Ulrich was sitting on the school steps, waiting for the gang to show up. Sissi came prattling up, with a mean look in her eye. "Ulrich, sweetheart? Can I talk to you?" He rolled his eyes. "You can talk. I'll pretend to listen." She leaned in close. "I was going past your room earlier, when I noticed some papers on your bed. I thought that you might want them for Math class. So I went in and what do you know? They were actually answers to the upcoming test. Very interesting isn't it?" He looked back up at her. "There's no way you can prove those are mine. And they're not." She leaned down even farther, to whisper in his ear. "But no else knows that do they. Now if you don't agree to go to the movies with me on Saturday night, these tests are going to find their way to my father's office, and Yumi's gonna hear that tape saying that you love her."
Ulrich didn't really know what to do. Then, something snapped inside him. He stood up, looking Sissi in the eye. "You know what? You go and tell your daddy that there are answers to the math test, and I'll ask what you're doing in the boys dorm during the day. Maybe meeting William?" Her eyes widened and she took a step back. "And you know what else? Go ahead; tell Yumi that I love her. In fact I'll help you." He snarled as the gang walked up. He turned to Yumi. "Hey Yumi? Do you want to go out to see a movie? And maybe we could have dinner afterward?" Yumi turned bright red. "Really? I'd love to. How 'bout 6 'o clock, so that you're back in your dorm on time?" He smiled. "Yeah I'll see you then."
Yumi exploded into Aelita's room that evening. "You have to come with me to the mall tomorrow!" she shouted, too happy to be quiet. "I want to find something different."
The girls were on a mission, and with 40 dollars, fresh coffee pumping through them, and the girlish excitement of a first date, they were bound to find "The Perfect Outfit". It started at the JCPenny, wound past Old Navy, and ended at Payless Shoe Source. In the end they had a pair of flared blue jeans, ankle boots and a shimmery silver shirt. Yumi agreed to have makeup on, and Aelita would come over tomorrow to do her hair.