Author's note

Hey all.

After the long hiatus, Hikishi's back, with more fic. Apologies for the wait, unfortunately my life scheduled a minor nervous breakdown. However, I wrote myself through it, and this is part of the result.

It's another slow updater, due to the fact I'm still working on it, so just hang with me, and we'll get there in the end.

Foreseeable Future, by Hikishi

Disclaimer: Gundam Wing does not belong to me. This displeases me but hey, what can I do? So please, save your breath and don't sue.

Pairings: ?

Warnings: Blood, Violence, Swearing (of course), Death (though anyone important)

Genres: Angst, Drama, Action, Hurt/Comfort.

Foreseeable Future

Chapter One


"Are you okay, Duo?" Hilde asked as her friend and co-worker hurried behind the bar, a blast of icy wind following him through the door and making her shiver. "You look a little pale."

He pulled his hair over his shoulder, as he came to join her, words already tumbling from full lips that any woman would be jealous of. A weak smile was tossed her way as he braided his obscenely long chestnut toned tresses, fingers flying through the task with expert grace in smooth quick motions.

"Yeah, Hilde babe, just…tired, I think."

The dark haired girl shook her head, impish face devoid of it's usual cute smile.

"You don't look good at all. Maybe you should ask Howard for the night off-"

"That Duo?!" The man in question interrupted, shouting from his office without bothering to check. "You're late!"

Duo grimaced and immediately began to serve their regulars.

"I can't afford to." He told her, ignoring his boss' greeting. "Besides, I'm sure I'll be fine in an hour or so."

Although chronically late, Duo never missed work. He was always asking for more shifts if anything and every time Hilde or Howard questioned him on it, they always received the excuse that he was 'saving' as an evasive answer.

Duo didn't seem to spend any of the money he'd earned, but he kept himself to himself, and did not bring his problems to work, which was exactly what Howard had wanted when he took him on and exactly why he still had his job.

"Hey!" Howard had finally come through to the bar. "If you're late again, I'll dock your pay, you damn punk."

"Sorry Howie, I-" Duo turned to him to apologise and swayed dangerously as his head swam. He caught hold of the bar and managed to stay upright, but Howard noticed and gazed at him in concern.

"Hey kid, you okay?"

"Yeah Howie, your shirt just making me dizzy." He commented as he found his balance, insulting the man's penchant for wearing very loud Hawaiian print clothing. Howard frowned at the diversion, not fooled for a second.

"Nuh uh, don't think so. You're white as a sheet. You sick?"

"Nah boss, ya know me better'n that. Too many late nights, is all." The young man took another order as he spoke.

"Seriously Duo. You shouldn't be here if you're ill." the old man replied sensibly, which was very unlike him. "We'll do fine without you."

"I'm fine Howie. Trust me. Anyway, there's no way I'm skipping tonight, it's Friday, you need me here." He shrugged at Howard's sceptical look, and rolled his eyes. "Hilde can't do it alone, and I really need the money. What's the problem?"

"Your health kid. Here." The boss handed him a coffee liberally laced with whiskey. "Knock this back." He waited until the long haired man had complied with his instruction and began to drink, then spoke again. "Yeah, I know you don't drink, but it'll warm ya up."

"Don't worry Howie, I definitely won't be making a habit outta that!" Duo nodded grimacing, knowing his employer understood the reason behind his teetotal state.

Howard grunted, and wandered back to his office, yelling over his shoulder as he went.

"Just make sure you don't collapse in my bar!"

As the night wore on, Duo's prediction came true and he did feel better. He and Hilde worked hard and fast to keep their customers' glasses filled, earning their tips through flirting and bar dancing. They made a good team. Friday was always the busiest and the best opportunity for a large tip.

The Scrapyard was a popular hangout for businessmen and cops from the local police force. The shift was in full swing when the late workers drifted in at about eleven.

"Hey Duo!" Quatre called as he slid onto his favourite stool in the back corner of the bar. The blond worked at the station and was a regular at The Scrapyard.

