A/N: So I'm still into one-shots...always will be. This one was meant to fluffiful and funny at the same time. Oh, and sorry this is so short...hehe. Just a little reassurance, I guess. Post-PP.

Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom.

Inspiration: Life, music, lots of schtuffsh. Hehe. Songs like "Iris", "Hey Juliet" and so many more!


Paulina fluffed her hair, glanced one last time in the mirror and turned.

Then she pulled her shirt down a little more, did a little turn, and applied one last shimmer of lip gloss. And then, finally, she put her act on.

"Oh, Romeo," she said seductively, lowering herself with each word, putting on her fake innocence face.

Danny stood at his locker, admiring Sam as she took her books out.

"Oh, Romeo," she repeated again, the same seductiveness seeping in her words.

Finally, he turned and accidentally faced her.

She waggled her finger in a -come-here-hot-stuff- way, raising her eyebrows up and down repeatedly.

"Uh...Paulina?" he said, completely not in to her anymore.

Sam leaned against her locker, happily watching. This was the funny stuff.

"C'mere, little hero, you," she cooed, seductively patting down her hair.

Danny raised his eyebrows in an -okay-you-are-so-uncool- way, pursed his lips, and winked back at Sam.

"You know you want me."

"Ha-ha! Funny one Paulina," he said, walking toward her.

"I know...I'm just so hilarious, huh? I bet she's not," Paulina spat, pointing to Sam, who just waved happily, cheery.


Danny stood a foot away from her, smiling broadly.

"Juliet?" he asked pathetically...questioning her whole act.

"Romeo," she said pointedly.

"Ha-ha...sorry, Paulina...but, maybe in your dreams," he said.


"I have a girlfriend already, bud."

"Dump her," she demanded.

"I know you want me more than her!" Paulina objected again.

Danny raised his eyebrows more.

"You do, don't you?" she said, nearly begging him to answer. In reassurance, she fluffed her hair once more, putting a little more oomph into her accent.

"Sorry....I don't want anyone but Sam, and that's the way it'll stay."

"...Oh, and make sure you don't hit that locker turning too fast!" he called, knowing she'd go to cry somewhere else, after knowing he was Danny Phantom, being rejected, and now having to resort to Dash.

She snickered once more, fluffed her hair, and turned hard on her heel.

...Just to hit her locker right in her face.

Gasping, she ran to the bathroom, makeup bag in hand to cover up the tears she knew were coming...that is, until she saw Dash. And before she knew it, he was kissing her.

They belonged together.

Meanwhile, Danny walked outside with Sam.

"Wanna ride home?" he asked flirtatiously.

"What kind of ride?" she asked, although she already knew.

"The type you'll be able to feel and remember forever," he muttered, lifting her up wedding-style, and kissing the top of her head.

"Ready?" he assured.

"I'm ready." She smiled, directly aiming it at his beautiful face.

Danny pushed Sam's hair behind her ears, and grinned.

"And we're off for the flight of your life," he muttered, transforming in a swift movement, and gliding easily into the air.

School was barely just out, so no one bothered to look at them.

And they had their third non-fake out make out in their lives.

Their lives that were somehow, someway, intertwined like vines.

A/N: I know, cheesy ending...and I didn't really mean to be mean to Paulina, so I decided she needed to end up with someone...you know? Her and Dash are perfect for each other, anyway.

Well, I hope you liked this!

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Thanks for reading!


Of Phantom x Phan.
