Ahh, it's good to write these two again. How I missed them so! If you're just jumping in now, and haven't read Storybook Symphony, here's what you missed: L is a famous author. Light won his trust, and now they're in a serious relationship. I don't want to go into too much detail, so if you're interested in more, check out Symphony. And now, here we go: Storybook Sonata.

Light Yagami's life was, in a word, amazing. Being in love with someone who loved you back was just about the best feeling – no, it WAS the best feeling – a person could possibly experience. Being in love with L, the famous author, and knowing he loved you back, made it even better. Recently, he had had to go through a media storm hell after he gave the reading at the release party of L's newest work. Interviews, paparazzi, prying questions, the works, but that had finally died down. Using L's very good connections, he had managed to keep where he lived a secret, although almost everyone knew where he went to school.

Which was finally out. He had actually gotten over a one hundred average on finals (thank you bonuses), so he was in very good spirits. As was Chiyo, his best female friend. Her and her boyfriend had really been hitting it off lately. And, as a result, he had escaped some of her near-constant teasing, which was also pretty awesome.

So, aside from now having to dodge every L fan and every girl who watched the reading and thought he was hot (boys too, actually), his life was perfect. Currently, he was sitting in his evolving section of the library in the mansion he and L shared. Construction had just finished, and walls had been knocked out. A new addition had been added to the other side of the already-huge house, adding about ten more rooms. As if they really needed the space.

"Has Raito-kun decided where he wants to put his new books?" Ahh, and there he was – his favorite person on Earth.

"Yeah, I think we'll set up a few shelves for them all over there, and then another one in that corner." Light pointed to both places respectively. "I still can't believe you bought me over one hundred books, L."

"I wanted Raito-kun to have all the books he liked. Sadly, I have not yet been able to buy all the books on the list. Anyway, he had good taste, and I enjoy his books as well."

"Well, you're certainly welcome to them at any time, seeing as how you bought them. I still can't believe the amount of money you have to throw away on stuff like that. I feel like I need to get a job to make up for all the money you spend on me."

L shot him a look. "Raito-kun will certainly not get a job. I have plans for him. Besides, his constant presence inspires me in some of my writing, and that is a good enough job."

"Plans?" Before L could answer Light's question, the doorbell rang. "I got it," Light offered. He headed down the stairs, opening the door to reveal a girl standing outside. "May I help you?" Light asked.

"Yeah, I have a delivery of, like, twenty cakes. I am so not kidding when I say that. We also have cookies. Are you having a major party or what?"

Light sighed. L and his sweets. "Or what. Here, I'll help you bring them in." This was the kind of thing you had to expect when you lived with L. One night, Light had been woken up by an 'emergency delivery' of a bag of special lollipops. At three in the morning. On a Tuesday. The day before one of his final exams. He had not been amused.

When they had finally unloaded all the sweets, Light thanked the girl, tipped her nicely, and sent her on her way. "L! Get down here and help me put away your damn cakes. Did you really need THIS many?"

L appeared on the staircase. "Yes, Raito-kun, I did. I like to buy enough to last for a while when I buy them. You did notice how I never run out, correct? That is because I buy many at one time. Last night I made the disturbing discovery that I only had two left."

Light was a little disturbed by L's sugar addiction right about now. Mostly because he was sure that yesterday morning there had been five cakes at least in the house. Not to mention all the sugar that L regularly put in his tea. It made Light shudder just thinking about it. It was no wonder the man required hardly any sleep. Finally, the last cake went into L's section of cabinets, and they returned upstairs to continue with the library project.


L was rather enjoying doing the library over with Light. Especially since it gave him a perfect excuse to familiarize himself with Light's taste in books. To his delight, he had realized that he and Light had very similar tastes. Plus, he had written quite a few of Light's favorite books. All in all, he had a very good knowledge of the books that Light liked, and he made a note to read the ones that he hadn't already.

"You gonna help me put this row of shelves up, or what?" Light asked from his position wrestling with said furniture.

"Of course. I would never let Raito-kun struggle with a task all on his own," L replied, moving to assist.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure." Light mumbled something about a couch under his breath, a remark which L chose to studiously ignore.

