Rating: T

Warnings: Slash... Mentions: Chara death(x2), gay sex, suicide attempts

AN: I wrote this thinking it was going to be sweet... but my muse seemed to have grown horns in the process... Suggestion and reviews are welcome!

No profit, no ownership. :)


The Obfuscator's Card : Thanks :) You are welcome also.

JustMe133: Thank you, for you this post...

They says that smell is the strongest sense linked to memory. For Tommy it is true enough, throughout his life certain smells always brought back memories. The smell of hair gel reminds him of Merton. The smell of chicken grease oddly reminds him of the first time he kissed the younger man, self deluding himself that he was after the grease on the other's lip. The smell of strawberries always stirred faint pangs of lust probably from the fact it was the flavour of lube they always used. Or the scent of lavender which almost always came off Merton, Tommy later discovered it was from the body wash he used. Not all memories are good though. The smell of sweat and dirt brings back his days of fighting the monster of the week. The smell of dog hair reminds him of the night he got bitten. The smell of fear brought back the night where it all went wrong, both of them too sure of victory, meant Merton was hit by falling debrie. After the fight finished Tommy discovered that he was infact in a coma. The doctors said he probably wouldn't wake up. He went through the stages of grief but no matter what the stage he was in every spare moment was spent in the hospital room. Merton's parents later told the doctors to switch his life support off. The smell of Mrs Dingle's tears when they told him what they did meant that Tommy was now couldn't go near anything salty without breaking down slightly.

Tommy stared at the cup in his hand, if he survived yet again, the smell of almonds was always going to bring back feelings of failure.

AN: To all those who don't know... cyanide is said to smell slightly of bitter almonds.