JHR: The final curtain

Hello, my readers. I would first of like to thank everyone for all there support, and all of your reviews and encouragement have really improved me, as a writer. I will not delete this story, but I will not update.

I am not going to rewrite, but I will focus on my other stories if you want to check those out.

I really do appreciate all your support through JHR and thank you everyone! Don't doubt that I love you all! With your help, JHR has achieved over 100 reviews!

Stay tuned for other stories. (PM me if you want me to message you when my new story is out).


Don't Know and Don't Care 38: My first reviewer and a great writer yourself, I 110% am grateful for all your suggestions, criticism, and support. You have really made me think much more about my stories and made me improve. Thank you so much!

Cordetta: Thanks for your praise of my story and encouraging me to write more of it. Thank you for reading my story Junkyard High Routine!

electricjellicle: Thanks for the suggestion, and I'm grateful that you like it!

DarkFallenAngel123: The praise for my story you have given means a lot to me and I apologize for not putting Jem & Pounce together ;) Thanks!

jackpot10222: I love your comments on all the drama going on through the story! Your personality shows in your reviews and I like getting to know my readers.I'm very thankful that you take so much interest in my story!

PlatoLuvr-08: I really love all your enthusiasm of JHR. All your suggestions were very interesting, and I regret not including them all. Thanks for caring about JHR so much.

SummerRose12: Thanks a lot for all your praise and detailed reviews. Thanks for your suggestions. You're enthusiasm really brightens my day. Thanks!

musicgal3: I cannot give enough thanks for your reviews. Whenever I read the reviews you give it just really is the cherry on top of life. Thank you times 100 for all the love you've given JHR.

JemiiNMistoFTW: I'm glad you've loved my story so much up to this points, and thank you for suggestions on couples. Thanks for reviewing, every single one of yours counts!

danalynneb: I'm so glad I got to (kind of) share your birthday to you, and it warms my heart that your wanted an update as a birthday wish! Thanks for supporting JHR so much over the time that I have written it. It means a lot!

Bloodypaw: Thanks for your review!

SensesFaillxx: Thanks for all the support and encouragement. I love the comments in the reviews you have and they really make me laugh. You have faithfully reviewing and thanks so much for doing so! I think you'll like my other stories as well!

Rosella95: Your story about your mom made me laugh, I'm very glad you review my story JHR!

Veerle/ElectricDementia: Thanks for your reviews and all your suggestions as well as praise. Your thoughts mean a lot to my story and writing and have thoroughly allowed me to know my strong points. Thanks so much!

demeterfan5556: I love it that you are very into the suspense I tried to play into the story. I love how on level you are with my characters. Thanks for reviewing!

Castelia: Thanks for your review. Your positive feedback really made me happy and I am always happy to see a new face in my reviews. Thanks and I apologize for ending this story.

Rumpleteazah: I'm glad you loved all of the chapters in my story, and it means a lot that you thought it was good. Thanks for your support of JHR!

Insanemistosingsmore: Don't worry I won't delete :), but I won't update unfortunately. Thanks for your reviews and I hope to see you reading my other stories as well!

Evanne Taylor: I'm sorry I'm deleting but I hope you will enjoy my other story. Thank you!

ragtoregg64: I won't delete it. Thanks :). I'm glad you liked the tech savvy part. My sad attempt at humor.


musicgal3 and Don't Know and Don't Care 38! Although EVERY SINGLE ONE of you have been so helpful to me and my story (And for that I am eternally grateful) These two people have been the most meaningful to me as a developing writer and my story.

Now, I am very thankful for all you have done for me and to thank you, I'm enlisting the beginning of my next story and spoilers on what was going to happen.


"She's crazy," said a Maine Coon cat with a sigh.

"No she's not Tugger. She's just . . . different," defended a queen who had lovely sculpted cheekbones.

"Demeter, don't be so delusional. You and Munkustrap gave birth to a lunatic kitten," Rum Tum Tugger set with slight aggravation in his voice. The moonlight hit his face in a way, which made his look like a creature born of shadows.

There was sharp noise.

"Victoria is not a lunatic. She's not your average kitten I will say, but she's very similar to everyone. The only difference is that she . . . has an extra skill. Don't say any more negative things about your niece, Tugger. Or I will do something more than just slap you," Demeter said. Her tone of voice had a sharp bite in it that made the usually cool Coon, flinch.

He growled, "Don't deny it Demeter. You best be getting rid of the defective kit,"

The swift feline unsheathed her claw and grabbed his tail. He yelped and jumped back. "Bitch," he muttered and walked away.

Two years later, very early in the morning.

"Victoria, what is it now?" Demeter cooed softly to her hysterically sobbing kit.

"Someone's dying momma! They all cry because he's dead!" the white kitten wailed. Demeter brought her daughter closer and tried to hug her over her large pregnant stomach.

"How do you know?" she asked trying to calm her down.

"I hear them crying! I hear them praying! I hear them talking! It's passing me sounds!"

"What's passing you sounds, darling?"

"The wind," she said with a quivery voice.

"I hear death, but at the same time, a kitty is born. It's all happening at once, and it makes my head spin and hurt. All the pain, But all the happiness too," she looked at her mother's disgruntled face, "Do you understand?"

Demeter nodded, "Focus on the happiness, darling. Focus on the love,"

Victoria looked unsatisfied, "Well it's kind of . . ." She burst crying again.

"Ha . . . ha . . .hard!"

"Oh dear," Demeter sighed she laid a hand on her belly wondering what will happen to her unborn kit.

"Munk! Munk!" Demeter called desperately. The silver tabby entered into their home, several cardboard boxes put together.

"The kit is coming!" Munkustrap's brain finally registered what she said and started to panic.

"Oh no! We must find Jenny . . . or Jelly!" Munkustrap looked around, "AUGH! Can you walk?!"

"Kind of . . ." she answered, not so sure herself. She hobbled outside only to be introduced to even more chaos.

"DEMMMM!!!!" She heard a strong female voice call. Her sister, Bombalurina. Sweat covered her scarlet fur as her paws trembled.

"What's wrong?" The gold and black queen asked. Bombalurina grabbed her sister's paws.

"It's Old Deuteronomy! He was found dead this morning!"

It's a lot darker than I'm used to. That's for sure. I hope you guys like it.


-The blackmailer was Electra. Macavity was anonymously feeding her information on the other cats. She was desperate for Mistoffelees.

-Bombalurina had a pregnancy scare with Plato. They had both had a fight with their lovers earlier, and eloped together. Decided to forget about it.

-Mistoffelees and Jemima fall for each other, and Jemima becomes obsessed with Misto doing magic tricks at the party and continues to love his magic. Misto thinks she only likes him because he's magical, but it proves to not be true. Jemima does love him, but wants him to do constant magic because she's so proud of him.

-Plato leaves Victoria and the junkyard after finding her kiss Mungojerrie (Though she was blind and didn't realize it was Jerrie til it was too late). She goes and finds him and tells him everything (Contest, love, blah blah blah)

-Everybody goes honest and tells everyone their secrets. There is some distance between all friends and couples, but they realize it was all in the far past, and they should live in the present.

-Electra stands up to Macavity and destroying him with the truth (That he's unloved, nobody with ever care for him (He can't feel physical pain, but emotional pain is extremely sensitive to him)

Thanks to all of you for being there for me, and Junkyard High Routine.

Now to end it off how I usually . . .


The End