Legal Note: I do not own any of the characters associated with Pirates of the Carribean or Teasure Planet. I do not have any legal right to use them or any other proprietary words originating from these movies. This story was done just for the fun of it not for profit. If you like it please tell me. If you don't like it please tell me why with particulars but not excessive detail. Any one who wants to rip on my style or me just to make them self feel better is really only polishing their wand and their statements will receive the due amount of interest (i.e. NONE). And finally before any one brings it up: I do know my punctuation stinks. I just don't care.

Summary: How Captain Jack Sparrow really got off that island.

Welcome to the Caribbean, Cpt. Amelia.

Chapter 1: By the Fire

"Mind if I share your fire?"

Jack jumped at the sound of the voice. His heart racing, eyes wide he spun to his feet drawing his sword feeling the old familiar leather against his palm. At the edge of the firelight stood a very tall hooded figure. A tall, slender and feminine hooded figure. The voice had been British and cultured. A pleasant sounding woman's voice.

"I only been 'ere one day." Jack said half to himself squinting at the figure. "Can't be 'allucinating a'ready. Can I?"

"Sorry. What was that?" The hooded woman asked cocking her head slightly.

"Nothing, my dear." Jack smiled his best toothy grin, gold teeth glinting. He slapped the sword back into its sheath. Sweeping off his battered hat he gave an ostentatious bow. "We'come to my fire. An' glad I am for the cump'ny." There was a gentle breeze from the ocean that stirred the flames into greater light and Jack thought he saw a bit of the woman's face. "Allow me to introduce myse'f. Captain Jack Sparrow, at your service, miss." He bowed low again.

"Captain Amelia at yours." She gave a brief bow and stepped closer to the fire. She was easily as tall as Jack even with the heals of her tall boots sinking into the sand. "I was under the impression that this island was deserted."

"So was I, miss." Jack indicated a log for the woman to sit on.

"That's CAPTAIN." She said seating herself gracefully.

"Sorry." Jack lifted the bottle he had been liberally imbibing from. "Care for some rum, captain?"

"Yes. Thank you." She took the proffered bottle and gave it a sniff. "What is it?"

"What is it?" Jack squinted at her again. "Why it's the drink of kings! Or at least it should be. It's the elixir of the gods!"

"Indeed? Then it should be safe enough." Amelia followed these rye words by tipping the bottle up for a large swallow instantly regretting it. She coughed and sputtered jerking the bottle away to arms length. Jack then noticed she was wearing what appeared to be long white gloves the fingers of which ended in very sharp claws. "Good lord, man! Your gods must be hearty folk to swallow that!"

"It's an acquired taste I s'pose." Jack retrieved the bottle and settled back against the log. He was trying to see past the hood to the face beneath. "So what brings you to this paradise, miss? Um... Captain."

She regarded him a moment as if deciding what to say. "I'm careening my boat."

"Strike a rock did you, luv?" Jack chuckled but his ears perked up at the mention of a boat.

"Cpt. Sparrow, I am not your love. And you can save such clap-trap for your ... sea port floozies." The voice was haughty and dripped with distaste. "Understood?"

"Not meaning offense, ma'am. Just an expression." He placated the hooded woman. If she really did have a boat it would be two days maybe three of sailing and he should be able to get where a new ship would be readily available and then on to find the Pearl. He just needed that boat.

"In a way I did strike a rock. Yes." The meteorite had punched a whole through the sail of the longboat and normally that would have been no problem but it had seriously damaged the power coupling that enable the sail to charge the drive. Amelia had barely been able to bring the little vessel down safely and this island, so remote from the many occupied territories, had seemed ideal to make her repairs.

"Mind if I ask what a lone woman, cap'n though you are, was doin' in a boat this far out?" Jack wanted to know if any one would be looking for her.

"I suppose I can tell you." The hood turned slightly in his direction and a wisp of short brown hair escaped the folds. "I am looking for my husband."

"Run off?"

"NO!" Amelia snapped then continue in a gentler tone. "He's a professor of astrophysics. He was chasing a comet. Now his ship has gone missing."

