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A New Family, New Friends, and a New…Love?

Chapter 7: She Can Do That?!

Edward's POV

"Let's play some ball."

I swallowed and snorted at the same time; it made sort of a strangled sound. Alice and Rosalie laughed at me, and Em and Jazz were snickering as well. Bella was still standing there with a murderously cocky expression.

I took a few steps forward and motioned for Bella to throw me the ball. She hurled it at my chest and I caught it with a small, "Oomph!"

She grinned smugly and I frowned.

"You sure you want to do this Bella? I mean, I am the captain of the basketball team. If we played a one-on-one, it would hardly be fair," I stated, almost sure she would back out. She just rolled her eyes.

"You're right; it wouldn't be fair," she relented. I knew she couldn't do it. I started to say so when she continued, "So, you go and get a few more guys and it'll be a fair game." She winked and the crowd of onlookers cheered. I clenched my jaw and shook my head.

"All right then, let's play."

A/N: Hey, basketball's not really my main sport, so if I mess up anything or say anything that couldn't actually happen, sorry and you can tell me what I did wrong in a review =D

She smiled widely as we started and I passed her the ball. She looked down at it in her hands for a moment, and I seriously thought she was going to back out right there. I stepped up to her and leaned my head down to whisper in her ear. I felt her stiffen.

"You don't have to do this Bella. No one would think less of you if you backed out now," I murmured gently.

She snorted, sidestepped me, and effortlessly shot the ball towards the basket. Everyone, including me, turned to watch the outcome of the shot. It went in with a swish! My jaw dropped and I slowly turned back to look where Bella was standing.

She was all the way at the other end of the court, stretching her arms.

"Yeah, I'm a bit rusty. Haven't played since last season," she said modestly.

After the moment of complete and utter silence, the crowd went absolutely ballistic. Rose, Alice, Emmett, and Jasper all sprinted towards Bella, and she just stared at me smugly before being high fived by Jasper and being picked up and spun around in a hug by Emmett.

I could hear some guys mumbling, "She can do that?!"

I guess my jaw was still dropped, because Alice suddenly appeared next to me and said, "Close your mouth; you'll catch flies," with a wink and a grin. I closed my mouth looked at Bella. I caught her eye and glared at her. She just smiled and walked towards me.

"Bella 3, Edward 0," she flashed her bright teeth at me. "Your ball." I turned around and stalked toward the ball. I picked it up with one hand and started to dribble it back and forth between my hands. I turned and faced Bella, dribbling up to her.

"Lucky shot," I mumbled. "We'll go for real now." She cocked an eyebrow, but crouched into her "ready" stance. I tried to dribble past her, but she ducked under my arm and stole the ball. Bella dribbled down the court with me following and made a simple lay-up before I could catch p to her. Man she was fast!

She got the ball and passed it to me.

"5-0 Eddie, you might want to step it up, you know since you're playing in front of your team and all, captain," she sneered and pointed behind me. My eyes were wide open as I turned around to face the guys on my team, and I nearly passed out right there.

My entire team was sitting on a picnic table that was right next to the court, watching and laughing hysterically at me.

Bella tapped my shoulder and said, "Come on Edward, I don't have all day." I glared at my team again and turned around. I stood there dribbling, analyzing Bella and trying to find her weak points when I realized: she's really short!

I smiled and went straight at Bella, and she braced herself, looking for her opening to steal the ball again.

"Not this time," I muttered and tossed the ball high over her head. She jumped for it and almost got it, but she was just a few inches too short.

"Ha!" I shouted victoriously and threw the ball towards the hoop from half court. It hit the backboard and went in easily. I grabbed the ball and, smiling, brought it back to Bella. I smirked at her frown.

"5-3 Bella, this game's just started." She glared at me and snatched the ball from my outstretched hand. I winked and turned to gloat with my team.

I was with the guys, getting high fived when I heard a ball bouncing on concrete. I snapped my head around, just in time to see Bella take another half court shot, furthering her lead by another three points. I think by now my face had a permanent scowl etched into it. I stomped over to Bella. She may be beautiful, but a little common courtesy would be nice.

"What the hell was that?!" I yelled. She cocked her head.

"What?" she inquired. I scoffed and gestured to the ball rolling on the ground next to the basketball hoop.

"I waited for you to be ready, you couldn't have done the same for me? I only took a second!" She laughed.

"Oh come on Edward, don't be a drama queen. Just get the ball."

