Author Note: This story takes place after Episode 11 of Season 3, Eclipse Part 2. To make this story flow the way I imagined it, Gabriel already has the ability of truth, in other words he can already tell if someone is lying to him. Hope you like it.

He fled.

He told himself it was because Noah Bennett would track him down. He would be looking for him everywhere. Gabriel had to leave if he didn't want to be captured. He had no other choice.

Gabriel rolled his eyes at that thought. He knew that the only reason that he ran from the beach, shirt dried with blood, was because he killed Elle.

He killed the one person that he had made a true connection with. The only one that had accepted his faults, his kills. For a few hours his judgment wasn't clouded with murderous thoughts. But he had killed her for a stupid power, for the god damned hunger. He thought he had changed, but when the sun came out from under moon his animal-like nature shined through again.

He was disgusted with himself. A stage of self loathing was overcoming him as he stayed in a small hotel, just outside some city. He didn't know where he was exactly, he didn't care.

He needed time to think. Of Elle, of himself, of a purpose.

He had begun to write. Anything that would come to mind. It was a form of recovery, at least that was what he told himself. If he got his emotions out on paper, then maybe, just maybe he could suppress himself.

He threw the notebook and pen across the room. It was a stupid idea.

He needed a distraction, but he had already folded and refolded his clothes, repositioned all the small toiletries, made his bed, and dusted the spotless room. He needed to feed a hunger that was growing inside of him. He could pretend that he was just passing time for an event that wouldn't ever present itself. He wanted to desperately to feel the natural wind instead of the artificial kind he created as he swung his folded clothes in all directions. He wanted to feel the warm sun against his skin, but knew he had to settle for seeing the white rays shine through the closed blinds.

He wouldn't allow himself to go outside. He had barricaded himself in the white walls of a small motel room until he knew what he was looking for.