Title: Dreaming?

Show: Life With Derek

Pairing: Derek/Casey

Staring: Derek, Casey,

Inspiration: The episode where Casey's dad comes and all of y'all's reviews.

Disclaimer: Can't say I do folks.

Author's Notes: Okay so a bunch of you wanted me to add more to this one so I thought I might. I don't know how often I'll update but I will try to finish it.

Casey rubbed her eyes, hitting the snooze button on her alarm before sitting up and stretching her arms up high. She'd had the oddest dream. She had kissed Derek. Her imagination really was starting to get the best of her. She tired to remember why her dream self had kissed dream Derek aside from the obvious. It was because he had called her dad so they could have some more time together. She cursed under her breath realizing that it wasn't a dream, but it actually happened. How was she going to react when she saw him at the breakfast table or at school or at dinner with George and her mother?

She grabbed her pillow, screaming into it as loud as she could with frustration. Maybe she should just stay in bed, pretend she was sick. Her mother certainly wouldn't care of course, but then it would probably be even worse if Norah was coming in every ten minutes to check on her. Would calling Emily and asking if she could hide out at her place be too drastic? Of course it would, she would just have to get up and try to go through her day as normally as possible. She was Casey, she could do it…hopefully.