Chapter 19

Yet another chapter!

This is probably my favorite chapter of them all.


Please Review.

A small goblin stood not five feet away sunk into a bow so low his nose touched the stone floor. When he spoke his voice was a rasp.

"Your majesty. Beg your pardon but your presence is requested in the throne room." Jareth smoothed his hands over his pants and studied the goblin.

"Very well." He said smoothly. Jareth turned to Sarah.

"We're not done here. Stay in my bedchamber and await my return."

Sarah looked him in the eye, straightened her braid and turned to walk briskly away. He watched her disobey this direct order and stood in silence as she reached the door. One hand on the handle she slowly turned around and her eyes on the floor said.

"I will not, your majesty."

And with that she was gone. Jareth considered following her but the little goblin was already pulling him towards the throne room.

Sarah felt as if her heart was missing. Her chest threatened to cave in and she found it was difficult to breathe.

She heard a voice down the hallway and quickly went into one of the many doors along the way not wanting anyone to see her weakness. Sarah fell to her knees and let the world fad to black unable to stand the crushing pain in her chest. An eternity later, as it seemed to Sarah, she pushed herself up and dried her eyes. She examined her surroundings for the first time and was not surprised to find herself in an elegant study long deserted.

She sighed "What is the point of so many rooms if most of them were just deserted?" She ran her fingers along the magnificent desk and frowned ar the dust. Sarah wandered around the room pausing only to examine certain objects around the room.

Her greatest find was a collection of paintings stacked against the furthest wall. She flipped through them one by one examining and laughing at the fashions in some of them.

She was shocked to find that they were all humans. Sarah was pretty sure the only other human she had seen in this strange land was Jareth and he wasn't really human, was he?

Sarah shifted her weight and brushed off her hands, she was at the last few paintings. She flipped the nearest one over and gasped.

It was the woman! She looked magnificent in a butter cream yellow dress that exposed her shoulders and displayed a tiny waist. Her long dark hair was held in place with a shimmering net of jewels and she was smiling.

Sarah saw again the resemblance between the woman and herself and hurriedly flipped over the last paintings. Every single one depicted the woman except for the last.

This one was of Jareth and was exceptionally soft. He was gazing out of the painting with a small smile on his lips. His hair was short and he looked remarkably young. Unable to look at the painting any longer she flipped it over.

Sarah placed her hands on the smooth canvas and pressed them tight until she could feel her every heart beat through her fingertips. She sighed and slid her hands off pausing when she felt writing. Her curiosity getting the better of her she leaned forward to see what was written.

"For my dearest Katherine, my angel. Without you my world would be nothing but darkness."

Tears rand thick and fast down Sarah's face as she stood and exited the room.

Jareth slouched on the throne and considered going to find Sarah. He groaned he had messed up.

Jareth had Sarah within his reach and then screwed everything up. He put his face in his hands and groaned again. I suppose I should go find her. With a flick of his wrist he produced a crystal and focusing his thoughts on Sarah allowed his power to rush from his fingertips into the fragile orb.

He saw her image slightly distorted by the orb as always and noted the tears silently running down her face.

Jareth's eyes narrowed as he tried to place the door Sarah was now carefully shutting. A shuddering gasp tore through Jareth as he finally recognized the door. He also remembered well what was hidden behind it.

As the shining orb slipped through Jareth's fingers, Sarah's tears gained a whole new meaning.

All was lost.

A/N: Whew. That was really a mean one to write.

I think it took me two weeks to write it. Lol

Anyways, new chapter should be up soon. I can't guarentee within the next week but will try my hardest.

Thanks so much to my faithful readers who stuck it out through 8 months of nothingness from me. And also to the new readers.

Who get to grow with my story. :)

You guys make my day with reviews so please do it. :D