Better Summary: Its been 4 years since naraku died, rin is 13 years old and is beaten and treated like a slave by kagura when sesshomaru is gone. But HEY! She's in charge. And then a young "human" doctor (O.C.C) with a healing power shows up…and he knows rin very well. What happens next? Read and find out. PAIRING :Rin X O.C.C, Rin X Sesshy , and regular pairing. Rated T for blood and kagura's A**holishness.

Thorn:hello!!!!! this is my first fanfic so im kinda nervous-_-' PLEASE ENJOY

*diclaimer*: I don't own inuyasha characters they belong to Rumiko Takahashi only Vain and others not in series belong to me^-^

Authors note(me): (*.....*)-this means im making a comment,'... ' -this means thoughts, "...."- this means speaking,(())-this means sarcastic type speaking,*..*- this is sighing, coughing,sneezing , ect... it wont be used for screaming sounds. P.O.V means Point Of View for those who dont read fanfics and O.C.C means...(idk actual words)- means maid up character by author I also spell Koga- like this and not Kouga SO NO COMPLAINING!!!

CHAPTER 1 :prolouge

Regular P.O.V

Its been 4 years since Inuyasha, Sesshomaru and Koga slayed Naraku. In that time sesshomaru started his empire with Jaken as his Royal Advisor, Rin treated like a princess(*cough"NOPE!"cough*) and kagura (*words im not allowed to say*) as his leader, empiress demon when he's gone. Inuyasha's gang hasn't changed exept sango and miroku are finally married, kagome and inuyasha are finally a couple, koga's traveling the country side with them and KIKYO IS DEAD!!!!(*HA!!YES!FINALLY!!THE WITCH IS DEAD!HA!!!*) Ok back to RIN.

When Sesshomaru is at the castle, Rin is treated perfectly. Rin liked it when her Lord was ((home)) because she got to see him. But another reason is because when he's gone Kagura's in charge and Rins treated worst then a jew in egypt in bible times. Rin doesnt complain or even tell Lord Sesshomaru because she knows it will do nothing but trouble her Lord besides Kagura was in charge she could do what ever she wanted.

Today Lord Sesshomaru Lord of the Western Lands must leave for a gathering with the other LandLords for 2 weeks. So that means Kagura will be in charge for 2 weeks.

thanks 4 reading this is only telling the setting please review. Next chapter will be better and longer^-^