Chapter Fourteen

Seven years later

"Anthony Caleb DiNozzo Jr. and Anthony Demario DiNozzo, get your butt's down here now!" Ziva DiNozzo yelled up the stairs of their house when she heard a loud thumping followed by a scream from upstairs.

"Ima, what did I do? She's the one who hit me," AJ wined from atop the staircase.

"Stop bugging Riana, you know she will hit you. And Tony, you should know better than to join in," Ziva said.

A year after their wedding, Ziva gave birth again in June. This time it was a healthy baby girl, named Mariana Eliya DiNozzo. She is named after Tony's grandmother and mother, Maria and Anna, and the middle name Eliya after Ziva's mother. After her birth, Ziva and Tony discovered that their apartment was too small for all four of them. Shortly after, they moved into a house in Georgetown, about twenty minutes from the naval yard, especially with Ziva's driving. The house was two stories tall with white paint and blue shutters.

The next year, in July, Ziva and Tony welcomed another baby, a girl names Vitalia Caitlin DiNozzo. She was due in August, but was born a month premature. Ziva had gone into labor, but when the doctors saw that the cord had become wrapped around Vitalia's neck, they performed an emergency C-section. Her heart had stopped once during birth, and Tony was freaking out the entire time. But Vitalia survived all of that, and is now a healthy five year old. While pregnant, Ziva and Tony kept arguing over what to name her. Ziva wanted to name her Talia, after her sister, but Tony wanted to name her Vita, after his Nonna. But when she was born, they chose to combine the names to form Vitalia, which means "full of life" in Italian. They thought the name was perfectly fitting, considering what she had been through so far in her short life.

After the birth of each child, Ziva and Tony would bring the kids to Tel Aviv to visit their zaide David. Sadly, Tony's Nonno and Nonna had passed away a year after AJ was born, so Mariana and Vitalia never got to meet them.

Now, eight years after everything had started, the entire family was living together happily. AJ was now eight, and was exactly like his father. His hair had lightened since his birth, and was curly and light brown. He had green eyes that were the exact shade as his father's. He had Ziva's tanned skin, and Tony's facial features. He was always hungry, like his father. Two years ago, he had started playing pee-wee league football, and Tony could not have been more proud in him.

Six year old Mariana, or "Riana" as everyone called her, is a spitting image of her mother. She has long, dark curly hair that falls halfway down her back. She has dark brown eyes, olive skin and a younger version of Ziva's face. When looking at a picture of her and a picture of Ziva at her age, they look so much alike you can't tell them apart. Riana has the same attitude as her mother also. She started karate a year ago, and is already an orange belt. In addition, she doesn't back down from anyone and stands up for herself and her family. In a lack for words, she is a tomboy. This year in first grade, she got sent down to the office for beating up a boy in her class, Mark. When the principal asked her why she beat him up, Riana said that he told her she threw like a girl. Tony shook his head, while Ziva chuckled slightly. She had asked her mom and dad if she could play football with AJ, but they refused. They said she could play soccer instead, so she is starting that in the fall.

Five year old Vitalia, or "Lia," is an even mix of both Tony and Ziva. She has wavy, brown hair and the same green eyes as Tony and AJ. She also has Ziva's tanned skin, like all of the other kids, and her mouth. She had Tony's nose and eye shape. She was a complete girly-girl, and nobody knew where that came from. She loves pink and playing with dolls, and just started ballet this year. While Riana was closer to Ziva, and AJ was close with both his parents, Lia was completely Tony's little princess.

"But Ima," AJ started, but was cut off by Ziva.

"Do not 'But Ima,' me AJ, I heard you instigating her, saying 'hit me, you won't do it, you're a girl.'"

"But she still shouldn't really hit me," he wined.

"And that is why you are both getting fifteen minute time outs. Now both of you go to your own rooms," Ziva said.

Riana cried when she got punished. "Ima, why am I getting in trouble too? He started it," she said as she pointed at AJ.

"I know he started it tateleh, but you should not have hit him," Ziva said. "Now come on, get to your rooms. Hurry up." AJ and Riana scurried up the stairs, and Ziva and Tony heard two doors slam.

"Sweet cheeks, don't you think you were a little hard on them," Tony said as he wrapped his arm around Ziva's waist.

