~ The Fourteenth's Memories ~

Pairings: Tyki/Allen (one-sided), Kanda/Allen

Warning: violence, gore, slash

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the DGM characters!


-xxx-xxx-xxx- dream sequence

x-x-x-x-x line break

Chapter Eleven: The End

Soushite bouya wa nemuri ni tsuita
ikizuku hai no naka no honoo
hitotsu futatsu to

ukabu fukurami itoshii yokogao
daichi ni taruru ikusen no
yume yume

Allen knew as soon as he head the Earl's voice what he had to do. However he also realized that he wouldn't be able to do it alone. Looking around he discovered that Kanda was too busy duelling with Tyki to realize that the time had come. Luckily enough Tyki's army was still frozen. There was just one problem he had to deal with now. While using his abilities he wouldn't be able to concentrate on actually duelling the Earl. He needed someone else to aid him in this and no one was around.

"Well what is it going to be dear Allen? Will you return willingly or am I going to have to remove your memory again~" the Earl practically sang as he moved forwards.

Allen raised his sword at the same time the Earl did. The clash that occurred when their swords met was fierce and sent their magic into haywire. The magic surrounding them crackled from the force of meeting the opposing side. It felt as if trying to force magnets together. The force knocked them back ever further than with Tyki.

Allen's eyes narrowed in concentration as he went forward again. This time he feigned left and cut the Earl's arm drawing the first blood. If everything went right perhaps he could weaken the Earl before he used the song and weakened him further before plunging the sword through his chest? If that worked then he wouldn't need the help of anyone else however with the way this duel was lasting he wasn't so sure.

The Earl rushed him again this time cutting Allen across the leg making it harder to move swiftly. Allen had the feeling that the Earl had done this before, attacking in places that he knew would bring down his opponent. It was almost as if the Earl had used these same moves to kill his father. When Allen realized this he made sure that the clash of their swords drove them further away from each other this time. He wasn't about to risk his life before the Earl was even dead.

Panting, he looked around for someone that could help him but Kanda was busy with Tyki. Lavi was nowhere to be seen leading him to believe that he was documenting this entire battle for future generations. Teidoll was keeping an eye on the opposing army and steadying the bow men he was in command of. This wasn't good he needed help and no one was around to do it.

"Brat what do you think you are doing?" a voice from behind him growled.

Startled Allen turned around to see Marian Cross smoking as usual with his gun in the other hand.

"Well brat, what do you think you are doing?"

"I'm duelling against the Earl. What do you think I'm doing?" Allen demanded angrily.

"I think you're wasting your time focusing on the Earl when you should be singing that song that weakens them and allowing someone else to kill the bastard before you end up like your father who tried to everything but obviously failed, you brat."

Allen raised an eyebrow. "I suppose your offering to take him out then?"

Cross just cocked his gun in answer so Allen turned towards the Earl and began to sing.

Gin no hitomi no yuragu yoru ni
umare ochita kagayaku omae
ikuoku no toshitsuki ga
ikutsu inori wo tsuchi e kaeshitemo

Watashi wa inori tsuzukeru
douka konoko ni ai wo
tsunaida te ni kisu wo

The song had the right affect on both Tyki and the Earl. They were both slowing down. Kanda was easily matching Tyki evenly now and didn't have scratch on him unlike Tyki who was bleeding from several wounds that couldn't heal swiftly due to Allen's song. The Earl however looked frozen in place and moved as slowly and sluggishly as a snail. The wounds that Allen had caused had healed but he could hardly move.

Everything was finally going according to plan and he was glad to have Cross here even if he was a bastard.

While Allen focused solely on the song he thought of his friends. Kanda was battling Tyki and he was doing a marvellous job of it. Allen could see that he was putting everything into defeating him. His hair had fallen from his pony tail long ago and was obscuring his vision but he continued on not having the time to pay any attention to his appearance. His focus was completely on defeating Tyki.

Allen couldn't help but wonder why Kanda was willingly going against his old master. Sure he knew that Kanda had once cared for him but that was in the past now wasn't it? Or did Kanda still care for the brat that followed him around the castle?

Then there was Lavi who was standing from a high point to observe the battle. He was recording the battle to make sure that no one would forget this battler, the battle that returned peace to the land. There was no reason for him to actually waste his time doing this since Allen could just have someone else do it when they had won but Lavi was there observing everything that occurred.

It made Allen question whether Lavi wanted to remain in the castle. He'd always been close to Lavi but after years of taking memories and recordings of the world would Lavi want to remain in the one place for the remainder of his life?

Teidoll was holding off the opposing army though they had been slow on the uptake. They had finally begun to attack their forces but where being struck down faster than they could kill by arrows. He knew that Teidoll would remain with him for support. The years were gaining on him and even though he liked remaining out in the wilderness he wouldn't be able to do everything on his own forever. No Allen knew that he had a trusty General in Teidoll.

