Hello! Alright this is my first Secret Saturdays Fan Fic! It's suckish I know but please read and review so I can improve, kay? I don't own the Secret Saturdays ^-^ There will most likely be more chapters to come, this is the prologe!
Part 1- A Small Voice but A Big Help
The iron shackles were digging deep into the preteens wrists as he struggled. He hissed in pain and dropped back down, limp. His eyes closed briefly then opened with much effort. This sucked. And his parents were probably worrying beyond belief about this. Good thing they didn't know yet just what condition Zak Saturday was in. His cloths and skin was torn, wounds bled without hopes of stopping, though they'd already slowed. The skin beginning to slowly agonizingly repair itself.
His throat constricted painfully and he tried once again to get out of his binds. Again it ended in failure. His chest rose and fell rapidly from the effort, his body already beyond the human limits. Though Zak had always been, different. He'd shown quite a large amount of strength and stamina for such a young boy.
Even that strength now was gone and the boy hung there in defeat. Suddenly the door to his cell opened and he was blind as light flooded into the room.
"Dear little Saturday how are you feeling?" Zak hissed squinting his eyes at the man who'd trapped him here, for so far three days. V.V Argost walked forward, his cloak fanning out and draping the ground. It hissed as it made contact with the floor the shark skin tearing at the ground.
"Hah," Zak tried to act his toughest, but in all actuality he kind of wished his parents were here. Or at least one of his Cryptid siblings. "Never better." His voice sounded as though someone was scratching their nails against a cobble stone path. He hadn't drank anything in the three days he'd been held here and it was effecting him along with lack of food.
Argost was not good at hospitality in the least bit. Once Zak had admired this man for his knowledge of Cryptids. Ever since this horrible maniac had kidnapped Zak's Cryptid brother Fiskerton, the ill feelings only grew in the boy's heart. One might find it disturbing to know just how much hate Zak had gathered for this man. How much malice had built in his eleven year old heart. Yet one might find it understandable, it all depends on how one looks at it.
"You didn't honestly think I'd allow you to help your parents with that special power of yours, did you?" He didn't respond. Just hanged there glowering at the man who'd caused him both physical and mental scarring.
His claw like fingers cupped the boys chin and just barely punctured his flesh. He gritted his teeth, not so much in pain but so he wouldn't gag. He was beyond feeling. "I shall visit again, later. By that time your parents shall be witnesses for your death." With those final words, the man departed shutting the door behind him and sending the youth back into darkness. Darkness that was slowly swallowing his heart. He hanged their thoughts the only thing keeping him entertained.
Things always work out for a Saturday. That motto was becoming sickening for the boy to even think of, those words were dead to him. The thought of ever having the same Zak seemed so distant. No they'd never have the same Zak, because there would be no more Zak if Argost succeeded. He moved his bloodied wrists in discomfort trying to find a way out of this pain.
Suddenly the door opened. The light once again blinding the boy who'd grown so accustom to the darkness both inside and out. He squinted and braced himself, this was it he was going to die. Yet he didn't meet a ice cold sharp grip but a soft fuzzy one, gently caressing his bruised face. He opened his eyes more, his dark sapphire orbs adjusting to the change in light. Before the boy was a creature, small in size and structure. It appeared to be floating.
"What are you?" the boy rasped. It's vulpine face brightened, and it's small muzzle turned upwards in a smile.
"They call me the Celestial Envoy." It's voice was sweat and kind. "And I'm here to free you, Zak Saturday."
A Cliff Hanger 0_0 OMG I didn't know I had it in me! Well what do you think? Again tell me what you think with your reviews, they're welcomed.