Author's note: This is my first story. Cut me some slack! You guys all ready know, the first chapter to any fan fiction always sucks. ;3 (well, in some cases)

I do not own Inuyasha.

"Its people like you that make me want to rip my tongue out, and use it as a noose!"

My name is Kagome. As you can see…right now I am very angry. My life is pretty much ruined and I can easily blame the person who has slung me over his shoulder. Sesshomaru. Oh the damn boy got me hexed by a gypsy…a gypsy. A palm reader! Someone that I haven't even had the pleasure of meeting, and boy when I do, I'm going to give her…him…whatever! a piece of my mind.

Allow me to go into greater detail back to three days ago, when I think this could have happened…

The summer festival had come into town. With it, there were rides, carnival food, fortune tellers, games, and toys and junkie prizes to win. I was there, in a large crowd of people, in the middle of my small group of friends…who were, at the time, making me the butt end of their jokes.

Dust was kicking up with every step we took, and my jumping up and down was causing a small dust storm that got everyone around me a bit dirty. No one passing by seemed to mind that much. Everyone at the festival was more entranced in the idea of having fun. No one was worried about the little things, like red dirt brushing against their clothes.

"You know that wasn't my fault Miroku!" I went to slap him playfully on the arm, but Inuyasha caught my arm and swung me around to face him.

"And I suppose closing your eyes while slicing vedgietables was someone else's fault?" The golden eyed boy teasingly asked.

Yanking away from him, I laughed a reply, "You three are so cruel!" I reached into my purse and slipped my fingers around my sleek, small camera, "Crowd together! I wanna get your picture."

As the three crowded together, my friend Sango had commented back to my statement, "And because of that simple mistake, you needed five little stitches."

They bustled together, each of them gliding their arms over each other's shoulders, and plasturing on the biggest, most unflattering smiles a group of people could produce. That was probably the best I was going to get out of those jokesters. The flash flickered and sparkled in each of their eyes, causing each of their smiling faces to contort into winces.

Lucky for me, I had captured the 'awesome' picture perfect photo that I had wanted.

Lovely, dark haired, bright eyed Sango was in the middle, with an unsightly grin, and goofy Inuyasha had his head tilted, resting ontop of Sango's head, so that his dark hair covered his eyes, and part of Sango's forehead, his smile matching that of Sango's.

Miroku was looking straight up at the sky, his face completely hidden from the picture. All you could see was his long neck.

I shoved the camera back into my purse and smiled, and as the three continued talking about what they were going to do next I kicked some dust at them, just to tease.

Of course, my small dust cloud was intercepted by a jerk, who did not take very kindly to my mistake.

"Uhg God damnint! What the Hell are you doing?!" Of all the many pants my dust cloud could have mingled with, it had to mingle with his.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes at the dim witted fool. It was hard for me to look up at the tall figure, for he was standing just behind a light, but I was still able to come up with a good come back to his lack of understanding, "Exsisting, but of course that alone has ruined your day."

A smile played across the boy's perfect lips, "You're right."

"Sesshomaru, get lost," Inuyasha breathed.

Dusting off his pants, Sesshomaru waved his arm, and he and the group of friends he had appeared with strode off in the moving crowd.

I sighed looking after him trying very hard to glare daggers into the back of his skull, but the bumping and the gentle shoving of the ongoing crowd was breaking my concentration. I sighed and pulled my purse higher up on my shoulder and started trotting alongside Sango and Inuyasha

"It's odd that the two of you share the same father."

Inuyasha tugged at my arm and started directing me and the rest of the group to one of the game tents.

Sango laughed and nudged Miroku, "He's just a jerk. Go win me a prize!"

Narrowing his eyes Miroku snorted, "I'll get right on that after you give me he—"

A solid slap to the cheek ended the obscene sentence.

The two slithered into a nearby game tent and Inuyasha and I made ourselves comfortable at a one of the many picnic tables that were laid out for the people who had gotten food.

I sighed and began picking at the paint that was curling and chipping away. It wasn't fair that Inuyasha had to share the same blood with someone as cold hearted and hateful as Sesshomaru. Every time I saw the hateful boy my mind began to drift off and think about how unfair things must be for Inuyasha.

He was a very competive person but who could blame him. He was always living in the shadow of his older brother. I mean, his mother always praised Inuyasha for all the outstanding things he accomplished and even all of the little things, but his father was a different story.

It was like his father favored Sesshomaru over Inuyasha and for something so little. Inuyasha decided to stay with his mother whenever they got the divorce, not to pick favorites between his parents, but so that his mother wasn't going to live alone. Inuyasha knew his father could take care of himself, but someone as fragile as Inuyasha's mother, living alone…that just wouldn't be any fair. But I guess by choosing to live with his mother over his father costed him his relationship with his father..or..the little bit of relationship they actually had.

"Hey!" Inuyasha called me out of my useless picking and pointed over towards a purple tent, covered in sparkly stars and crescent moons, "You wanna have someone tell you your FUTURE!?"

I laughed and jumped up, "well of course!" I began running in the direction of the tent and called back to Inu, "I can tell that in your future, a girl will beat you to…the.." I stopped when his whizzed past me. I smirked and shook my head, then walked the rest of the way to the tent.

"That's not too fair that you ran ahead like that," I pouted, gently punching his shoulder.

"It's not my fault you're slow," He answered cooly, a smile dancing across his lips.

I gave a loud whine and a hard tug on his arm, "But Inuuuu," I gave a more, annoying, high pitched tone to my voice, and tugged on his arm even harder, "I'm a giiiirl! You're supposed to be all nice and sweet and give me the upper hand at little things like Raaaaacing!"

He laughed and ruffled my hair with his free hand, "Stop it! People are looking at us like YOU'RE nuts!"

He was right. The people that were exiting the tent were staring at me as if I were a two year old who didn't want to cooperate with her parents. That gave me a better idea. I jumped onto Inu's back and began tugging at his hair and whining louder, "you didn't let me Wiiin!" I howled.

He spun around and laughed all the while yelling at me to get down. He grabbed my wrists and unlocked them from around his neck, and shoved me into the entrance way to the tent.

I tripped through the flaps of the tent, causing a loud rustle of cloth and dirt. I also landed face first into something hard, warm, and solid, and that something answered with a harsh, familiar, "What the hell are you doing!?"

I also need a beta reader… ^-^