Of course there was also Cross who was standing behind him as he sang. Many had believed that Marian Cross was a traitor but he knew better. Cross had simply escaped when he'd realized that strategically, his father was losing. His father had attempted to take the Earl on his own but no one could do that so he had lost. Now that Cross was working with Allen they would get the job done.

Allen knew that Cross wouldn't remain at the castle. He was too much of the free spirit. Instead he had a feeling that Cross would pop up on the odd occasion and tell him that he was doing something wrong or that his security lacked if he could enter without being accosted.

They were with him even if they still had problems to sort through. They were with him defending their country from these war lords. Allen couldn't help but smile as he heard the bang of Cross firing his gun.

Soushite bouya wa nemuri ni tsuita
ikizuku hai no naka no honoo
hitotsu futatsu to

ukabu fukurami itoshii yokogao
daichi ni taruru ikusen no
yume yume

Gin no hitomi no yuragu yoru ni
umare ochita kagayaku omae
ikuoku no toshitsuki ga
ikutsu inori wo tsuchi e kaeshitemo

Cheers sprang around them. The Earl had fallen to the ground with a single bullet hole in his head. Then as if time itself was adding the Earl's body began to corrode. It was a horrifying sight but one that everyone wasn't sad to see. They had done it. They had won.

Tyki fell to the ground shocked as the Earl's body disintegrated into dust. Kanda took that moment to behead him with his trusty Mugen. Exactly like the Earl's body the wound caused him to begin to disintegrate as well. Kanda however didn't stay to see the sight he had turned his sights to another person with an angry glare.

The army upon seeing the death of their leader threw down their own weapons. They weren't stupid enough to attack someone when they didn't have a leader. First they had lost their commander, Fourteen and then they had lost their leader, Tyki. They were the only two who would be able to take command and lead them to victory and neither was in a position to do so. Tyki was dead and Allen was fighting for the other side.

Allen simply smiled. He was free. He knew that the song had also affected the other siblings in the other Sectors. Once the Earl was dead it was only a matter of time before they also died since they were all magically linked together. Tyki being the closest was the first now all they had to do was wait for the rest and everything would return to normal throughout the sectors.

Allen turned towards Cross who was looking down at him with something akin to pride in his eyes though he would never admit to it.

"Your father and uncle would be proud that you finally did what they couldn't. Congratulations."

Allen smiled. "You're not staying, are you?"

"Not for all the money in the world." Cross answered turning away and walking off through the crowd of celebrating citizens.

Allen understood why Cross didn't want to remain but he couldn't help but scowl at that thought. Of course Cross wouldn't stay when there were still plenty of women to sleep with and debits to create. At least Allen wouldn't be made to pay them unlike some of Cross' apprentices.

Suddenly he was turned around and brought against a hard chest.

"Baka moyashi don't you ever do something that foolish again! Do you understand?" Kanda shouted over the noise.

Allen couldn't help the blush that spread across his face. Kanda was actually hugging him. When Tyki had hugged him he'd wanted nothing more than to pull away from him but with Kanda it was different. It was warm safe and secure. He only wanted to remain there forever.

"Awe! Yuu loves Allen~ Yuu loves Allen~"

"Shut up bakausagi!" Kanda released Allen so he could begin to chase Lavi around with his sword threateningly.

Allen watched as they ran around and enjoyed the sight. Never had he seen everyone so relaxed. It was very enjoyable but he knew that it wouldn't last forever. A few years down the track something would show up and ruin the quiet that they had achieved with this war but it wouldn't be as grand as this. No when the time eventually came they would be able to deal with it. All he knew was that Kanda and Lavi weren't looking at leaving any time soon and that gave him reason to cheer.

His friends were happy with him in their lives. They would be willing to remain in the Fourteenth Sector with him and he couldn't be happier. Lavi was his friend but he was hoping that Kanda would be something more someone who would stand by his side forever as his equal, as his lover.

Teidoll walked towards him with a gentle smile on his face.

"They are joyful with you in case you doubt them. When we first had to flee the castle all they did was complain that you weren't with them regardless of how much they were told that you couldn't come with us. Then the only thing that motivated them was the possibility that you were still alive. After that they worked none stop on occasion just so they would be prepared for your return. There is no way that they will ever leave your side again, young Prince."

Allen smiled. He knew that just by watching them. They would never leave him and he would never leave them. Never again.

Watashi wa inori tsuzukeru
douka konoko ni ai wo
tsunaida te ni kisu wo

Watashi wa inori tsuzukeru
douka konoko ni ai wo
tsunaida te ni kisu wo

And it is done ~MidnightEmber