Sadie's POV

After Eli's sad story was told nobody had enough courage to talk. It was as if they had forgotten that vampires had feelings, that deep down they were was still human in them. It was all nice, but some things needed to be done before we could all be one happy family again, stories needed to be shared, powers to be explained. I was the one to finally break the silence that followed the grim tale of Eli and Kailey's messed up love-story.

"Eli, you say you have a power? Would you please explain to us what it is and what you can do with it?"

"I'm basically an amplifier. I strengthen powers and natural tendencies in people, vampires, wolvery-shapeshifters, animals, and the whole lot. For Alice, she can see the future whenever she wants, not just short uncontrollable visions. Edward can control thoughts, not just read them. Jasper can see the cause behind the emotions. Carlisle and Esme's caring ways, Emmet's goofiness, and Rosalie's, well, okay, bitchiness is all taken to an extreme level. It can be very overwhelming, which is why I spent two years learning to turn the power on and off at will. Is that all? I'd really like to sit down now, if you don't mind."

I nodded, reluctant for him to end his speech. I knew I'd be the next to tell their story, and God help me, I did not want to get up there. I was afraid. Afraid of what Edward would say, what his family would think, what my fellow wolves would do. I didn't want to be the start of a war, I just wanted to runaway with Edward. I loved him. I loved every piece of him. I loved the way he sparkled in the sun, and the way his hair was always stylishly messy. I loved the how much he loved his family; I loved how he could still be protective of Bella all this time. But, most of all, I loved the way he looked at me. He didn't see Sadie the screw up, Sadie the girl with the horrible temper (even for a wolf). He didn't see Leah's second in command, or Bella's little sister, or even Charlie and Sue's oddball daughter. He saw me for me; he didn't care what I'd done. I was afraid that once he heard that the love was forced, he'd never look at me that way again. I was afraid he'd only see the girl who forced him to love her.

I felt the panic flooding in to my body. I don't want to do this, I can't, I thought over and over. It was as if everything, my whole life, was ending. I recognized the feeling; I was having an anxiety attack. I hadn't had one in over a year, and this was one of the worse I'd ever had. I could feel the eyes on me; I wanted them to quit looking, to go away. My breathing began to pick up, my eyes widened in horror. I was picturing the worst outcomes of this situation. Everyone would hate me, Edward would leave me, Mom and Dad wouldn't call me their Puppy Girl anymore, and instead they'd look at me with loathing in their eyes. I'd be shunned, removed from my pack. I could feel the screams I'd been holding in being let loose, though I was beyond hearing. People were crowding me trying to comfort me, it wasn't working. I became vaguely aware that I was fighting, kicking and screaming in earnest now. Just as I was beginning to wonder why I hadn't gone wolf yet, I started to feel the change.

Even in wolf form I was have a panic attack. I was snarling, whimpering, howling, running in circles, and frightening those around me. It was all the vampires that calmed me down. Not just one, all. I don't know what they said, but it helped. And then I was tired, so tired. I knew if I could just lay down I could think clearly, if I could just sleep the fear would wash away. So I collapsed. And everything went dark.