Amethyst: I hope you like the epilogue. I didn't spend too much time on it but I hope it's satisfactory anyway. It's about half as long as the previous chapter.

One week later

I lay on my bed in my room. I was finishing some history assignment which had spent a number of weeks or months uncompleted. I had taken up residence at the Tsukiyomis since I didn't exactly have a life to go back to.

Easter was no more. We all planned to watch it blow sky high on Saturday afternoon. As for the director, he was currently spending time in a high security prison. The authorities had investigated Easter (by an anonymous tip) and they found everything they needed to arrest the director and sentence him to life in prison. Kairi had spent the week rigging the place with explosives in such a way that when the authorities came to investigate, they'd think it was an explosion due to a gas leak. We let them in once to secure the director's cell in prison but we didn't want them to find out more than they needed to.

I sighed and opened my third history textbook. "This is impossible. Why do I have to know all of this stuff?"

"Because you're a normal girl now."

I turned. Ikuto stood in the doorway and he smirked. "And that means that you have a lot of homework to do as pointless as it may seem."

"Let me guess," I said with an eyeroll. "You finished yours."

"Ten minutes ago," He confirmed. "I'm off to Amu's house to celebrate."

"Lucky," I muttered and he began to move away from the door. "You know… I didn't hear you enter."

"You're getting lazy Rima, that's all," He answered with a smile.

"Is that a bad thing?" I asked.

"You tell me."

I sighed. "Practicing stealth and martial arts won't help me finish this any faster. I'll see you later."

Ikuto nodded. "I'm off and one word of advice, Kukai is here so you might want to stay away from the living room if you don't want to see a Kuutau make out session."


"Yup. Utau quite likes the name and it's stuck."

"So Amu and Ikuto…" I said with a mischievous smile and Ikuto's face turned ever so slightly pink. "… Amuto? That sounds good."

Ikuto turned and left the room muttering something which sounded like 'Rimahiko'. I smiled and turned back to my homework. Nagihiko hadn't come out of the hospital yet. It turns out that the idiot had a rare blood type. His sister gave blood but he still needed more and it took a few days for the blood he needed to get to the hospital. In addition, the holes in his back needed to be repaired. I smiled. He was strong and he had Kusu Kusu, Rhythm and Tai on board to help him out. He'd come out of the hospital any day now.

"Any day or any second?"

I immediately turned to the window to come face to face with the person I'd been least expecting. Nagihiko sat in the windowsill with a smile on his face. He didn't look injured or tired at all. I didn't even realize that I was on my feet until I was steps away from rushing into Nagihiko's arm. Nagihiko almost fell out of the window from the impact.

"H-Hey!" Nagihiko cautioned me as he tried to regain his balance but I was too busy clinging to him to care. He quickly relaxed and hugged me back which meant that he didn't care that much either. "Rima," He said slowly.

"Uh hmm…" I mumbled.

I had closed my eyes and savoured the sound of his voice. It was so true that you never really knew how much someone meant to you until they were gone. I took in his scent and listened to his every word. Every little thing mattered to me now and there was no way that I was going to let anything bad happen to him ever again.

"You're getting lazy, Rima," He said. "I was sitting here for about ten seconds before I said anything."

"Maybe…" I said slowly, "… but you answered me when I hadn't said anything."

"At least your memory is still intact," He said with a grin. "Tai read your mind. He's here if you want to see him."

No sooner than he had said the words than Tai seemed to materialise in the air beside us in the room or at least I thought it was him. "Tai" now had violet hair like Nagihiko's but his eyes were a deep green, his skin was a tad paler and his black tattoos were gone.

"Tai got an upgrade?"

"Hello Rima," Tai said with a light smile. "It's nice to see you too."

"Didn't you die?" I asked and then wondered if that was rude.

Tai laughed. "Didn't Nagihiko die too?"

"I did?" Nagihiko asked almost fearfully and I didn't look up to meet his gaze.

"Relax. Technically, you were on the borderline. Your charas and I saved you. It looks like we did a good job since you're already fully healed," He said.

"It hurts a little when I move but you're right. Thanks," Nagihiko said.

"Any time," He replied. "Excuse me but I have to leave you two now."

"Leave us?" We both asked at the same time.

"Yes," Tai answered. "It looks like I can permanently keep this form and I'd like to if you don't mind. I'd understand if you wouldn't want me to since I'm nearly identical to you."

"It's fine. After everything you've done for me, how could I say no?" Nagihiko said. "You could live with me if you want. My parents wouldn't mind."

