Here is a story that popped into my head out of nowhere two days ago, and now I'm writing it down! I hope you all enjoy it, and be sure to review and stuff! ^^ Please note that this is set just after book 3, Slawter, perhaps a few months. Therefore, Grubbs doesn't yet know he is becoming a Werewolf.


Carcery Vale was bathed in cold moonlight that radiated from a bloated, silver full moon. The sky was as black as pitch-filled cauldron, bubbling and writhing as clouds glided like ghosts across the surface. The mansion's smooth rock almost seemed to shine ethereally in the moonlight as the time read half an hour till midnight.

Grubbs Grady tossed and turned in his sleep, unable to fall into slumber. Dark dreams haunted his mind, the events from his family's murder to the massacre at Slawter refusing to leave his head. And on top of this, shadows shaped like wolves had been stalking the corners of his subconscious mind for the last few days, and anxiety gnawed at Grubbs as he contemplated telling Dervish.

With an angry sigh that Grubbs thought sounded far too much like a growl, he leapt out of bed and crossed to the window. He pressed his face against the cool glass, banging his head to clear away the disturbing images. Why can't they just leave me alone? he moaned to himself.

It was then that something caught his eye. A shadow flitted through the trees below.

Grubbs snapped into action, peering through the gloom. The shadow appeared to be a human shaped figure, but it could have been a demon in disguise. Grubbs tried to see anything out of the ordinary about the figure, but it seemed perfectly normal. Nevertheless, someone was sneaking around, and Grubbs decided to go check it out. He quickly pulled on a t shirt and trousers, as well as some socks and a hoodie.

He tiptoed down the picture-lined corridor as quietly as a giant, bulky teenager could, taking care as he passed Dervish's room. He could hear faint snoring from the other side of the door: a good sign. Dervish was having a peaceful sleep for once, and he didn't want to wake him up for something that could just be an illusion.

As he came to the large front door, a sudden wave of energy slammed into his face. He felt the warm magic seep into his pores, and he tensed, ready to launch himself at the demons.

Then, nothing.

The magic disappeared as quickly as it had come. Grubbs was confused and a little frightened. Something powerful was out there, perhaps a gate had opened and shut swiftly, or there was a demon that could hide its magic. Grubbs gritted his teeth as he turned the doorknob, knowing that if the magical source reappeared, he'd have to be quick to attack.

He twisted the handle, and the door slammed outwards.

Cold air hit his face, but there was no claws raking his skin, no flesh burned away by acid. But there was someone standing before him.

"Hello!" greeted a cheery voice.

"Erm, hi" answered Grubbs. He stood facing a girl of about his age, almost as tall as him, but very slender and willowy. From what he could make out in the gloom, he could tell she was quite pretty, with crimson coloured hair and deep green eyes with an impish glint. Her skin was as pale as milk and spattered with freckles. A warm smile played on her lips, sharp, white teeth twinkling in the moonlight. She seemed harmless enough, but Grubbs felt in his gut that this girl was not to be trusted.

"Who are you?" Grubbs demanded, perhaps a little too harshly.

"Is this the welcome I get?" said the girl, sounding hurt. "I've been searching for you for almost all my life and spent hours travelling here to meet you, and the first few words you say are mean. Typical boy."

"Ok, I'm sorry," Grubbs sighed. "I was just a little surprised, that's all. What's your name? I've never seen you before."

"My name is Merlin" the red-haired girl replied. Weird name thought Grubbs. "And you must be Grubbs Grady."

"Yeah. What brings you here?"

Merlin grinned roguishly, and Grubbs couldn't prevent a slight shiver crawl down his spine. "I have a big surprise for you, Grubbsy. Guess what?"


"I'm your twin."

Yay! Chapter one done! Hope you liked the cliff hanger!