After the shelves were up, they began to line up the books in alphabetical order by author's last name. L loved handling books. Each one held a universe inside it. Anything could happen in a book. It might contain a love story, or a murder. Supernatural things existed. New worlds could leap out of nothingness to become real. Characters came to life as people you could relate to, or hate.

Of course, L's books were not among those being placed on the shelves. Light had set up a little shelf just for them. And he owned every one, even the newest, which still had the markers in it that had directed him as to what to read at the release party.

Smiling, L moved away from his task lining books up on the shelves to examine Light's complete collection. Light watched him, but didn't protest about having to alphabetize the books alone. L pulled a black sharpie out of his pocket, something he usually kept on him, and pulled each book off the shelf. Delicately, he opened each book and signed it with a gothic L, with the exception of Poison Apple, as it had already been signed.

"There. Now Raito-kun is the only person in the world to own a complete set of signed books by L."

Light smiled. "That is seriously great and all, but, as I've said before, I've got the real L. And that is many times better than a signature in a book."

"Thank you, Raito-kun." L would probably never tell Light this, but that simple statement had just made him very, very happy.


Curse bubblegum pop. That was all Light could say. After finishing the alphabetizing project with L (and that took awhile – one hundred books do not alphabetize themselves) he had flipped on the television. As it turns out, it had been left on a music channel and Yummy Yummy by the Archies had come on. And now it would not vacate his head. He had actually caught himself singing, "Yummy yummy yummy, I got love in my yummy" before he could stop himself.

Of course L had been standing next to him when he let that slip. It had absolutely mortified him, and he had received an odd look and the question of, "Does Raito-kun usually sing random lyrics to himself when I am not around?" Only one other time had he sung accidentally in front o f someone, and that had been, of all things, Larger Than Life by the Backstreet Boys, as he had been doing a project on the era of boy bands for one of his classes. That had been in front of Chiyo, and she had NEVER let it go. She still teased him about it. Never mind the fact that she sang songs quite frequently in front of him.

Sighing, he tried to banish the song from his mind and instead concentrated on the task of running a bath for himself. Finally, L's giant pool of a tub was full, the water steaming invitingly. As he leaned over and switched off the tap, his phone slipped from his pocket and splashed into the tub.

"Ahh, fuck me," he said, exasperated.

"Is Raito-kun offering?" A voice asked from the other room. Light grinned. L had a certain way of cheering him up.

"Maybe later. I just lost my phone into the tub."

"We can go to the mall later and get you a new one, Raito-kun." That would be an experience, Light was sure. This was also bad because he was supposed to be receiving a call from Chiyo. Now she would almost definitely show up at the mansion. Light sighed and plucked his phone out of the water before stripping and getting in.

The warm water was relaxing after staring at book titles and author's names all day. He plucked the book he had chosen for reading from the stand beside the tub and dove in. He was on a Shakespeare kick lately, it seemed.

After soaking for at least an hour, he stood and left the tub, pulling the plug to let the water drain. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist, not bothering to get dressed, because, after all, it was just L in the house.

He wandered out of the bathroom, daydreaming, and walked slowly to the living room, where L was, no doubt reading. It had been a while since Light had heard to clicking of typing, and he was beginning to miss it. L would have been typing instead of reading, had he been working on a book. Right now, he was on break until about a month after his newest book had been on the shelves. Really, if he wanted, he could retire for good, but Light seriously doubted that that would happen for a while.

He looked up when he heard a small snorting noise. There, in the living room, was L, as he had expected. He was looking at him, with amusement shimmering in his eyes. Because Chiyo was also in the living room, and was staring at him as he stood there wearing nothing but a towel.

"Do you usually walk around like that Light? I don't recall you ever doing that when you lived in your dorm. Or is it just a show for Ryuuzaki here?" She shook her head. "It's a shame that you're gay. Girls would probably kill leach other over rights to your body. Then again, I suppose boys would too."Light sighed. Of course the one time he decided not to get dressed in the bathroom Chiyo would be here.

