Hola! So this is my first fanfic, I'm not really sure if it's good, so feedback would be appreciated.

Summary: Bella, a confident tomboy, gets bounced from foster home to foster home after her parents die in a car accident, until she gets adopted by Carlisle and Esme. She loves them and their son Emmett. She meets new friends at Forks High and also the school player, Edward Cullen, whose taken interest in her, but she really hates players. Pranks and feuds ensue, but will there be more between the tough girl and the boy who can't seem to keep his eyes off of her? Read to find out…

A New Family, New Friends, and a New…Love?

Chapter 1: My New Home

Bella's POV

"Bella! Hurry up or we'll be late!" Jacky, who's been my foster mom for a couple of months, called to me.

"Okay!" I shouted back. I grabbed my last few boxes out of my room and took a look around. It wasn't much, but I was going to miss it. I mean, it's not Jacky's fault that I needed a new foster home, but she was moving out of the country to live with her family because her brother is dying. I couldn't leave the U.S. because of the accident, Shudder, I'm NOT going to go there, I thought, so I was just going to have to get a new family.

I ran down the stairs to put my boxes in the van. Tripped only once, I thought to myself smugly. Normally, I'm such a klutz. but since I'm basically starting my life over, I've been working on my balance, and I've been getting better at walking on a flat surface without tripping over air and falling on my face.

I got in the passenger seat next to Jacky and put on my seatbelt.

"Ready to go?" she asked.

"Yup," I told her, even though on the inside I was shaking. She pulled out of the driveway with the moving vans trailing behind us.

We were going to Forks, Washington, a dreary little town where it rains almost constantly. We were in Portland, Oregon, so we were just going to drive there. It would be a couple of hours in the car, but I had my I-pod, so I'd be okay. And if I got bored I could just climb in the backseat and watch a movie on the built in DVD player in the car.

I was going to try to have my I-pod as something I always have with me no matter what. I'm hoping it'll make me seem more mysterious and maybe a little interesting. I'll need all the help I can get when it comes to being interesting. Because I'm just plain old Bella Swan, the loner with no friends that spends just a bit too much time reading to be that much of a social person.

I stuck the headphones in my ears and listened to one of my favorite classical pieces, Debussy by Claire De Lune. It's so beautiful and soothing. I always play it to help me get to sleep. Sure enough, by the time it was about half way through it, my eyes were starting to slip closed and…

"Bella? Bella honey? Wake up, we're here," Jacky whispered, gently shaking me

awake. I groggily opened my eyes to see the beautiful old mansion that I've seen pictures of. Jacky and I got out of the car and got my things out of the trunk. I popped it open, only to be crushed from behind into a bone-crushing bear hug.

"Whoa!" I exclaimed, whipping my head around to see who was squeezing the air out of me. I turned my head, coming face to face with wide, dark eyes.

"HI I'M EMMETT YOU MUST BE BELLA MY NEW SISTER!" the guy that's crushing me boomed.

"Yeah…Can't…breathe…Emmett!" I gasped.

"Oh, sorry," he said and dropped me immediately. I landed on my feet and gasped for air. It felt like I just did two laps around a full sized pool without coming up to breathe. And I know what that feels like, since I used to do it all the time at Jacky's house.

"Oh my God, Bella I'm so sorry! I just got so excited and I wanted to meet you, and, and…" oh my, he looks like he's about to cry! I'd gotten my breath back already so I figured I should put him at ease.

"Chill out Emmett. I'm okay. I can take more than that. I'm a tough little girl!" After I said that I brought my arm up and flexed my muscles, which I'd noticed were not nearly as big as his. He was huge! His bicep looked like it was bigger than my head! I must have looked ridiculous standing beside him with my measly 5'4 height and tiny frame. He looked at least a foot taller than me, and definitely more than three times as wide.

He just stared at me with a dumbfounded expression until it slowly turned into a huge smile. He hugged me again, more gently this time, for which I was grateful. He let go and shouted to a couple on the doorstep, "I LOVE this girl!" The couple, I, and Jacky laugh.

"And I love you too my new big teddy bear brother!" I tell him while ruffling his hair. Well, trying to ruffle his hair. He had to lean down so I could do it. He laughed.

The couple was beside us now. "Hello Bella," the man said. Wow, he looks like a super model. He has golden angel colored hair combed back professionally and light brown eyes, almost golden even, like his hair. For a man who has a 17 year old son and is 34, he's in really good shape too.

"Hi," I respond to him.

"Oh Bella, it's so great to finally meet you!" the woman squealed while throwing her arms around me. She had a heart shaped face and caramel colored hair. Her frame was much like mine, fit yet tiny, and she had golden eyes like her husband.

I hugged her back. "It's great to meet you too Esme," I said to her.

"Please, call me mom," she chirped happily.

"Okay…mom," I obeyed sheepishly. My new family members all smiled warmly.

Maybe Forks won't be so bad, I thought.

Ooooh! So Bella's starting to like it there! But she hasn't started school yet. What will happen when she does? I know but I haven't written it yet. And I might not if people don't review and don't like it. So I won't keep writing unless I get at least 2 reviews. It's not much, so come on. Just 2! =D


Locketful o' Heartache