"I think I was fair, my little hairy butt. He started it, and she hit him. Violence is not acceptable, and he should not have been making fun of her," Ziva said. "And they know not to cross me when I am pregnant." She rubbed her seven month pregnant belly subconsciously.

They were expecting another baby, a boy who they would name Daniel Elijah DiNozzo. Ziva had suggested Marcus, but Tony refused. He said it was too close to his father's name, Marco, and he didn't want his kids "to have anything to do with that sick bastard," in his own words.

The first sign that told Ziva was pregnant would be her cravings for either cookies and cream ice cream or pickles. When Ziva was pregnant with Lia, Tony actually noticed her cravings first, as Ziva hadn't thought anything odd about them. When she started getting morning sickness, they took the pregnancy test, and found they were expecting again.

A few minutes later, Ziva and Tony were sitting on the couch, watching the news. They soon heard the front door open, and saw a little girl running up to them. "Daddy, daddy, where are you?" Lia said as she ran around the downstairs of the house.

"I'm in the living room with Ima, princess," he said as Lia rushed into the living room.

"Daddy, Ima, I missed you!" she yelled as she ran to Ziva and Tony, hugging them each.

"We missed you too, princess. How was shopping with Auntie Abby?" Ziva asked as Lia sat on Tony's lap.

"It was great! We went to the mall, and I got a new tu-tu for ballet. It's pink and it has sparkles on it and it's so pretty." Lia rambled on for a few more minutes before she was out of breath.

"Did you remember to thank Abby?" Tony asked when Lia was done talking.

"Yes I did, I'm a good girl," Lia said, beaming with pride because she remembered to say thank you.

"Yes you are little princess," Tony said as he picked her up and swung her around. He then put her on the couch, and tag-teamed with Ziva to tickle attack her.

Although Ziva was currently on maternity leave, she and Tony both still worked for NCIS. There was a day care center for children whose parents worked at NCIS, so all three kids went there until they were old enough for school. However, both Ziva and Tony had cut back on their hours. They would arrive at 0800, after dropping off the kids at school, and leave at 1730, unless there was a tough case. Ziva would leave at 1430 to pick the kids up from school and take them to NCIS, where they would either stay in the bullpen with their Uncle Timmy or Uncle Gibbs, the director's office with Auntie Jenny or in the lab with Auntie Abby. They would see Uncle Ducky throughout the day, because Ziva and Tony didn't want the kids going down to autopsy just yet.

Ziva always made sure the kids were home by 1830, even if that meant leaving work and Tony when there was a tough case that went late. Tony would get a ride home from McGee or Ducky when he stayed late, since they drove to work together.

When Ziva and Tony returned from their honeymoon, Ziva surprised Tony by showing him the papers that would legally change her last name from David to DiNozzo. While in Israel, Ziva had completed the paperwork at Mossad to change her from Officer Ziva David to Officer Ziva DiNozzo without Tony knowing. She had to fill out the forms in both countries, because she was both an Israeli and American citizen now. Tony had been shocked that she would legally change her name. He thought she would hyphenate it, or keep her name David at work. Now on Gibbs' team there was Special Agent Tony DiNozzo and Mossad Officer Ziva DiNozzo. It could be a bit confusing at times, especially when Gibbs would call out for "DiNozzo," and both would reply. After a while he had decided to keep calling Tony "DiNozzo," since he had ever since he had been on the team, and would call Ziva "Ziva" or "Officer DiNozzo," to stop the confusion.

"Ima, where are AJ and Ri-Ri?" asked Lia. She hadn't been able to say Riana until recently, so she was still getting used to calling her Riana instead of Ri-Ri.

"They are up in time out. They should be down any minute now." As if they heard Ziva, AJ and Riana came running down the stairs, still fighting about something.

"Shut up Riana, you hit like a girl," AJ taunted.

"Don't make me show you again how hard I hit," Riana threatened as they entered the living room to join Ziva, Tony, and Lia.

"Anthony Caleb and Mariana Eliya, you just got out of time out, do not make me put you there again," Ziva said sternly when they were standing in front of her. "Now apologize."

They both mumbled "sorry," and then stuck their tongues out at each other before.

"Now go get ready. We have to leave in ten minutes for football and soccer practice," Tony said, and then both children ran back to their rooms to get ready.