"Thank you for the offer but there's someone else who might want me more. I have to visit him and the closest person I have to a girlfriend," Tai said, looking at us with a knowing smile. "I'll see you all later. Tell Miss Nadeshiko that I say hi."

Tai walked through the wall and the two of us were alone. Nagihiko and I stood up but Nagihiko slipped his hand around mine. He smiled warmly at me and I laced my fingers in his.

"What Tai said-" He began but I cut him off with a kiss.

Nagihiko kissed me back and wrapped his arms around my waist. I kissed him back and enjoyed it for a moment or two. Then I put a hand on his cheek and my other hand slipped around to the back of his shirt. Nagihiko recoiled when my hands touched his back where the spikes had been.

"It's not fully healed yet," I said in a sharp, drawn in breath.

"I know," I said quietly and I looked into his eyes. "It'll never happen again."

"So you touched it on purpose knowing that it'd hurt me? Am I really that bad a kisser?" He asked with a chuckle.

"The worst," I teased with a larger smile. "You can get some lessons from Kukai and Utau downstairs."

"No thanks. I was going to come in that way when I saw them through a window," Nagihiko said and I laughed. "Do they stop for air?"

"Probably not," I said.

Nagihiko took my hand. "I haven't gone home yet because I wanted to see you first. I should be going. Do you want to come with me?"

"Sure," I replied, all too happy to leave my homework.

Nadeshiko was overjoyed to see her brother back and perfectly fine. She hugged me too but Nagihiko got the jump tackle hug.

"I missed you so much, Nagi," She muttered into his sleeve. "I wasn't sure if you'd be okay or not."

"I'm fine now," He said soothingly. "Tai's back too and he'll be around. He said to say hi."

"Really?" She said excitedly. "That's great! Tadase and Kairi are here. They might want to see you too but I have to warn you. Over the past week they've bonded over video games."

Nadeshiko led us into the living room where Tadase and Kairi sat on the couch with their eyes glued to a fast paced video game. The volume was high and both of them hardly blinked.

"Okay…" I said slowly, drawing the 'a'. "I see what you mean."

"No kidding," Nagihiko added.

"Yeah," Nadeshiko said, crossing her arms over her chest. "It's been about four hours straight so far and neither of them might leave for about another five hours or so."

"Are they even responsive?" I asked.

Nadeshiko smiled. "Somewhat. As Kairi's girlfriend, I have special privileges."

She walked forward and stopped beside the couch. "Kairi!" She called over the noise.

Kairi's thumb hit the pause button the next second later and he looked up at his girlfriend's face. "Yes," He replied.

"Wow, she has him wrapped around her finger," I whispered.

"Definitely. Since when has Kairi ever put aside electronics for someone? He likes her a lot," Nagihiko muttered.

Tadase looked in our direction as well. "Nagihiko! You're okay!"

Kairi finally noticed us and smiled. "Hi. It's nice to see the two of you together again."

"What exactly do you mean by together?" Nagihiko asked with a suspicious tone in his voice.

"He means that we're dating," I said bluntly, turning to look Nagihiko in the eye.

"We are?"

"Well, are we?" I asked, not backing down.

There was silence for a little while. Nagihiko looked a bit shocked and I had no doubt that the other three teenagers in the room were hanging onto our every word.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow at seven," Nagihiko said.

"I thought so," I replied with a bright smile. "You're the best boyfriend ever."

"Funny and I've only officially been your boyfriend for five seconds," Nagihiko said with a wide smile.

"Doesn't matter."

Kairi looked over at Tadase again. "Are you ready to resume the game?"

"Give me a second," Tadase said while texting someone quickly.

"He has a girlfriend too," Kairi explained to us.

"I do not!" Tadase protested.

Nadeshiko smiled. "Her name is Lulu. They've been talking to each non-stop since Nagihiko was admitted to the hospital. Her aunt works there."

"She's not my girlfriend," Tadase said again and his cheeks turned a light shade of red.

Kairi and Nadeshiko rolled their eyes at the same time and I put a hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing.

"I was in the hospital for a week. How times have they seen each other in person since then?" Nagihiko asked.

"Four," Kairi replied, "And that's excluding the video chatting every night."

"I'm never telling you anything again Kairi," Tadase said, fully embarrassed now.

"It's only because you keep denying that you like each other," He said.

"She's crazy about you," Nagihiko said.

"See?" Kairi said. "And he's only heard the bare minimum."

"There's more?" I asked.


