Maybe I'm a Ghost

Authors: Rabidtofu && Breeze.x
Category: AU-AH
Shippings: EdxB, JxA, EmxR, CxEs
Summary: Deemed crazy and unmanageable by Renee and Phil, Bella is sent to live in Forks with her father. She meets seven devastatingly beautiful people, but why is she the only one who can see them?


Breeze-Whew. Finally, a new story out! -ish excited- Anyways, while trying to write Once I Wish over, Rabidtofu and I came up with this idea instead, seeing as our muse for OIW was completely murdered. Since its summer, updates shouldn't be too too far apart. Chapter one is already written and is undergoing the editing/proofreading stage, so if the response to this isn't completely negative, it should be up in a few days. I'm not sure which part I enjoyed more, the emails between the two of us coming up with this, or finally being able to post something on fanfiction again! I'm so happy! Review and tell us what you think!


"You're not really going to leave me are you?"

I woke up with a start and looked around my dark room. She was sitting on my dresser swinging her legs looking at me. I groaned and rolled over intent on going back to sleep, but then she started to hum and I knew it was pointless.

"Yes! I am, now can you please leave me alone, some of us need sleep you know." My voice was too loud, but I couldn't help it, the red numbers on the clock said it was a little after four in the morning and I knew it would take me at least half an hour to get back to sleep.

I looked into her face, barely illuminated by the crescent moon that cast light through my blind less window, and automatically felt terrible for being so harsh. She was only eight after all. I rolled out of bed and went over to her; she wouldn't look at me so I put my fingers under her chin and lifted her head. Her eyes were sad, more so than usual.

"Look," I told her gently, "I don't want to go, but I don't have much of a choice, ok?"

"But who's going to play hop scotch with me now?" she sniffled and I hugged her to me knowing I would miss her just as much.

"You'll be fine, I-"

"Bella? Bella, who are you talking to?" my mother, Renee, asked from the door, startling me, causing me to gasp.

"I-" I turned back to Annie, but she was gone.

"Oh Bella," Renee sighed, and left.

A/N- We know it isn't exactly long or anything, but it's the prologue and it does the job. xD. Tell us what you think! Review!