Me: *sitting in corner*

Ankoku: Hi, I'm her other personality, she's too depressed to give the disclaimer so I had to come and do it, so here it is: SHE DOESN'T OWN YU-GI-OH GX!-------Do I need to say it again?

Random layer people covering their ears: (Shakes heads no)

Ankoku: Okay then, good.


Jaden's P.O.V

'Hum, where am I?' I think as I open my eyes to try to get some clues only to find that my vision is extremely blurry. I quickly shut them again. 'Ah, my head's killing me, what the heck did I take last night?'

I put my hand to my head to try to stop the throbbing, or at least numb it a little. For a while I just lay there. With my eyes squinted shut and my hand clamped to my head. But I couldn't stay like that for ever. Sooner or later I'd have to move.

I chose later, on the count of how tired I was becoming. I could see with out the blur, mostly, but it had been replaced by a haze in my mind and I drifted into darkness.


After what couldn't have been more then a half hour I was awake again. There was a little blur when I first woke up and my head was still trying to murder me. 'Note to self: remember to take plenty of OxyContin when I get home'

After a few moments I'm able to see clearly again. I'm in an old apartment room. It smells like urine, blood, and garbage all mixed together. It's an obnoxious odor that you can't ignore.

The wallpaper, which is an ugly gray color, is pealing off and I can see the rotted, moldy walls. The floor, which I'm laying on, is just as moldy and rotted and there's garbage every where.

Broken beer bottles, empty pill jars, crushed pills, dirt, needles, scraps of burnt stuff, moldy newspapers, and who knows what else. 'Ew'. There's also urine near where my head was.

There is furniture. It's really old and there are springs coming out. It looks like some thing was spilt on it. Some thing red. It looks like blood. I look around to see that there are also splotches of the stuff on the walls, and what looks like gun holes.

I look away, deciding it's best not to think about it. Some questions are better left unanswered, or better yet, not even thought.

My head still hurts, so when I hear yelling I decide to leave.


I'm out side the apartment and am walking away. I don't know where I am, and I don't really know where I'm going. I'm just walking in some random direction.

I look around to see if any thing looks familiar. There are old buildings and shops, all in the same condition as the one I woke up in, if not worse. The streets are filled with litter and I can hear the echoed sounds of screaming. I pray that it's just my imagination, because I also hear the sound of guns.

I keep walking though.

Soon I see other people. I stop to take a look. There are three boys a few years older then me. They're all wearing dark, baggy clothes with messy, matted up hair. I keep watching them, not knowing what I find so intriguing about them. I don't know how long I was just standing around starring, but I decided to walk away after they spotted me and glared.

They looked mad, and I don't mean mad as in angry, but as in crazy. They looked like they'd lost their minds.

A little ways away I realize what they were doing.

They had been sharing a needle.


Some one picked me up and now I'm in a car, hopefully on my way home. I don't know the person driving, nor do I know his friend. I'm just sitting in the back seat watching as the world slowly passes by in colorful blurs.

The two in the front are talking about some thing in hushed tones, maybe me? Who knows.

My head ace's gone away and now I'm feeling really sleepy. I rest my head against the back of the seat and start to nod off. As I slowly nod off I watch the world fade in and out.

In and out

In and out-


"Hey, kid, you okay?" I hear a voice say as some one shakes my shoulder, but the voice sounds so far away. You know when you're under water and some one's talking to you, it sounds some thing like that.

"Hey, kid. Kid?" The voice says as the owner shakes my shoulder a little harder. I force my self to open my eyes. My vision is once again blurred, but I can hear the owner of the voice sigh even threw the 'water'.

I try to stay awake, but I'm just too tired. I fall back asleep.


I woke up once more. But unlike the last two times my vision isn't blurry. I can look around and see where I am.

I am, once again, in an unfamiliar apartment, only this one isn't like the last one. There's no ugly wall paper, no moldy wood, no stains on the walls, no urine on the ground, no any thing disgusting. This place is neat and clean.

It's got a nice wooden floor and walls; a big carpet with a white tiger design on it; a night stand near the queen sized bed, which I'm laying on; a black wooden dresser; and lots more.

"I see you're finally awake," a voice says as I'm taking in my surroundings. It's the same voice as the last time. I look up to see a guy with blue eyes and hair. "So, what's you're name?"


"Cool, my name's Jesse,"

"Um, it's nice to meet you," I say, not really knowing what else to say. He smiles; I guess he's okay with that comment.

"Nice to meet you too, um, by the way, how are you feeling?" As he asks this he puts his hand on my forehead.

"Um, I'm fine," he looks into my eyes and just stares for a second before sighing. I give him a confused look.

"Sorry but last night you seemed kind of out of it. Your eyes were blood shot and your hands were like ice, not to mention you kept falling asleep. I was a bit worried," I nod my head slowly as I take all this is.

For a while we're both silent, neither of us really knowing what to say until "Oh, um, are you thirsty?" he asks. I'm a little taken back by the sudden question, so I just stare at him. He quickly gets up and runs out of the room. But he's not gone for long, and as he gets back he hands me a glass of water.

"Thanks," I say before taking a sip, which soon turns into two, then into a drink, and then a gulp, until there's nothing left. 'wow, I guess I was thirsty after all' I think. I look up at Jesse to see him smiling at me. Before I know what's going on he's got the glass back and is headed out the door saying "let me get you some more."


A/N: Okay, that last line was not meant to rime. Sorry people but I'm kind of tired now, I've been up all night and it's about 9 am. BTW, this is going to be AU. Also, Yaoi.