"Have you noticed lately that Chad is acting extremely weird?" Tawnie mused as she debated on which color to use to paint her nails,"Red or purple?" She held the containers of nail polish up.

Chad had been acting weird - not a bad weird, but a good weird. But, it was still weird. It was like he received a personality makeover. All week he'd been acting all nice - in other words not his usual self.

It wasn't so bad, though. The change had brought out a different side of him.

So far, Chad had been doing all kinds of good stuff. Stuff that he usually exploded if they were done. Even his cast mates had commented on his behaviour. In fact, every one had. Reporters even have taken to hounding him, to receive information on why. Not that he answered any of course. His answers were always vague, "Doing this for a goal", or just smiling that damn smirk like he knows something they don't.

Sonny didn't understand nothing. Of course, her mind kept insisting that he was/is changing, but she still wasn't sure.

"Red," Sonny replied pointing to the red bottle. "And yeah I've noticed, who hasn't?"

Tawnie hummed in agreement as she went on painting her nails blood red. A moment of silence passed through the room. Tawnie was concentrating on painting her nails, and Sonny was lost in her thoughts.

"Isn't it a little suspicious that he suddenly underwent this mass transformation right after that one article came out?" Tawnie broke the silence, saying.

The more Sonny thought about it, it was the truth. After that one article from Shock Magazine ,or whatever it was called, came out - she had seen it, of course - he had transformed. That article was dead one, of course...

Slowly, of course he had transformed. But, Sonny saw it a little, and then the nice act - now being called the "Cafeteria Incident".

Was he changing for her, or for him?


Sonny rushed through the studio, making her way to the stage to rehearsal for the new sketch Nico and Grady had put together. She was already a couple minutes late, and if she didn't hurry and make it, then Marshall would have her head. Her face scrunched up in thought as she tried to remember her lines.

Ohh, no! What are my lines?

Panic flitted over her face as she just realized that she couldn't remember her lines.

Nico and Grady are so gonna kill me.

So absorbed in her thoughts, and trying to recount her lines she didn't notice if anyone was coming her way. When she turned around the corner, she expected to still be upright and on her feet, not sprawled on the ground.

What happened?

Dazed, she glanced around trying to find the source of this. Her eyes landed on Chad rubbing his forehead. She stilled. Thoughts of being late for practice were wiped completely out of her mind.

Without even glancing up once, Chad said,"Hey, sorry. I didn't look where I was going. Are you okay..y..."

His words faltered near the end when he finally realized who he was speaking too. Sonny just stared at him - as Chad was doing to her. The first thing that Sonny noticed was his eyes. His beautiful blue eyes. The stare unnerved her.

Happiness. Sadness. Hope. Those emotions seemed to be the primary ones that passed his eyes, as he still continued to stare at Sonny.

Silence surrounded them. Sonny wanted to say something - anything - but couldn't find the words and will to speak. Chad looked like he would say something, but as soon as he opened his mouth he closed it.

Sonny noticed that for the first time, Chad didn't seem so vain anymore. His once hair sprayed, gelled hair combed to perfection, wasn't its usual self. It looked like he just got up in the morning, and didn't bother doing anything to it. Not that it looked bad on him - far from it. But, still...

It wasn't him.

His clothes also looked a little wrinkled as if he had just put them on. She could also make out a hint of bags under his eyes as if he hadn'y slept very well last night.

What happened to him?

He wasn't...Chad.

It was the body of Chad, but not Chad.

Chad broke eye contact as he raised himself up from the ground. Sonny didn't move - not that she could if she even wanted too. She was frozen there. He rubbed his hands on his pants before he held out a hand for her.

Sonny glanced at it, unsure. If he caught that, he didn't comment just kept holding his hand out for her. It looked like he had no intention of leaving anytime soon. Sonny swallowed before raising her hand to grasp his. The sensation was amazing. Small shocks spread through her body. It was like her hand was meant to be in his. It was the same feeling she had felt the six months before.

His hand closed over hers pulling her up. Whether on purpose or not, when he pulled her up, he did with a tadtoo much force causing her to be pulled flush onto his chest. His warmness enveloped her.