"Hey! Why didn't you answer my call?"

"Chiyo, I dropped my phone in the tub."

"We're going to the mall to get Raito-kun a new one," L inserted.

Chiyo's eyes lit up. "Really? I'm coming too. I bet you guys make great shopping buddies. Light has a good sense of fashion. And you'll just make it very interesting, Ryuuzaki." Light resisted the urge to groan. The mall with L AND Chiyo? Oh, joy.

At the mall, Light was sure they were attracting stares. After all, he was walking with a guy who acted a bit odd, and was wearing no shoes. On top of that, he had a girl with him who kept talking about his gayness and how it was a shame, and poor Misa because she still likes you. And she was doing it at a very loud volume.

Light nearly leapt up when Chiyo let out a shrill scream. "Oh my god, they have THAT SKIRT! You can't find it anywhere! Oh, everyone wants one! I NEED it!" Yes, Chiyo was a very much a girl when it came to clothes. She yanked L and Light into the store after her, modeling the skirt for them. They both agreed it looked good on her, and, in the end, L bought it for her, amidst her protesting.

Walking through the mall, Light caught sight of Misa and grabbed L and Chiyo, yanking them into the nearest store. Chiyo snickered. "So, Light, what do you need in HERE?"

"Shh, Misa is outside and the last time I talked to her, I told her I had moved in with Ryuuzaki. She is bound to be upset."

"Yes, but why THIS store?" Light looked up. And wished he hadn't. Somehow, he had managed to drag them all into the mall's resident sex store.

L made a noise of surprise. "They have lollipops in here?" He began to wander over to the display of lollipops.

"Ryuuzaki, don't," Light warned, but it was too late. L had grabbed one of the lollipops, and was holding it up. It was shaped like a penis. Chiyo burst out laughing. L grinned. Light wondered why he hung out with these people.

Of course, now they all had to peruse the sex shop. Light watched as Chiyo and L went through all the displays. They found a few things that none of them had any idea what they were used for. They probably didn't want to know. Finally, when the two CHILDREN he was with were done, they left and returned to regular shopping.

Chiyo dragged them into a few clothing stores, the video game store, where she bought a few of the newest titles, and the bookstore, where she did the same thing. She also dragged them into a lingerie store, which was a bit awkward. Two men in a lingerie store with a girl...pretty much everyone assumed they were gay. Light got an up-close view at exactly WHAT Chiyo wore under her shirt and pants, and he wished very much that he hadn't.

Finally, they made it to the cell phone booth. Light picked up a brand-new Blackberry Storm, and they were finally done. After reminding himself copious amounts of times to never bring Chiyo and L to the mall together again, they left.


L had decided that Chiyo was very fun to gang up on Light with. It appeared he had a new ally. Back at home, he was sipping a cup of tea, reading one of the books that Light liked that he hadn't already read. It was a good book.

Still, he was considering how to phrase his newest proposition for Light. He had had the perfect chance to ease into it earlier today, but they had been interrupted by the cake delivery. L now wished that he had just asked Light to wait a moment before answering to door, and told him what he was thinking.

He had gone over this idea in his head numerous times since it had first appeared there. All in all, it seemed a very good idea. He and Light would be able to spend more time together. Light had already proven he would be adept at it, and L was sure that Light could fill in some of the gaps that he couldn't, due his lack of social skills. It seemed perfect. Now all he had to do, was, quite simply, ask Light. Which was proving to be harder than he had expected.

When Light walking into the room dressed in pajamas and nibbling on a piece of L's coffee cake, L decided he would just ask. Springing a question of this magnitude out of nowhere was probably not one of the best ideas, but it seemed the only way.



"Would you be willing to become my co-writer?"

The face Light made was simply adorable. "I...what?"

Yay! First chapter of Sonata done! I will warn you, there will probably be a big delay (for me anyway, I know some authors post slower than I do) between this chapter and the next one. I took a break from these two for a week, and found I missed them so much I had to write them. Ok, so, question for today: rated M or T in terms of romance? Right now it's M because of Light's naughty word, but I'll leave it up to you guys as to whether or not you want a lemon.