This is sort of an alternate ending to Wicked Lovely. It starts in that bit where Keenan wants to have his faery girls seduce Seth and show Ash, but instead of being talked out of it by Niall, he continues with his plan…


Keenan strode along the road at full pace, not bothering to look where he was going. He knew the way. He had walked this way many times to watch his future queen with him. That annoying little mortal. He was there. He walked up to the too familiar steel house and just before he reached the door, summoned one of his summer girls. She was beautiful. Obviously not as beautiful as Aislinn, but no one could compete. The Summer girl's glamour had long shimmering blond hair, that looked like sunlight, and a warm tan.

"You called?" She asked huskily.

"I need you to do me a favour, Serena," Keenan asked, his voice sickly sweet like honey.

"What kind of favour?" The summer girl stepped forward so that her face was only an inch away from Keenan's.

"Not that kind of favour," he replied, with a smooth step backwards, "I need you to seduce the mortal inside of that steel train and bring him back to the Rath"

Keenan pointed towards it, as if it wasn't obvious enough. The summer girl gave a pout and a disappointed expression crossed her face, but she was a Summer Girl. One of his Summer Girls. She would do whatever he wanted, because essentially what made him happy, made her happy. And without him she'd fade away, he could always remind her of that.

"You won't be able to last long near that steel, you aren't strong enough, so lure him out and seduce him quickly, do whatever it takes, but make sure he comes to the Rath." Keenan smiled his dazzling, eye-watering, smile, and she couldn't help but nod.

"Good, I'll meet you there." he whispered.

He leaned in towards her face and kissed her cheek. It made him feel bad using her this way, but if it insured that his queen was indeed his, then it was worth it.

He slowly turned around and walked away feeling his skin glow in happiness that his plan was finally underway. But for now he had to go to the Rath there are preparations to be made.