Her eyes immediately connect with his. She was shocked by the intensity of the stare he was giving her. It was one of sorrow, love, and hope. He still held her hand as his other hand snaked over her waist, holding her in place. She felt the momentum of his embrace taking her back- back to when they were dating. She couldn't protest on account of several reasons:

One, it was like she had no words in her. She knew that if she even opened her mouth, she'd be closing it a second later. No sound would come out of her. She knew that. Her words were stuck in her throat. She couldn't even make a simple sound. It was like she was mute. Unable to speak.

Two, she felt comfortable there in his arms. She felt his warmth seep through her body - and she lovedthe feeling. She remembered when they were dating that she had always felt this way. Sonny felt at home in his arms. It was like nothing could separate her from him. She didn'teven want to be separated from his touch - not now, not ever.

Three, she missed him. As much as she had tried to forget about him, she couldn't. He haunted her dreams - not that she really minded. She terribly missed him. She missed all of his quirks, and even his vanity. She missed all of that. His company, his attitude - not the bad one -, his special smile that he only gave her...

She missed everything about him.

Her thoughts were drowned out by his voice. A hesitate soft spoken sentence,"I'm sorry."

Sonny looked at him in shock, and surprise wondering what spurned him to say something like that.


That's why.

Before she could say something about that sentence, though he continued speaking, "Please," he pleaded,"give me another chance."

The look he was giving her coupled with his touches, and words were almost enough to say yes - almost. Instead though, she merely stayed quiet not knowing what else to stay. He seemed to search her eyes before opening his mouth again.

"I'll do anything for that one chance, anything...," he whispered the last part, pleading with her. "Please."

Her heart broke a little. Ohh how she wanted to just give in and say "Yes, I love you", but something held her back. She wanted him, but she still wasn't exactly sure. She cursed herself. She knew she wanted him, so what was holding her back? He had came back for her. He wanted her.

She opened her mouth, trying to will herself to at least say something to him,"I.."

She faltered. How could she possibly translate what she felt? She couldn't. She didn't know the words too. Oddly, they also didn't want to come out. She didn't dare look Chad in the eye, already knowing what emotion habituated there, instead she averted her stare to the ground. The same boring, grey floor that she had ignored every day, now suddenly became very interesting.

"I know that I was...stupid, but please just... "

He didn't need to say anymore. Sonny already knew what he wanted - what she also wanted. Willing herself, she lifted her gaze from the ground to his eyes. His eyes were imploring her to at least agree. He was using every fiber of his being to convert that feeling, and what words he couldn't say over to her. It worked. She could almost feel the sorrow he went through the last couple of days. Something inside of her clicked. Somewhere through the last part of his sentence, she changed her mind. No longer had she felt that wave of hesitation. No longer was she unsure. She knew what she wanted - him.

"I'm changing for you..."

Sonny didn't think that he would continue his previous sentence, but when he did her resolve hardened. He was changing for her. Chad Dylan Cooperwas changing for a girl: for her, Sonny. Happiness swept through her. She was ecstatic.

Sonny began speaking,"Chad-"

Chad groaned,"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to call me by my name."

A small smile formed on Sonny's lips.

Such sweet words.


Again, she didn't get to finish her sentence. Though, this time it wasn't because of Chad interupting, it was because of the P.A.

Stupid P.A!

"Sonny report to the prop house ASAP," the speakers blared as Marshall's voice vibrated of the walls.

It was then that she realized that she was still in his embrace. She unlocked his embrace, and stepped aside. When she did, a part of her felt empty.

Disappointment filled her. She had to go. She didn't want to go.

Chad seemed to share her feelings. His blue eyes expressed deep disappointment and sadness. So close, yet so far away.

"Well talk later, right?"

His voice contained emotions that made her heart hurt. So much hope and desperation was in it. He was staring at her in a way that made her want to say yes.

She couldn't speak. So, she just settled on nodding. She didn't know how it would turn out. As soon as she traveled around the corner away from Chad, she remembered where she was supposed to go before. She cursed herself for getting too wound up in Chad to forget that she had practice. She didn't know if the guys were going to be mad - she guessed they might... She also didn't know what would happen to her being late.

All she knew was that she was gonna speak to Chad since the break up.


a/n: Thanks so much guys for the reviews/alerts/favorites on the last chapter. :] They made my day. Okay since school started I've been extremely tied, so I'll try to update whenever I can. :]