"They might not look like it but they talk to each other more than high school girls," Nadeshiko said. "They're best friends."

"I'll shut up now, okay," Kairi said with an almost invisible smile on his lips. "Let's continue the game. Are you ready now?"

"Yeah," Tadase said.

Tai's P.O.V

I had a new appearance I felt different too. The raw power of the emerald no longer coursed through my veins. I was much weaker but I didn't feel tired or injured. Was this what it felt like to be normal? I shook my head. It couldn't be. I had still enough power to walk through that wall in the Tsukiyomi's house and psychically lower myself to the ground safely.

I knew the way to Nikaidou's underground laboratory since that time he took me to the amusement park. It was forever burnt into my memory. That was the best day I'd ever had. I found myself on the familiar road towards the place. It was at the end of a coarse trail through some trees in a practically unpopulated forested area, about half an hour away from Easter. I went through the entrance and I slowly made way down the stairs into the lab. I heard the sound of a computer but not much else.

A lot of things had changed since I had been down here. The place was practically empty and that made me doubt myself. Was he here? What happened?

I grew worried. "Nikaidou!" I called.

There was no answer and I shouted again. "Nikaidou!"

This time I was grabbed from behind and a knife was held to my neck. I gasped.

"Get out of here Nagihiko. I have no business with you or Easter."

"Nikaidou?" I said and a smile came to face. "I'm not Nagihiko. I'm Tai. I'm sorry that I disappeared. I didn't want to leave you. I mean it."

"Shut up! Tai is gone," He said a bit brokenly.

"Nikaidou…" I said slowly. "It really is me. I'm here now. I helped the others to defeat Easter. It's over now and I wanted to come back. I didn't want to leave you alone."

I was reluctantly released and I turned to see a very angry and distrusting Nikaidou in front of me. I frowned. I was a bit ashamed and I felt like I was in trouble it were possible.

"Is it really you?" He asked.

"Yes, my appearance changed since Rima gained control of all the jewels power. They can no longer be misused and I now have the ability to do as I please; even live a normal life if I want," I explained and then I held out my arm. "You can take all the blood samples you want and I promise I won't complain. I'm really sorry for leaving you."

Nikaidou's head was down and I couldn't see his expression clearly. "I searched that park for hours and then I waited here for days, hoping that you come back but you didn't and I-"

I moved closer to him and hugged him. "It's okay. I'm home now dad."


"Yeah. You said that I reminded you of your son and I was hoping that you might take me in. I want to live like a normal kid. I trust you and I think that you'd be perfect for a father," I explained.

Nikaidou put his arm around me and he said quietly, "I'd be happy to have you as a son."

"Great so what's for dinner?" I asked with a grin.

"Do you like pizza?" He asked.

"I've never had it before," I said. "There're a lot of things I haven't done or tried."

"Then we'll have to make up for lost time," He said.

"Yes we will," I said with a happy smile.

"Remind me again why he always shows up to meetings when he isn't a part of the guardians," Kukai mumbled as he took his seat in the Royal Garden.

"He's with me, Kukai!" Yaya said and clutched onto Tai's arm. "He's mine."

"I understand what you meant now Tai. She's your girlfriend?" Nagihiko asked with an evil grin and both Yaya and Tai turned red.

"I never said that!" Tai defended.

"Are you sure? I'm positive that-"

"Shut up!" He shouted and the rest of us laughed.

All of us came to the Easter building on Saturday (except Tai. Yaya made him promise to take her out for ice cream since he had left her broken hearted and then came back.) Kairi pressed a single button on his remote. The Easter building shook and areas of the ground floor and upper floors collapsed. It was kind of anticlimactic but it was something we had all wanted for a very long time.

"So it all ends happily ever after, huh?" Ikuto mused.

Amu placed her hand over his. "I guess so."

I leaned against Nagihiko's shoulder. "Do you think we'll ever need to be agents again?"

"No," Nagihiko responded. "It's finally all over."

I slipped my hand in his and his fingers curled around mine. I smiled. "I think you're right."

Amethyst: Thanks to all those who re-read this story and supported it all the way to end by leaving reviews, favourite and alerts and PMs to encourage me to keep writing a bit more until I finally finished it. (Seriously, thanks for the PMs and reviews) I hope you enjoyed Mission Impossible and no, I won't be doing a sequel or anything. I have other stories typed up if you're interested in reading something else by me. DON'T use the summaries as a guide on my profile. (At least, I think they're summaries there… if they aren't… well whatever.) See you later guys. You can review and tell me what you think or if you want to read something else from me.