When I was done I talking to Jamie and turn the corner, gasp Edward. "How long have you been standing there?" Please say I just got there.

"Um I just got here. I thought you were going to talk to your teacher."

"Oh yeah I did I just bump into Jamie here, so we started to talk. So where are we going to eat, I'm starving."

"What about Denny's"

"Sure let go." We got into his car but he didn't start for a very long time. Then there was awkward silence. I hate silence so when it comes to awkward silence I just want to kill myself sometimes. "So are you going to start the car or what?"

"Oh yeah I was just thinking." Thinking? I hate when men think. It just makes me worry.

"So Edward, can I ask you question?"

"Sure what is it?"

"Your parents you never talk about or Alice for that matter. I mean I think you know my whole family for as much I talk about them."

"Well both Alice and I were adopted by Esme and Carlisle Cullen." Hold the fuck on he is adopt by the famous power couple that I envy with a passion. "I was born by a teenage mother she couldn't handle having a child at a young age. So left me on the door step of Esme and Carlisle, she didn't even know them. She just heard rumors around the town that they wanted a child, but Esme couldn't carry one."

"Wait! How do you know your mom was teen mother and this back story."

"Well a year after she came and visited me and said she did the right thing but she would still like to be in my life. So every year the day she gave me to the Cullens she come and visits."

"What about Alice is she a child that Esme actually could carry for a pregnancy term?"

"Well two years after officially adopting me, they thought just one child would spoil me too much and also Esme always wanted a girl. So they went to adoption agency and they wanted me to pick out the girl. So I chose Alice. But that fucking lady said no she has too much baggage and shit. So me being the hard headed two year old, I started to cry to get my way."

"So do you still cry if you don't get your way." I said playing with him.

"Psh psh no. Yes but only with my mommy." OMG he still calls his mom mommy.

"Mommy?" I said while I raised my eyebrow. I was seriously not ready that answer.

"Um I meant mom or mother. You know the normal name for men of my age to call the woman who raise them in life."

I raised my eyebrow and thought to myself I'm so into a total mama's boy. "Oh my gosh you are a total mama's boy. Who would have thought big bad Edward Cullen player of all players is one o those boys who in love with mom like he is still three years old? Wow!"

"You better not tell anybody Isabella Swan or else-"

"Whoa! Whoa, whoa stop with the government name and not to worry I think it's kind of cute that you still call your mom, mommy. It just proves that you have some kind soft under this entire FAKE macho exterior."

"Thanks, wait did you just call me a fake."

I just smiled and nodded yes to him.

"How? Why?"

"Well… the way you act in front everybody who are not close to you. I see the way you act with your 'crew'. You act like some little kid. Which I might say I like that Edward better than the one everybody learn to love and secretly hate."

"What you mean secretly hate?" Oh my cheese and crackers he ask to much questions.

"You are the guy that everybody hates-"

"I see no problem with that"

-_- "Can I continue without any interruptions? You know what don't answer that. They hate you because they hate the fact that their girlfriends are always saying 'why can't you be more like Edward' oh and this one is my favorite 'why can't you just sparkle like Edward'. Question, um what grown man sparkles? Wait! Let me rephrase that. What grown man sparkles and isn't gay." I asked with a cheeky smile. I love messing with him, he is such a easy target. {I'm sorry I had to put that in there anyways back to the story giggle giggle}

"Oh wouldn't you like to find out?" OMG the things he does to me. Okay play it cool Bella you have to win this bet, forget about the fact that you might actually be in love with this guy. Okay deep breaths, think happy thoughts. I need a smart come back, think think.

"Psh no." Smooth Bells. I should really stop talking to myself in a full conversation. I think might need to go check that out.

"Sure, whatever you say let's just go inside and eat."

{AN: I know probably wondering where has this hoe been. But let me tell you I almost didn't past freshman year of high schoo because of stupid English (stupid bitch). So I had to take a little time off. So I can past with some dignity. Then during the summer time I was hardly home and when I was home my sister was using my computer half the time. Now it's a new school year and I'm doing great in my classes except geometry, but that doesn't matter. Anyways I hope I can do update as much I would like to. Also I got a lot reviews on my other story so I would also be working on that too. I'm working two things scratch that three I have an English paper due Monday. Love you guys and thanks or sticking by me when I went all ghost.}