Disclaimer: I am neither lucky, powerful, rich, or influential enough to own Star Trek. If I did I certainly wouldn't be sitting around fantasying about it. (Ha! Who am I kidding, I still would!) But regardless, everything and everyone belongs to their respective studio's, corporations, and companies. (God damnit!) And thus, I own nothing but my rabid plot bunnies and hopeless dreams, thank you very much!

Authors Note #1: While I am in the middle of writing four or five different stories at the moment this one was simply demanding to be told, resorting to even haunting my dreams in order to do so. Sometimes having an overactive imagination bites!

Authors Note #2: Unlike in a Zoo, please feel free to feed the author! Your reviews not only give me a warm fuzzy feeling inside, but they also help me improve myself. So yes, please read and review.

Illogically in Love

Chapter One - "And I refuse to believe that love is for the weak...
....I'm not vulnerable..."

It was just minutes to 0600, with the day cycle barely begun, but the Mess hall was already crowded, buzzing with a seemingly unending flurry of activity. The room was nearly full, packed with those both fresh from the night shift, who were no doubt enjoying a light meal before retiring, as the crew of the day shift grabbed a hurried coffee and bite of breakfast before they were due to relieve the over-night shift.

However this morning the usually subdued conversation of the half-awake humans had been replaced with a sense of barely contained excitement. And the condition seemed infectious as the men and women of the USS Enterprise, from officer to yeoman alike were engaged in animated discussion, crossing from table to table with bits of toast and half-full coffee mugs as they compared plans and dates, their anticipation almost tangible.

In fact it seemed that there was only one person, who had thus far hardly moved more then to take a sip from his steaming mug of Vulcan herb tea. From behind veiled eyes he openly inspected his fellow crew members from his corner seat at the very edge of the room, the exaggerated arch of his brow the only outward evidence of his thoughts.

Raising his mug to his lips he took a small sip, savouring the slight bitter tang of the herbs as the fragrant blend stimulated his taste buds. While the increased volume and activity did little to bother him, he did find it curious as how in their excitement, the crew had seemed to forget their usual attitude of subdued austerity that they commonly adopted while in his presence. Instead today, they greeted him warmly as they passed their pleased expressions unguarded as they politely inquired as to his own plans.

He could always tell when shore leave was approaching simply by observing his crewmates. It was an emotional change that manifested itself into such a varying degree of physical behaviours that it left even him, a Vulcan well experienced in humanities rather strange...and diverse behaviours often at a loss to understand.

To him shore leave was a regular and inevitable aspect of space travel. And even the Enterprise, as busy and as far reaching as its missions were, had never missed a scheduled docking, whether it was at a Starbase or planet. Such layovers were a common way that Fleet command combined crew rest and relaxation, resupplying, and even crew transfers all at the convenience of space dock.

He viewed the entire experience as anything if not logical and monotonously common. However, the crew always seemed to enter a state of unpractical anticipation as the next date approached. A state he had found commonly resulted in a general attitude of distraction and restiveness that broached on being rampant ship-wide.

He thought of such behaviours as most illogical, but he surmised that it was likely a human facet, as even the Doctor and the Captain had exhibited similar signs throughout the past few days, even going as far as insisting he at least accompany them to Starbase 68's renowned officers club, "The Blue Nova." However Leonard had not been amused when he had pointed out that the possibility of a blue-coloured super nova occurring were less then favourable.

Regardless however, he had come to learn throughout their years of friendship that in cases such as these, when both Jim and Leonard joined together in order to persuade him of such things it was more logical to relent then to refuse.

However he abruptly ceased his introspection when an achingly familiar voice broke through his contemplative thoughts. 'Christine...' His mind purred in recognition as his keen ears detected her voice in the corridor nearly a half a minute before the doors slid open to admit her.

She entered the Mess hall with Lieutenant Uhura in tow, both arriving in a flurry of blue and red uniform skirts. They were deeply immersed in what appeared to be a very animated discussion, the nurse's hands gesturing slightly as she talked, her light blue eyes sharp and clear as she focused on the conversation.

He unobtrusively watched as she passed, his eyes unabashedly caressing her form, as if memorizing her every feature. She seemed to almost flow through the door, her long, lean legs giving her the appearance of unparalleled poise and grace as she moved, her every step accentuating her soft curves, and her slender yet powerful figure. 'Her form was truly quite pleasing..' He allowed himself briefly, far beyond any point of self reclamation as far as she was concerned.

He watched her through attentive eyes as they both halted at the closest replicator, her soft scent wafting through the recycled air, exciting his senses as his mind automatically categorized the scents. There was the pleasant scent of earth flowers, and a hint of rich vanilla, the faint but still detectable tang of lab chemicals that mixed together with her own distinctive, natural scent. It was a strange...illusive smell that he forced himself not to dwell on, not welcoming the...uncomfortable sensations that accompanied such thoughts. It was soft, yet at the same time bold. It was pleasantly unique musk, a scent that simply screamed its femininity and strength. It was unquestionably Christine...

Looking down abruptly he realized his tea was rapidly cooling and raised his mug to his lips for another sip, looking nothing if not calm and collected as always while the very object of his attention bid a departing Uhura goodbye, and after looking around for a seat, set out for his table....

A/N: Well it is up to you guys, do you think this merits continuing? Review and let me know!

A/N: My chapter title is lyrics from Thriving Ivory's song: "Hey Lady". The band is awesome; check them out on youtube or what not!