I was on my way to training with Dimitri, and my head was in the clouds thinking about how gorgeous he was. I was so excited that he told Tasha no about her offer. When I got my thoughts together I realized I had already made it to the gym. I went inside, and didn't see Dimitri so I threw my bag against the wall and started stretching. I was halfway through my stretches when I saw him walk in fully dressed, and not in his usual workout clothes.

"Hey comrade!" as soon as I said that he looked up at me with eyes full of anticipation, and regret? Crap. It was never good when he looked like he regretted something, as I thought back to the kiss we shared last week.

"Rose. We need to talk. There are some things I need to tell you."

"Ok." But inside I was anxious. Was he going to tell me he loves me?

"I changed my mind." Dimitri said breaking me out of my trance.

"About what?" I was starting to get nervous.

"Tasha." When he said that one word I started to break.

"Why?" I could only say one word, because I was trying not to let my emotions break through.

"I realized you and I would never be able to be fully together. You and I are both supposed to guard the princess, and I know we shouldn't let anything come before her. I never even should have let it get this far, and Tasha loves me." His voice was starting to become a ramble inside my head.

"But what about me? I love you too." My voice came out as a whisper.

"Yes, but I do not love you enough, and you need to protect the princess." That right there pushed me over the edge.

"How can you say that after you kissed me last week? Was I just a stand in for your precious Tasha?" I called on my last reserve of strength, because I was not going to break down in front of him. "I tell you I love you, and you throw it right back in my face. I never should have trusted you, and if I don't mean enough to you, for you to be honest with me then leave and go create your 'happy' little family with Tasha."

Feeling the tears about to spill over my cheeks I turned and ran for freedom. Freedom from the gym, Dimitri, and everything he had become in my life. I didn't realize I was sobbing, until I slowed down enough to see where I was heading. Without even thinking about it I had ran towards the shaded picnic area behind the Moroi dorms. Knowing they would still be asleep as it was early in the morning, I sat down and leaned against the wall to cry in private after all I was the cold hearted Rose Hathaway. I was half out of it, when I heard the last thing I wanted to hear.

"Hello little Dhampir."