Carry On Wayward Son

Summary: Sam comes back to the motel room and gets the shock of his life, which involves drunk!Castiel, drunk!Dean and a karaoke machine. Dean/Castiel, rated T, for safety.

A/N: This is what happened before Sam walked in. mm'kay. Hope you enjoy.

Chapter 2

When Dean opened his eyes and the light hit them, he was in agony. His head pounded, his mouth was dry. It tasted like a dog's backside ... not that he had ever tasted a dog's backside, but this is what he would imagine it would taste like. He lifted his head from the pillow, which also proved to be painful. Sam was sitting on his laptop at the table in the corner.

"Sammy? What time is it?"

Sam looked up and laughed at the state Dean was in. He looked almost green in the face, plus his hair was sticking up in all directions.

"It's ten thirty, dude," Sam said, turning back to his laptop. Dean groaned, then heard a groan from next to him. He looked round, a little too quickly, giving himself a head rush. Castiel was in bed next to him, looking just as ill.

"Dude, you okay?" Dean asked his lover. Castiel shook his head and ran a hand through his hair.

"I have decided I do not enjoy alcohol," Castiel stated, matter-of-factly.

"Dude," Sam said, from the corner. "I can't believe you got an angel of the Lord drunk, and singing karaoke. How the hell did that happen?"

Dean looked at Cas. "Erm ... well ..."


"Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaam," Dean moaned. "I'm so hungry." They moved into their motel room, switching on the light, which came on disco lights. They looked at each other. Another cheap themed motel room. Glitter and bright colours were everywhere, but Dean's eyes clapped on the karaoke machine which was wired up to the TV.

"Sam ... we could ..."

"No, Dean. Last time we did karaoke; you got drunk and made me sing Cher's part of 'I Got You, Babe.' Remember the gay jokes after that, Dean" Sam said, frowning. He had hated that so much. Dean giggled as he remembered it. Sam smacked him across the arm, causing Dean to let out a dramatic 'oww' before moving over to drop his bag on his chosen bed. He sat down, looking at the karaoke machine. Sam seemed to know what he was thinking.

"Don't you dare. I'm going to go across town and have a look in the library, then I'll bring us back some dinner. You behave. Watch some porn, or something," he said, moving back out of the motel room and into the Impala.

Dean sighed loudly, before moving over to look out of the window to make sure Sammy was gone. He quickly gathered a few dollars from his bag and ran to the store across the road. Some beer was definitely needed.


It had been an hour since Sammy had left and Dean was standing up on his bed, fourth beer bottle in hand, sunglasses on, karaoke microphone in hand, and doing a ridiculous dance while singing along to 'Hit Me Baby One More Time' by Britney Spears.

'My loneliness is killin' me (and I)
I must confess I still believe (still believe)
When I'm not with you I lose my mind
Give me a sign, hit me baby one more ...'

"Hello, Dean."

Dean let out a girly scream before falling off the bed, getting tangled in the microphone cable and dropping his half empty bottle. He looked back up to see Castiel with a slight smirk on his face. Bastard angel, sneaking up on him like that. He tried to untangle himself from the cable before standing up.

"Don't do that. Fuckin' gave me a heart attack, nearly," he said, waiting on his heart rate to come back down to normal. Castiel's smile disappeared for a moment.

"I am sorry. I did not mean to startle you." Dean smiled gently.

"C'mere ..." Dean said, and the angel stepped towards him, their lips meeting gently.

"I have missed you, Dean."

"Missed you too ..." he said, deepening the kiss, his hand running up the angels arms, and up to the lapels on his coat. Castiel suddenly pulled away.

"Dean, you taste strange ..."

"Oh, that would be beer ..." Dean said, turning round and picking up a bottle. "Want one?" Castiel looked weary as Dean took the lid off the bottle and handed it to him. Castiel took it and he sniffed the strange liquid first before he took an experimental sip. He made a face at the taste of it before taking another drink, which seemed to taste a little better than the first one.


"It is not pleasant, but it is not unpleasant either," Castiel stated, taking another drink.

"Woah, dude! It's not soda. You have to drink it slow, or you'll get drunk."

"Angel's do not get drunk."


Soon enough, Castiel was hammered.

"Told you ..." Dean slurred, giggling at Castiel who could barely sit up straight. His usually gorgeous eyes were glazed over as he tried to see straight.

"I love you, Dean ..." Castiel slurred back, making Dean giggled and blush.

"Love you too, honey ..." he said, drunkenly. He suddenly had an idea. "Let's sing, Cas." He grabbed two of the microphones from the karaoke machine and he handed on to Cas.

"I'll teach you Carry On Wayward Son," he said. Cas tilted his head in that cute, adorable, confused way of his. Dean switched on the machine and they began learning the song.


"Dude, you're awesome," Dean said to Castiel, who, even in his drunk state, was able to pick up the song no problem. They were singing away together, enjoying themselves. Castiel was a pretty good singer. Dean watched him as he sang his part and he felt himself getting aroused from watching the angel.


"DEAN! Too much information, dude!" Sam shouted.

"Sorry, Sammy. But that's what happened ... back to the story ..."


He moved over to Castiel and he cupped his cheek and kissed him deeply. Castiel kissed him back, the hand holding the microphone dropping to the ground to hold himself up as Dean began assaulting his senses. They both let go of the microphones and Dean lay down on his back, pulling Castiel on top of him, straddling him, as they kissed. Castiel's hand went to Dean's t-shirt and pulled it off, throwing it across the room, when it caught onto the lamp and was left hanging there. Dean pressed his tongue at the seal of Castiel's lips, asking for entry, which Castiel obliged. Dean slid his hands up Castiel's chest, before sliding them under the lapels of his 'Holy Tax Accountant' trenchcoat and pushed it off his shoulders, before kicking it out the way. His suit jacket was next and then his shirt began to go, each button popping out exposing a bit of Castiel's tanned, lightly muscled chest.

"Dean," Castiel moaned. He slid off his shirt, leaving his tie around his neck. Castiel pinned Dean's arms to his sides and he began kissing and licking up his chest. Dean moaned and writhed beneath the angel. His hands gripped the carpet and in his arousal, he manage to hit the 'play' button on the remote and the song started up again. The two men giggled and both moved to retrieve their microphone's again.

Niether of them noticed Sammy walk in.


"Dude, I'm scarred for life now," Sam said.

"I feel sick ..." Castiel said, getting up and moving to the bathroom. They grimaced when they heard him vomiting.

"Tell you what, Sammy. God is gonna kick my ass."