After AJ and Riana finished getting ready, all five of them packed into their mini van and headed towards the field where both football and soccer practice was being held. After Riana, Ziva and Tony both decided that they needed a bigger car, like a mini van, to cart their kids around everywhere. However, neither wanted to trade in their own car to get it. In the end, Ziva had given up her mini, and Tony got to keep his mustang. This way they could take that when they went out just the two of them instead of the van.

"Daddy, can I do cheerleading next year? I can cheer for AJ's team," Lia said from the backseat on the way to practice.

"No way, I don't want the baby cheering at my games," AJ complained.

"I may be a baby but at least I'm not ugly," Lia spat back.

"Anthony Caleb, Vitalia Caitlin, stop arguing now," Tony said to calm them down. Whenever their parents used their middle names, the kids knew they needed to stop whatever they were doing to make them mad.

"But he called me a baby," Lia said.

"But she called me ugly," AJ said simultaneously.

"And I don't care, you shouldn't fight." Both kids sighed before Tony continued. "Princess, you can do whatever you want, and you aren't a baby. And little guy, you aren't ugly so don't listen to her."

In a year, Ziva would have the option of retiring from Mossad. She decided that she would retire, so there was no chance of her getting called back to Israel. After her retirement, she could either get a desk job at the Israeli Embassy or become NCIS Special Agent Ziva DiNozzo, instead of Liaison Officer Ziva DiNozzo. She had made her decision, but had kept it a secret from everyone until she knew it was the right time to tell them. She decided that that night at dinner was when she was going to tell them.

After AJ and Riana finished their respective practices, the DiNozzo's went home and sat down for dinner. "Family, I have an announcement to make," Ziva said when everyone had settled down.

"Are we finally getting a puppy?" Riana asked excitedly.

Ziva and Tony chuckled before she continued. "No, Riana, we are not getting a puppy just yet. After much thinking, and input from many sources," Ziva said as she shot a glare at Tony, who simply smiled sheepishly, "I have decided what I am going to do after I retire from Mossad next year."

She paused for a moment, and when she didn't continue Tony was confused. "Well, are you gonna tell us or not?" he asked.

"I paused for dramatic effect, as you would say. I have decided that I am going to work at the Israeli Embassy, not for NCIS." The kids just shrugged before returning to dinner.

After dinner, Ziva and Tony were in their bedroom as they continued the talk they had over dinner. "Now, I know that you are upset that I will not continue working with you Tony, but there are many reasons why I decided to leave NCIS. One, it is safer working for the Embassy than NCIS. I do not want something to happen that would leave our children without a mother. Also, at the Embassy, I have to be at work for 0800 and leave at 1700, meaning that I can be home with the kids longer instead of them being at NCIS. It is the best way."

Tony sighed. "Yeah I know, but I'm still going to miss working with you."

"I will miss working with you too. However, you are going to be getting your own team soon I heard, and we would not be able to work together anyways. You could not be my boss and my husband." Tony had been informed that after Gibbs retired, which would be in a few more years, Tony would take over as team leader, and according to NCIS policy, you cannot be on the same team as your husband or wife is he or she is the team leader.

"Now I'm gonna have to make fun of Probie all by myself. It's gonna be weird, 'cause we've worked together for more than ten years."

"He has been at NCIS for about fifteen years, I think he is no longer a probie," Ziva said. Tony simply shrugged before she continued. "But I feel as if I made the right decision," Tony had put his arm around her, and Ziva was snuggling into his embrace.

"I'll be fine, don't worry about me. How are we going to tell Gibbs though?" Tony asked. He was nervous about telling him that one of his best agents would no longer be working with him. "You know how much he hates training newbies," Tony said.

"We will cross that mountain when we get to it," Ziva said.

"Bride. We will cross that bride. You've been in America for almost fifteen years Ziva, come on!" Tony said jokingly, and Ziva slapped him in the chest.

They finished getting ready for bed, and were now lying down on the bed. Ziva's head was on Tony's chest, and he has his arm around her waist. "I love you, Daniel Elijah," he said as he rubbed his hand over Ziva's belly. "And I love you, Ziva DiNozzo."

"As I love you, Anthony DiNozzo," Ziva said as she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Here you go, this is the final chapter of Casual. I know, it's really sad ): But, I do have another idea for a story in my mind, so I'll start writing that soon if I have time. It is not a sequel to this, as this one is over completely. Thank you all for reading and reviewing.

Please remember to review; I would like to know what I can fix to make my next story better. Thank you (: