Grimmjow opened a portal to the human world and stepped out. He made sure he had a layer of shield around him to mask his reiatsu. He did not want anybody to know he was there. For, believe it or not, he did not feel like fighting right now.

Grimmjow realized that he had been visiting this world more frequently than ever. What was it that brought him here? He did not care much for it before but since fighting those humans, he was here more often than not. He looked around and saw a little girl trip and her mom helping her up; she started crying as blood flowed freely from her knees. God, how he hated this world, how weak they were, not being able to defend themselves against anything, at the mercy of the world. Yet, he kept coming back and reveling in the beauty of his surroundings, the noise of people talking and the animosity of living here, where no one knew him. Nobody knew who the other person sitting across them was or how they lived. Such contrast from Hueco Mundo, where everyone seemed to put their nose in other people's business. Grimmjow wanted to get lost in the crowd and never be found. He laughed suddenly realizing that he was lost, because nobody could see him. He did not feel any contentment even if nobody noticed him.

He was at the park and he started walking around the pond. He stared across at the field where two little boys were wrestling. One got hurt and started to cry; the other kneeled beside his friend and tried to help ease the pain. The crying boy gave a watery smile and soon started laughing. They were rolling across the field again. Grimmjow gave a sad smile and sighed angrily at the flash of memory from his past life; the love, the friendship-at least that's what he thought it was-and then the betrayal. He gave a hoarse laugh and tried to forget about the whole bloody thing. He wanted to fight so badly now, he itched for it. But everywhere he looked, no one was paying him any attention; probably because he was invisible but he did not want to think about it. He was on the verge of ripping the world to shreds when he saw a familiar orange head wading his way with headphones on and his body moving to the music as if there was nothing wrong at all.

He had on a blue running pants and a black shirt, which made his hair stand out in contrast. They had fallen over his eyes, which were the softest brown one could encounter. Finally, thought Grimmjow, some one willing to fight me. He smiled maniacally and prepared for a fight. But he was surprised when the berry-head just walked past without sparing him a glance, as he picked up his phone to answer it. Now Grimmjow was really pissed; even people who could see him were ignoring him? What was it national ignore-Grimmjow-and-piss-him-off day?

He did not understand why he was getting so worked up. The last time he had stepped into this world,Grim had seen the Quinchy boy and though he had not noticed Grimmjow until it was far too late because by that time Grimmjow had already disappeared, Grimmjow had not felt anything except that the Quinchy was one stupid, arrogant boy. Grimmjow turned away suddenly, not wanting to think too deeply about this frustration as Ichigo hung up and swore softly.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Grimmjow turned around again.

"Are your eyes having trouble seeing, berry-chan?"

Ichigo's temper spiked up quickly at the sound of such a nickname.

"Don't Call Me That."

Grimmjow chuckled as Ichigo's face turned red with anger and he took a fighting stance.

"Just so you know, Ichi, people are going to start looking at you weird, what with you talking to the air."

"I don't give a damn. Who the hell gives what they think as long as I kick your ass back to where you came from."

Grimmjow admired that; it took guts to not care about what others thought and do what the hell you wanted. He was starting to like this boy. Look at him, getting angry over nothing and he's was not even in shinigami mode. 'So cute', thought Grimmjow. He stopped his thoughts at once. 'Cute, cute, Ichigo Kurosaki is cute? Since when? How come I did not get a memo?' His mind was in turmoil now. All the chibis in his head were confused. He straightened his face and grinned.

"What, not up to fighting"

"See ya Ichi-san. Until then."

Grimmjow opened a portal and stepped into Hueco Mundo. Ichigo had made his day, without even trying, by just being himself. Also the orange-head boy had given him a lot to think about, that he did not want in his head, so he continued to pushed it away. He shook his head, as if clearing his mind and thought, 'Now that he had made my day, would Ichi-chan be nice enough to make my night?' He grinned.