"So you (the loyal wife) set off in a boat to find him." Jack smiled taking another swig of the rum. A professor's wife would mean class. Maybe money. Possibilities?

"I had a ship to start with." Amelia said unhappily. "We got into a fight and though we ran off the attackers the Legacy was badly damaged. She was never built for war. Until she's repaired I thought I would head to another port not far from here and see what I could learn."

"Kingston or Tortuga?" Jack looked again at the woman. She had a very exotic figure. Her legs in those tight boots were exceptionally long and athletic. What sort of woman was made a captain of a ship? He knew of a few pirate captains that were women but this one seemed of the respectable breed. Not a scallywag at all.

"I don't know the name but I had a course heading." Amelia lied. "Once my boat's back in shape I'll get there."

"Been married to this man a while?"

"Two years." Her head dropped slightly and her shoulders sagged. "It's funny. Before I met him my life was a ship and crew. Now..." She trailed off helplessly. Jack held the bottle out to her. She took it and drank more cautiously this time.

"No' so bad the second time is it?" Jack's gold teeth shone in the firelight. He saw her smile in return and realized the teeth were very sharp and gleaming. More like fangs. His eyes narrowed and Amelia noticed. She drew back into the shadows of her cloak.

"So why are you wearin' that hood then, Cpt. Amelia?" Jack said it very slowly, pronouncing each word distinctly.

"It's a cool breeze coming off the sea."

"Warm enough by the fire."

"Well tell me how you ended up here, Captain Sparrow. I don't see a ship." Amelia evaded the subject.

"I'm in the market as it were." Jack shifted a bit hoping for a better angle to see into the shadows of the hood. "Me and my crew were set on a ... business venture. You might say. And there was a disagreement about ... shares. So I told them to let me off and I'd go my own way."

"Marooned you did they?"

"Bloody pirates!" Jack spat and took the proffered bottle. "The deepest, darkest reaches of hell are reserved for mutineers and betrayers."

"I had a mutinous crew once." Amelia said it casually. "Cost me one of the best... No. Make that THE best first officer I ever had."

"Aye. A good first mate is a hard thing to find." Jack drank again and handed the bottle back to her. He dug in the sand and came up with another one. "Here's to good officers." He said holding out the new bottle in a toast.

"Mr. Arrow." Amelia raised her bottle and clinked it with Jack's then they both took long pulls.

"What did you do with 'em?" Jack asked her.

"Most of them died a firry death but the others stood before the gaol." She drank again. "You know, I could get used to this stuff." Her words were getting soft around the edges.

"So, lass, when are you goin' to show me what's under that hood?" Jack asked slyly. With luck she might be missing her husband a little more than she made out and be in need of comforting.

"I don't want to scare you. And it's captain, captain." Amelia chided him. "My rum's gone." Her words were slightly plaintive.

"Why's the rum gone?" Jack demanded.

Amelia burped and held the bottle upside down.

"Oh. Never mind, luv." He scrambled to his feet. "There's more."

When Jack returned from a short sojourn into the night he had three more bottles and was staggering only a little. Once more he plopped down next to the log and rested his back against it.

"Now, Cpt. Amelia, if you take off that silly hood and let a man have a look at your face I'll give you one of these."

"I tol' you. I don' wan' to scare you." Her words were slurring badly now but she seemed to have no trouble sitting upright.

"Come on now, Amelia. You aren't ugly are you?"

"I'm considered quite attractive among my people! Thank you very much, Cpt. Sparrow!"

"If you say so." He shook his head feigning disinterest.

"Very well. But if you go running off into the night all I can say is I tol' you so." With that she stood not to steadily and flung her cloak completely off. There in the light of the fire she stood in her blue uniform jacket with the gold epaulettes and her silk breaches tucked into the thigh boots she wore so very well. Jack started at her legs and moved his gaze up until he came to her face. For a moment he just blinked. Then when he was sure of his eyes he started violently back. She was a six foot tall cat! She gave him a mocking smile with a raised eyebrow.

"Didn't run after all." She purred.