I groaned, "Fine. No more gloating, no more drama, let's just play." She shrugged.

"That's fine with me," Bella grinned.

"Good," I said. Emmett, who had picked up the ball, handed it to me with a grin. "Good luck bro. You're gonna need it."

I turned back to Bella with the ball.

"Come on baby, let's see what else you got," I taunted. She squared her shoulders.

"The only thing you'll be seeing is my back while I kick your ass at some b-ball," she mocked and laughed. I chuckled at her cockiness.

"Well we'll see about that."

Twenty minutes, 28 more points for Bella, 30 more points for me, a bunch of taunting comments later, and we were tied with 33 points each with five minutes left of lunch. I was breathing somewhat hard, and I was a little pleased to see that Bella was also.

"Come on Bella, two minutes left!" shouted Rosalie from the sidelines. I currently had the ball, and Bella was on press. I faked left, and she fell for it. I went right and sprinted toward Bella's basket. Just one more, one more and I'll beat Bella!

I was almost under the basket, so I could make sure that I made it, and to run out the clock. I tossed it up and was about to start cheering for myself when Bella came out of nowhere and jumped for the ball.

"Oh!" I gasped. She had slammed the ball into my face, and the crowd went wild. When we landed, we both ran for the ball, but she got to it first. Bella started sprinting towards the other end of the court. Everyone started cheering loudly.

"Go Bella!" Alice. "Come on Bella!" Rosalie. "You got this!" Jasper. "Come on baby, kick Edward's little ass!" Emmett, of course. Bella laughed slightly breathlessly at that. I panted a swear under my breath as my feet pounded on the ground, trying to catch up. She was about two feet ahead of me and as she got right in front of the basket and pulled her arm up, I knew it was over. I came to a halt as I (and basically the entire school) watched the ball sail in a perfect arc to the hoop.

It went in with a swish just a second before the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. I hunched my shoulders and lowered my head slightly as Bella turned around with a triumphant grin.

"35-33 Edward, I win," she said, hers eyes blazing fiercely. She had that I told you so look on her face that, even though she's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, made me want to smack her or pull her hair or something childish like that. Maybe make her eat dirt... I shook my head and simply glanced at her then away again.

"Whatever, I let you win," I lied and stormed away. I peeked over my shoulder once and regretted it immediately. Bella was staring at me with a look of pure hatred, her face all red with anger, so I turned my head back forward and stalked off to class.

Oh shit, we have class together next! I thought and then groaned out. Two guys walking by stopped and looked at me funny and one said, "Dude, what's your problem?" The other one sneered.

"You'd be pissed too if you just got your ass beat by a girl. Oh, 'scuse us, captain," they laughed and started walking away. I closed my eyes and tried to calm down. Then I heard what else they were saying.

"Damn did you see the new girl?! She's hot, AND she can play!" the first guy said. I opened my eyes and saw the other nodded his head in agreement.

"Hell yeah, I'd let her beat me any time," the second guy said with a wink. White hot fury blazed through me, and I just lashed out blindly and completely trucked him. Once he was on the ground, I started beating. Him. DOWN. People crowded around and chanted, "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

That is until the principal came and threw me off of the guy.

"Edward Masen, what is the matter with you?! Look, you broke Anthony's nose!" he yelled as he gestured to the boy, still on the ground. Huh, so that was his name. Anthony. I hadn't noticed, but his nose was a little crooked and bleeding. I shrugged.

Oh well, at least now I won't have to go to Biology, I thought.

And yet, as the principal hauled me away to the office, I couldn't help but think of Bella, and what she would think of me after hearing about what I'd done.

Heeeeeey you guys!!!! :DDD Don't chuck anything at me, I updated. Yes, a bit later then hoped, okay a LOT later than hoped haha. But at least I got it out! I'm not sure if you'll like this chapter because I'm a total dumbass when it comes to basketball, so if I jacked anything up, let me know please!(:

Btw, I love that you guys are so hella supportive, but come on!! I only said I wanted 150 reviews because I was trying to buy time!! So this time, I'm going to have to be a COMPLETE bitch, because I want 210 reviews before I update. Don't hurt me, you guys gave me the reviews a lot faster than expected last time, but once we made it to 150, they came in sort few and far between. Mmkay so 210's the mark to beat, thanks so much! Haha :)

Te amo,

Locketful o' Heartache

Oh hey and just a quick question, how old do you guys think I am? Love ya!