Ichigo got home and stomped into his bedroom, avoiding his dad's kick and shutting him out of the room. What happened at the park was really weird. Grimmjow had on a different expression this time; rather than the angry one he wore at all times that showed that he was ready to fight. What infuriated Ichigo the most was that the Arrancar had got him all riled up and ready to fight and just left. Who did he think he was? He also had to made sense about the people in the park and had dared to call him berry and ichi and urrhhh… that's the one thing he could not take. Now, he was angry and had no one to vent it on. He started picing his room when Yuzu popped her head into his room.

"Nii-san, we are going out to eat, you coming?"

"nah, not today."


He saw his dad and sisters get into the car and drive away. He went to the kitchen to get something to eat. He saw a bunch of donuts, grabbed them and hurried back to his bedroom. He stopped suddenly when he saw Grimmjow lying on his bed.

"What the fuck? What are you doing her?"

"Are those donuts? Haven't had one in a long time."

"One more time, what are you doing here? I have seen you two times too many. What the hell do you want?"

"You blind? I am lying on your bed and I want a donut. And if you are willing, I want the strawberry also. Just one, all I am asking for."

"Social visit huh? Here's a donut, don't have any strawberries, now get out." Ichigo might be in the mood to fight, but he knew that in this situation, it was lose-lose for him.

"But you do, you do so have a strawberry, such a yummy looking one too. I do believe I want this delicious strawberry." Grimm grazed his eyes across Ichigo's body.

Ichigo understood what he was implying and he got angrier if that was even possible.

"You fucker."

Ichigo used "the badge" to get into shinigami mode and attacked Grimmjow with his sword up. Grimmjow easily evaded and stood beside Ichigo's body.

"So considerate of you, berry-chan. Now I can do whatever I want without resistance." He said as she picked up the slack body.

Grimmjow licked his lips and his eyes darkened with lust as looked up at the shinigami Ichigo while running his fingers about the lifeless body. Ichigo pulled his body away from Grimmjow and put himself back in. By the time he had adjusted to his body again, he was between the wall and Grimmjow (a rock and a hard place..hehe).

Ichigo could feel Grimmjow against him, all hard muscles, then he felt something move against his lower stomach, yep all hard. Grimmjow moved his arms around, as to enclose Ichigo to himself. He breathed in Ichigo's scent.

"Chocolate, god you smell like chocolate, so fitting. I just want to eat you up."

Grimmjow flicked his tongue out at Ichigo's neck and made him shiver under softening blue eyes. 'Salty', thought Grimmjow, 'He tastes salty, such an intriguing contrast.'

Ichigo started to pull away but Grimmjow pulled him closer, rubbing against him. Ichigo felt himself get hard and pushed Grimmjow back, struggling to break the contact or to get more of it, he didn't know himself. Then, he was breathing hard and his hands were roaming around Grimmjow's body, trying to touch everything. Inside Ichigo's mind, there ruled chaos. 'What am I doing? What am I letting him do? Ohh..that feels good..mmm..more… to stop..but why?'

"I can't do this. We can't do this." Ichigo managed to gasp out.

"Sure we can." Grimm grinned his devil-be smile into Ichi's neck.

"But we shouldn't."

"Why deny pleasure to our body, it's not fair is it Ichi-chan?" 'Please, please don't say no.' He lowered his lips onto Ichigo's cheekbones and trailed soft kisses.

"Who gave you permission to call me that? Got get your self fucked bastard." Ichigo half-heartedly tried to push his soon to be lover away.

"That was my intention when I came here today."

By this time, they were grinding against each other, setting the rhythm for what was to come. Grimmjow leaned down and kissed Ichigo hard, intruding into his mouth. He trailed his tongue between Ichigo's luscious lips. Ichigo parted and let him in. Their tongue started to take part in a fierce battle, one sneaking around the other, both frantic as if they needed it to survive.

