and give singing lessons. Some applicants did not come back after seeing just who would be teaching there children. Enough stayed that Erik could feel proud of his accomplishment. They did not use the funds he had saved from his days at the opera house after he began to earn money.

They did not live lavishly but had all they needed. Beatrice found she was with child only two months after their wedding vows were exchanged. Calculating her cycle she had to conclud that she had been at least a month pregnant the day she and Erik were wed. The wonder of it all was that Erik being quite a virile man she did not get with child within the first few times they came together.

She had been torn as to whether she wished to carry Erik's child even before marriage but God in his wisdom had not given her that choice. Erik himself had been afraid just what a child of his might look like. Poor Erik had such a hard time of it after learning of her condition. He chastised himself for not taking precautions. He berated himself for placing his tainted seed within her womb. Beatrice scolded him for thinking such things evem as she confessed her own misgivings she had experienced during those first days. Before he could feel any hurt at her words she quickly assured him it had not been a case of not wanting his child at all but the matter of how they could protect such a child from ever experiencing even a small part of Erik's own anquish. At last she declared she wanted his child more than almost anything in the world.

Erik fretted every day until his son was safe in his arms. He cried tears of joy to see that perfect little, wrinkled, red faced, and screaming bundle. He told Beatrice he thought a great tenor had been born. When little Erik Raoul Le Fleur was born Erik and Beatrice thought it was now time to think of a permanent home. Beatrice knew where she wanted to live but convincing Erik would take a few womanly wiles.

Beatrice caught Erik in a moment just after making love to tell him of her home in the country only a few miles from Raoul's estate. She told him that it was where she wished to live and raise her children. Erik Raoul's cousins would be close by. Any lingering memory of her life with Lawrence had been overtaken by so many happy days in Erik's arms.

Erik had protested just as she knew he would. She expected many protests from Raoul as well. Expecting opposition Beatrice had written to Christine. Together they had been working behind their husband's backs. Christine had been receiving letters with drafts inside drawn on a bank in Paris. These she deposited as payment for debts against the Tolliver estate. Everything that had been held as collateral by the bank had been signed over free and clear to Madame Le Fleur.

When Beatrice added kisses and loving caresses to her request Erik called her a Jezebel but gave in eagerly to her persuasive attention. Within a few months Raoul and Erik were neighbors. It took a lot of time and patience for the two men to warm to one another. Christine and Beatrice had asked them did either one of them have a regret for who they had married? Would either of them wish to be with someone other than their wives?

The men gave in. There was no use fighting against logic. After all they both had women who adored them and that they loved wholeheartedly, so what was there to protest? Erik had apologized to both Christine and Raoul. It almost choked him to say the words to Raoul but they needed to be said. Beatrice had made it worth his while later in their bedroom.

Raoul and Erik both had scowled darkly when they were informed they were family. Erik got over it pretty quickly as he quite liked the idea of having so many people he could claim as family. All in all they lived contented lives. Erik left the Phantom and Opera Ghost behind. He became not a man known only to the world for greatness but by a few special people who mattered the most called him husband, father, and friend. To Erik that seemed the greatest compliment of all.


A/N: I thank each and everyone of you who took the time to read my offering and especially those who left reviews or favorited me. My writing has seen me through some very difficult times lately. I thank God for what meager talent I do have. It does give me joy and I hope it does to each and every one of you also. Thank you once again.