"Hey Quat', the usual?" Duo tossed back from his spot further down, serving someone else.

"Yes please."

Duo finished with his customer and began to mix his drink.

"Rough day?"

"Yeah. You?"

"I'm good." The drink was set down on the counter and money handed over, with the correct change following back. Duo did not accept tips from Quatre, the blond was a good friend, and he saw it as charity if he was offered money. They had a long-standing accord, that Quatre didn't give him tips, lest he wanted an ear-bashing. "Wanna talk about it?"

"Not really." Was the smiling reply. They both knew Quatre couldn't talk about his cases anyway. "I'm already gonna have nightmares over it, don't want to give you sleepless nights too."

Duo snorted.

"As if it would make any difference from my usual-"

The rest of his sentence was cut off as he became dizzy again. He clutched at the counter as everything whited out for a moment, unable to breathe and on the verge of collapsing. When his vision returned abruptly and cleared, he found Quatre staring at him in shock.

"Duo? You look as if you've seen a ghost. Are you sick?"

"I'm FINE." He ground out, even as Hilde shot him a worried and disbelieving look. "Don't worry about me."

"But Duo…"

"Drop it!" Came the unsubtle and snapped hint. Quatre, knowing better that to challenge him, just sent him a knowing scowl. An apology from his friend was quick to follow. "I'm just…having one of those days."

"It's alright." Quatre soothed. "I understand."

And the truth was, he really did. Duo was glad he had someone who got it.

"So, bad case huh?" The blond nodded. He'd known Duo for a while now and the young man was an excellent listener, even if he didn't divulge any details about the case. Not that it mattered. The barman was an adept at reading between the lines in any case.

"It's a bad one." He sighed, sipping at his cocktail. "I've been asked to join up with the operation. But I'm not even sure I can handle it."

Duo scoffed.

"Course you can, you're the best Profiler Une's got. And besides, I'm sure tall, dark and handsome would love to work with you again."

Quatre raised an eyebrow in suspicion, but chose not to reply. Duo seemed to just know these things, but never asked questions. He called it 'intuition'. Quatre called it 'weird'. The slender young man also had the innate ability to know things were going to happen before they did. If not for experiencing Duo's gift first hand, Quatre would not have been here to believe him. He'd learned though not to broach the subject with Duo. Strangely enough, his friend dismissed it as luck. He didn't believe in his own hidden talent, and hated for anyone to bring it to light.

Duo had saved Quatre's life, in a very unconventional and exceptional way. The first time they'd met in fact. Quatre had been helping Duo, a mere stranger at the time, pick up his things from the pavement after he'd bumped into him in a hurry. As he'd brushed against the young man, Duo had suddenly gone very white and clutched his wrist.

"Don't ride with the three hula girls today. They will be the last thing you see."

At the time, the blond had thought he'd just met the neighbourhood weirdo and dismissed it. Duo himself seemed not to remember the episode apart from feeling a little dizzy and they'd both parted ways. Five minutes into his cab ride he'd noticed the three little hula dolls on the dashboard and had an inexplicable urge to stop the taxi and get out, Duo's eerie prediction coming back to him. Three hours later, and running late due to the silly feeling that had made him walk to his meeting, he'd seen it plastered all over the news. The taxi had wound up in a three car pile up. It took him three days to track Duo down and all the young man had to say when he saw Quatre was: "I'd had a feeling I'd see you again.".

The rest of the night went fine for Duo, and at closing time, he bid Hilde and Howard goodbye and slipped out of the door before they could question his calling a cab. Eight blocks was not far to his home. It was gone two a.m. and no one was on the streets. Duo reached the border of the L1 and L2 districts when he heard footsteps behind him. He stopped and turned, but scanning the street, saw nothing. He carried on again, and the following resumed. Duo forced himself to stay calm. It was only another three blocks to his home. He'd walked this route a million times before. Suddenly the steps behind him quickened. The young man whirled around to confront his stalker and only saw the hypodermic needle plunge towards his shoulder.