Warning: Swearing, Violence, Some Adult Situations
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, I just use them periodically as minions...

A/N: Welcome to Last Chance, the sequel to First Sight! I'm so happy to be able to put this on the site after teasing you all. (Sorry for that.) Don't want to say much. Let your eyes do their thing and find out what this is about!

Griffin looked at the lifeless form on the couch. It hurt him to see her like this. She'd been out cold for an hour now without the slightest bit of movement since she passed out on the floor of the lair. He got up and moved to the refrigerator, getting out a bottle of water for himself, looking very grumpy.


Griffin turned around and saw her looking around nervously. "Penelope?" Her eyes were wide and her breathing was heavy. "Pen?" Griffin said as he walked towards her. He watched as she lightly prodded her stomach with the palm of her hand and then looking at Griffin again. She looked confused and child-like as her eyes locked on him. "You were stabbed. Lucky fer you I patched yeh up, but you'll still need ta go to the doctor." She nodded silently. "Are you gunna talk?" he smirked.

She opened her mouth, but no words came out. Penny looked down at her hands as she leaned against the arm of the couch. "They're gone. Both of them..." Her voice was cracked and raspy.

Griffin sat on the edge in the middle of the couch. His mind flashed to seeing her brother's corpse on the floor of the college room. He wasn't sure what to say. "I'm...sorry?" he said, half questioning if he should be saying the words as he watched her. Her eyes slowly moved to him. She keeps lookin' at me like that and I'm gunna feel bad about all this. "C'mere already," he sighed as he held out his arms towards her. She crawled, not moving the blanket, to him and curled up in his arms.

"I won't cry Griffin," she said strongly as she held her arms around his waist.

Thank god for that one, Griffin thought, arms across her back and hugging her against his chest. "We'll get Roland. I promise," he said, kissing the top of her head. They just sat like that for what seemed to be forever until Griffin said, "Now how about that doctor?" as he stroked her hair. He heard a slight giggle from her. "Was that a laugh?" She pulled back and smiled weakly with a nod. "Alright then." He let go and wrapped the grey blanket around her before jumping to a hospital.

The hospital was a place Griffin had gone to a while back when he got a slash on the arm from a Paladin. He claimed it was an accident at his job and they treated it without question. A nurse caught a glimpse of them walking into the emergency room. "Oh my!" she gasped, seeing the blood on Penny's shirt. Shit. Forgot about that, Griffin cursed himself for not having her change her shirt before arriving. The nurse took Penny from his arms. "What happened?" Griffin was fuming about the fact that the nurse had just taken her, but he manged to say, "She had an accident." The nurse threw an odd look over her shoulder as she helped Penny to a room.

When they got in the room, the nurse sat Penny on the examination table. "I'll be right back. And my name's Ruth," she smiled, walking back into the hallway.

Griffin stood next to Penny. She glared at him. "What?" he asked defensively.

"I hate doctors. And hospitals," Penny grumbled.

"Get used to it Pen. I'm not exactly a doctor."

Ruth returned with a doctor. She was writing on a clipboard as the doctor looked Penny up and down. "What happened?" he asked when he noticed the blood stains on her shirt.

Penny went to speak, but Griffin cut her off. "We were helpin' out some friends build onto their house and she got a good thwack from a board with a nail in it." The doctor eyed him suspiciously and nodded. Ruth, standing behind him, was writing notes about the story.

The doctor, whose name Griffin saw stitched onto the coat as Dr. Addler, was lifting her shirt to examine the wound. "Are you sure it was a nail? It's pretty deep..."

"Yes it was a nail," Penny protested. "Can you just patch me up and send me on my way?" She sounded, and looked, angry.

Griffin smirked. Someone really despises doctors.

"I'm sorry miss?..."

"Mrs. O'Conner," Griffin interrupted.

Dr. Addler looked at him curiously before turning back to 'Mrs. O'Conner'. "We'll need to run some tests and make sure you don't have any internal hemorrhaging or problems. It could be a day or two."

Penny frowned with a groan. "Thanks honey," she sarcastically said to Griffin.

Griffin winked at her. "Anytime."