Grimmjow's fingers nimbly unbuttoned Ichigo's shirt and helped him out of it. Ichigo pulled at Grimmjow's jacket at the same time his other hand roamed to his pants and stroking Grimmjow's length then giving it a firm squeeze. 'Am I doing this right?' floated in his mind but it soon floated right out when Grimm groaned, closing his eyes.



Grimmjow let out a long moan as he took Ichigo's mouth again and his roaming hands about two perfect globes. He squeezed them and Ichigo squirmed in his arms. Hurriedly, he pulled Ichigo's pants down. Ichigo stepped back to step out of his pants and pulled his boxers down too. His hands snaked to undo Grimmjow's pants. Grimmjow quickly peeled them off, picked Ichigo up and walked to Ichigo's bed. He put Ichigo down and started to lick his ears, his fingers working on his nipples. Ichigo arched to Grimmjow's touch, wanting to feel more. He brought his legs up and around Grimmojw's waist to cradle his penis.

Grimmjow let out a groan as Ichigo bucked against him. He took one of the donuts-jelly filled one- and broke it. He pushed Ichigo down and spread it on his chest.


"I did say I was hungry." Was the husky reply.

Ichigo was panting by this time and could barely think . He stopped trying to talk when Grimmjow started licking, sucking and biting anywhere and everywhere on Ichigo's body, giving him numbers of hickies. Ichigo grapsed Grimm's hair and held on tight.

"mmm, raspberry jelly with my strawberry"

"ahhh. Grimm now. Need it now."

"Need what?"

Ichigo didn't know what he needed but he needed it now.


"You need me, inside you, now." Grimm instructed.

Ichigo nodded, his face flushing pink.

"Say it, I want to hear it."

Ichigo paused, not wanting to beg but gave up when he thought about the pleasure he would get.

"Need you inside now.—" How far should he take the begging? "Your big hot—"

Ichigo stopped mid-sentence when Grimmjow took hold of his length. He gasped as he felt the sensation of cold fingers on his throbbing dic, down to his toes. Grimmjow gave a self-satisfied smile. With Grimmjow busy, Ichigo got a donut-jelly filled!—and pushed Grimmjow and efficiently flipped him so the Arrancar was on the bottom. His hands scooped the jelly out and slathered it on Grimmjow's penis. Ichigo slowly brought his hands to his mouth and slowly licked his fingers, sucking them and making a delighted sound.

"Ichi, is the strawberry jelly?"

"As far as my taste buds tell me." Ichigo felt wicked. He sucked on his fingers, making Grimmjow's member jump in anticipation. He was out of breath now by just looking at Ichigo. He could not take much more of this.

"Suck. Now."


Ichigo was cut off (again) as Grimmjow's hands pulled his head down. So now, he was face to face with a very excited, swelling penis. 'Change that not face to face rather it was face to uhh…head', Ichigo mused.

"What are you waiting for, and invitation?" Grimm growled.

"That would be nice since I'd hade to intrude."

Before Grimmjow could reply, he stuck out his tongue to take a test-taste of his lover. Ichigo had never in his whole life imagined himself giving a guy a blowjob. Nevertheless, here he was, and happily anticipating the reaction and later the payback. He took Grimmjow into his mouth, his tongue circling as he took the jelly into his mouth and then swallowing it. He sucked and gave nips. Everything he did made Grimmjow want more and more, so he thrust into Ichigo's mouth. Ichigo gave a sound of choking before adjusting to the rhythm and taking hold of Grimmjow's hips to steady him; his hands letting go of their previous activity of playing with the balls. Grimmjow felt as if he was in heaven; he knew he was going to come any minute. Ichigo looked up at him, penis still in his mouth, confused when Grimmjow stopped moving. His eyes were dilated and his hair messier than usual. There was jelly lining his lips, making him look more than edible.

Grimmjow pushed himself up, took hold of Ichigo's lean waist and laid him beside himself on the bed. Side by side, staring at each other they started kissing again. Grimmjow licked Ichigo's lips as not to miss any jelly. Ichigo shivered, Grimm smiled in appreciation of the sexy picture Ichigo made, turned Ichigo around so they fit together perfectly.


"No" Ichigo shouted, trying to get away from Grimm once more.

"fine.." Grimm moaned as he took Ichi's lips onto his own, his hands playfully stroking Ichi's no-so-excited length. Once Ichigo was fully involved in the pleasure of love making, Grimm spoke up, "say if you don't want to.."

"I want…to.." Ichigo steeled himself, it was now or never; this was an opportunity to get experience and the fact that Grimm was such a great partner helped too.

Grimm circled the puckered hole with his fingers, ready to make the first penetration. Ichigo placed a kiss on Grimm before pushing the fingers away, "I-let me do it.."

Grimmjow's eyebrows disappeared into his head and he nodded mutely. He watched as Ichigo sat himself on his knees, his butt in the air. The Shinigami brought the fingers to his lips and sucked on them gently, generously coating them. He trembled inside, he had read that it hurt…

Then, he looked at his awestruck lover who kept his eyes on all his movement and gave him a wink. The flush covering Grimm's neck made him confident.

He placed his fingers above his entrance and circled it as Grimm had moments before. Making eye contact with Grimm, he pushed a finger in. He let out a hiss of pain, yep it definetly hurt. Two and three and some how the pain was lost and he was beginning to feel a jolt of pleasure. He brought his fingers in and out, completely forgetting about his audience.

"You haven't forgotten me I hope.." Grimm murmured into Ichigo's lips before his own fingers joined Ichigo's. Ichigo choked, no more, he was ready.


Without warning, Grimmjow drove in Ichigo from the back. Ichigo arched away, his fingers taking hold of the bed's side to support himself. Grimmjow thrust in more and slowly kissed Ichigo's back. They danced this dance of inching away and thrusting in a little more. Grimmjow then took hold of Ichigo's hips and pushed into Ichigo's tightness. His hands snaking around, Grimmjow took hold of Ichigo in his hands, stroking, squeezing and pulling gently.

"stop teasing.." said Ichigo tightly

Grimmjow chuckled. He started pumping Ichigo's length and into him, Ichigo's eyes glazed as satisfaction was building inside of him. He groaned and moaned and was not shy in telling Grimmjow just what to do. Watching Ichigo pant and shiver, Grimmjow came inside of Ichigo as Ichigo came all over Grimmjow's hands.

Grimmjow pulled out and they lay there catching their breath. Grimmjow looked over at Ichigo who was digging his fingers in to the bed and breathing hard and softly saying Grimmjow's name. Grimmjow got hard again and ready to go. Towering over Ichigo, he pushed Ichi's legs apart and drove in. Ichigo looked at Griimjow as he entered him, his eyes had darkened in desire, turning his ice blue eyes in to a raging storm of lust. Grimmjow held himself inside and felt Ichigo tighten around him. He pulled back and plunged in again and again, his lips drawing blood as the pleasure swept inside of him.

Ichigo felt himself grow hard, took his erection into his own hands and started pumping fast, his mouth opening up in a silent scream of desire.

Grimmjow saw this and he started thrusting faster, harder, deeper. He brought his thumb to Ichigo's erection and brushed it over the head where some leftover ejaculation was resting. Ichigo looked at Grimmjow to see him bring his thumb to his mouth and lick it. Ichigo licked his dry lips and let go.

As soon as Ichigo licked is swollen lips with his red lush tongue, Grimmjow broke down. They both rode on their orgasms, Grimmjow shooting into Ichigo and Ichigo onto Grimmjow. Grimmjow fell on top of Ichigo, spreading the come on to Ichigo as well.

