All material of or relating to Tenchi Muyo! is copyrighted by AIC, BeStach, Geneon Entertainment, and Vap.

Nightly, I would tuck my children into bed, assuring them often that all was well. However, my daughter would always ask me, "Why do you cry at night, Mother?" I would tell her the truth.

"I cry for our people."

"But, we are prosperous, Mother," she would answer, for she was educated and observant.

I would smile and tell her, "I know, my dear, and you will make us more so. I cry for our fallen warriors."

For years, she accepted this and slept, but she grew and would no longer be sated. That is when I told her of what I saw in my dreams.

* * *

I stood amongst the flames, fields of our trees burning. I could hear our people crying, screaming for help. Above me, crystal shards fell with the fiery leaves as crimson and azure burst, clashing against one another. Before me, the palace crumbled, its branches aflame.

And, I was horrified, pleading for rescue.

Then, I saw him, a knight paladin, shining and true. I could see his eyes, courageous and virtuous. With a white sword, he protected me from the fires.

But, at his side was a Shadow, its blade fierce and bloody. I turned away in fear, but he consoled me.

"Do not fear this Shadow, for it loves the Light as you."

I believed him and accepted it. The specter pointed to the fields and said, "Behold, the War reborn."

In the fields, I saw a woman of the Light, brilliance burning through the ranks. However, I could see a beast of Shadow at her side, clawing and snarling as the two fought.

Nearby, another figure struck the Enemy. In his right hand burned the Light, but his left was consumed by the Dark. I asked my protector who he was, and the answer was "the child of the War."

Then, I witnessed the last of them, and he also saw me. His eyes burned gold as the Darkness consumed him, and he spewed it back, White and pure.

From the War, these Five came before me and knelt. I asked them why, and the woman answered, "In respect for the fallen."

She pointed to the sky, and I saw the Two: the Woman of Mystery and the Mother of Darkness. With mighty swords and shields of Power, they bitterly fought until one remained on high.

I wept, not only for the fallen, but also for the victor, and the victims yet to come: children thrust into a war that was not theirs. Among them, I could see green eyes shining back while a monster hung over them, muscle and flesh woven over branches and crystals.

The Five left me for the children, joining their battle with this Demon of Science. The battle grew ferocious, and I turned away, unable to watch these little ones put through such times.

A roar cried out, forcing me to look again. From the children, a blaze stood with glorious wings, an Angel of Fire. This one was joined by the Woman of Mystery, and they cut down the Mother of Darkness.

Around me, the heavens broke open and shone the Light down upon me. I smiled as I bathed in the Light, but the Angel turned to me, its wings open wide.

"Now, Jurai basks in both Light and Dark," it said.

Through the Light, I saw Jurai peaceful again, both our people and the Shadows parting without sword or whip. The palace was rebuilt, and a new age came to be for our people.