Chapter 7:The Many Eyed God

"What took you so long?" Jack asked over his shoulder.

"I had to wait for the opportune moment."

"So NOW is the opportune moment?" Disbelief roiled in Jack's tone. What went on in women's minds was extraordinary.

"They were scattered out all over the island. I had to wait until I knew we wouldn't be cut off from the boat. And might I say, Cpt. Sparrow, that this is not the time to discuss strategy?"

And indeed it was not, for as they had spoken groups of natives were rallying to come at them again. On either side of the stone platform warriors were beginning to mount the steps with spears ready. From the far side of the fire a shout went up and the two captains braced for a rush but none came. The warriors, some looking relieved, lowered their spears and relaxed. Then slowly they backed away. From out of the crowd two men approached. One young and the other older in ceremonial headdress and garb. They mounted the platform from Amelia's side and with great obeisance advanced to within arms reach. They spoke in a most placatory way and made gestures of peace. She understood not a word but knew that they wanted an end to the fight.

"Any idea what they're saying, captain?" Amelia asked over her shoulder. She had lowered her sword but not yet come off her guard.

"I can catch a bit here an' there, lass, but only a word or two." Jack was still eyeing the warriors who had not yet left the foot of the steps. "Something abou' a big cat and a storm or thunder. I don't know but I think they're talking about you."

The men were waiting for her reply, their heads bowed, eyes cast down. There was something about the older man's costume that looked familiar to Amelia but it was all so out of context. Then it struck her. She reached out and gently took the man's chin in her hand to turn his face to the firelight. Yes. Now it was more clear. The white streaks on his face were arranged as if they were rows of long sharp teeth. His tattoos looked like rows of eyes. Some above his brows on his forehead and some down either side of his nose. Even the strange headdress now took on meaning. A broad brimmed hat.


"What's that?" The word had been spoken in a hush and had nearly escaped Jack's notice.

"Flint. He was a pirate chieftain years ago." Amelia said musingly. "He struck almost at random all around the galaxy and until a couple of years ago no one knew how. I've never actually seen him of course. A bit before my time. But a friend of mine saw his body and I have seen pictures of the beast."

"Pirate you say? I've never met 'im."

"Nor would you want to, Jack. He wasn't like you. Heartless and cruel beyond measure."

"So what's he got to do with all this then?"

"I think he's been here. These people seem to be... I don't know. Maybe they worshiped him." She released the old man and he cast his eyes down once more. Knowing he wouldn't understand Amelia said to him, "Well if it's peace you want show me."

The old man raised his eyes a little but whispered something to the younger man who backed away to the edge of the stone. He said something to the group of warriors there and in their turn they went off into the village.

"So wha's happening?" Jack asked still guarding her back.

"I'm not sure yet. I think the worst is over." She wiped blood from her cheek and spat into the fire. "Have you any of that rum still about you?"

"Ha. Wish I had, captain. I could use a drop m'self."

The group of warriors now reappeared Carrying two large chairs on their shoulders. These they deposited next to the stone and withdrew a few feet. The crowd now shuffled a bit and knelt on the dirt. The only one still standing was the old man before Amelia. He bowed low and extended his hand toward the chairs.

"Jack, lower your spear and come along. The fight is over and we seem to have won."

The two captains had been carried through the village to a large hut. A fire was lit and many of the villagers had crowded in at one end but few came near to Amelia and Jack. The old man had presented Jack with a sliver of bleached bone which he wove into Jack's hair. To Amelia he gave his shark skin cape with a barbaric golden clasp. She now wore it rakishly over one shoulder. After that the feast had commenced

"I can't make it all out but from wha' I gather this Flint came here some time back." Jack was telling Amelia. "Apparently he came now an' again always with a lot of chests or boxes. But the last time he took it all away 'cept for the eye."

"Well if it was some time ago I'd say he was hoarding his treasure." Amelia said around a mouthful of yam. She was careful to eat nothing that might be meat. "It sounds as though his last trip was to gather it all up and take it off to Treasure Pla... his trove."

"Why would he hoard it?" Jack wondered aloud. "I can understand putting some aside for a stash in case of emergency but what good does treasure do you unless you spend it?"

"You're asking the wrong person, captain. Not in my line at all." she fingered the cape on her shoulder. "So what of this cape then? And that Bone"

"Seems they've made me the chief. One of us killed the old one and now I'm it." Jack swallowed a bite of fish. He too was careful of the meal. "Your cape I'm not clear on. But they think you're this Great Cat of Thunder. Supposed to be the thing that will drive away the Many Eyed God. Did Flint really have that many eyes?"

"Oh yes. And teeth to go with them."

Amelia and Sparrow ate and listened to the tales of Flint with Jack relating them as best he could. Eventually the feast wound down and the villagers began to drift off into the night. At the end Amelia and Jack were taken to a hut and bade to enter. Here they spent the night on surprisingly comfortable mats. In the morning they were awakened by a knocking on the hut wall. Amelia, after donning her jacket and the cape, drew aside the cloth covering the opening and stepped into the early dawn.

"What's all this then?" She asked the uncomprehending old man. He had come with a body of warriors and now stepped back to reveal a small chest.

"Wha' is it, Amelia?" Jack asked muzzily poking his head out of the hut.

"Another present I think. You had best join us." she waited a moment for Jack to collect himself and when he stood at her side she waved her hand to the old man.

Tlacotl was very nervous. It still weighed on him that had he not allowed the Rites to proceed Quauhtli and fourteen of his warriors would still be of the People. Now he hoped that the Great Cat of Thunder would be appeased by the offer of this gift and the honor of shaman. He hoped even more that she would go and tell the gods of the Great Water and the Sky to spare the People. Tell them to not send Shamatuuva the Sea Fist to flatten the Home. He bent and opened the lid of the old box and from it he took the EYE. He turned and with eyes cast down offered it to her.

"Looks like you got wha' we came for after all." Jack was smiling. He could get to a port. He could get another ship. He could hunt down Barbossa. And most important of all. Jack could get the Pearl back

The End


"So, Captain Amelia." Jack said to her as they stood on a dock in Tortuga's harbor. It was night and few people were on the water front now. Amelia had brought the boat in just skimming the ocean at a speed that would attract no attention.

"Yes, Captain Sparrow?" She gave no indication of anything but the professional officer.

"I guess we go our separate ways now."

"As we agreed." She nodded.

"Well, captain I have a going away gift for you." Jack drew from his huge pocket a bottle of rum. "Drink it with tha' husband of yours and tell 'im tales of Captain Sparrow. I hope it wont make him jealous."

"I can't really see Delbert drinking this stuff." Amelia smiled fondly holding the bottle. "He has surprised me in the past though. Turns out he can be very resourceful. I'm afraid I didn't think to get anything for you. Rather embarrassing really."

"Oh?" Jack gave her his winning grin. "I can think of one thing you might give."


"A kiss?" Jack's smile broadened.

"Cpt. Sparrow. You are a pirate and a rogue." Her voice was flat and disapproving. Jack's expression fell a little. "But you aren't bad looking for a human. You have very nice eyes I must admit." Amelia leaned in and ever so softly kissed him on the lips. She lingered only a moment then withdrew. "You however are NOT Delbert Doppler. Thank God."

She turned and dropped into her boat. "Take care of yourself, Cpt. Sparrow. I doubt any one else will."

"Aye, M' Lady. If you ever need a pirate come look me up. I'll be in these waters for some time to come." Jack watched the little boat until it was lost in the darkness then he turned up the dock and swaggered into Tortuga.