Grimmjow pushed himself off of Ichigo after a moment and they lay next to each other, their desires sated—for now—and his eyes closed. Grimmjow's hair was a totally adorable mess of blue and his body sprawled carelessly and sexily on the bed. He had a come hither smile on his face as he gazed at Ichigo. In a second, Ichigo was ready to go again. He looked down and himself and then at Grimmjow who was also looking at him. Grimmjow became erect also and got close enough to suck on Ichigo's chocolate-topped nipples. Ichigo pushed him away.

"No , you said one."

"One more can't hurt and anyway you want to too."

"Yes it can and anyway it does not matter if I want to or not, I wouldn't be able to walk to school tomorrow."

"Then don't go, we can do all the things we won't get tonight."

"Can't do that," Ichigo said as he pushed Grimmjow away, "You to leave now, my family's gonna be back any second."

"Just say you don't wanna have sex, why don't chya? You are one of God's sensual creatures, behave like one."

Ichigo sighed as he gave away to Grimmjow nibbling on him. He let his body welcome Grimmjow.

"mmm, but no sex."

"Uh-huh" which probably meant, 'not unless you kick me out of your house, kicking and screaming.' And that Ichigo didn't want to do at all. He rather liked laying in Grimm's arms.

Ichigo pulled Grimmjow and planted a kiss that was all domination, and Grimm softened it to something soft, something that felt right but had no place to belong here.

"Good night?" Ichi whispered against Grimm's satin skin.

"Best night…" Grimm trailed off as he melted into Ichigo's ministrations.

They pulled the covers up and they slowly, almost painfully dance under it.

Ichigo woke up to a banging at his door as usual, but something was different today, he felt sore in one concentrated place yet completely satisfied and giddy. Then, all memories of last night come back to him like flood. He felt awarmth that his side, turned around and saw a sleeping Grimmjow. 'So cute', thought Ichigo.

"Time to wake up Ichigo", his father's voice boomed.

Grimmjow cracked open his eyes, and as he saw Ichigo, he smiled and wrapped his arms leisurely around his lover's naked waist and leaned over to kiss him. Ichigo kissed him back and in the soft flesh soon forgot about the knocks on the door.

"I'm coming in."

"No," yelled Ichigo as he sharply pulled away from Grimm but he kept his hands on Grimm's chest. Then he whispered to Grimmjow, "You have got to leave."

"I can't go now. If I go to Hueco mundo naked. I'll be a laughing stock."

Ichi blinked, "What's wrong with your clothes?" he said as he looked at the pile of clothes laying on his floor.

"I don't wanna…" Grimm wanted to stay in this cacoon…forever.

As the door opened slightly, Ichigo pushed Grimmjow under the blanket and Grimmjow positioned himself at Ichigo's groin.

Isshin ran in but stopped abruptly as he saw that Ichigo was not the only one in the bed.

"You have a visitor."

"…Ya" Ichigo tried to not panic

"Son, we should have had this talk a long time ago-"

He was interrupted by Ichigo who was red and yelling. "Just get out. We'll talk later, or not. We don't even have to talk about this, don't you think it's a bit late now?"

"I hope you used a condom, you don't want to get her pregnant do you?" Isshin looked at his son carefully, "You don't want a child, right? Although a I have been looking forward to having a grand-child."

"Just get the hell out." Ichigo was on the verge of throwing something at his stupid father. 'If anyone's getting pregnant, it's going to be me but you don't know your son is gay and is sleeping with the enemy…so there.'

Isshin grinned stupidly at Ichigo and ran out. Ichigo and Grimmjow heard Isshin yelling and telling to anyone who would hear "My son has become a man!"

Ichigo groaned . Grimmjow flicked his tongue at Ichigo's penis and said, "a man huh?"

Ichigo jumped out of the bed and started to get dressed, his face the loveliest red.

"You are so cute."

"Get out before anyone sees you."

"Alright alright. So, do you want to be my child's mother?"

Grimmjow grinned as Ichigo slammed the door closed and lay down. He curled up and fell asleep, a little sleep never hurt anyone any.