Razor's Edge

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers. They belong to Hasbro and Takara. I am merely taking them for a short spin.

Starscream came out of recharge in an instant when he felt the frame that seconds before had been wrapped around him move away. Red optics met blue in the dark as he stared up at the mech who was trying to slip quietly out of their quarters. He knew the reason for the momentary absence, but still felt the need to give his bond mate a hard time about it.

"Where," he asked. "Do you think you're going?"

"To check on my patients," Ratchet said.

Starscream hmphed, rolled over, knowing Ratchet would have his aft back faster than he could imagine, given the mindset of the two particular patients he was going to check on. The Seeker knew his own demands on his mate took a back seat to Ratchet's other responsibilities, for once, didn't mind. Because the day before Megatron had received the beating of his life. Starscream smiled at the memory of that sight, which was forever etched in his memory. The Decepticon leader probably hadn't learned his lesson, but at least he'd think twice before deciding to lay another finger on the Autobot leader's sparkling.

Most of the fighting around Optimus Prime and Megatron had stopped, but it hadn't been Prime who reached Megatron first. No, another Autobot had, who promptly ripped off Megatron's arm, cannon and all below the elbow and then Prime used it to pummel the Decepticon leader into submission. Starscream only wished the others had let Optimus Prime finish the job, but it had taken Ultra Magnus, Prowl, Kup and Jazz to pull the Autobot leader away from Megatron's prone form.

But now it was the middle of the infernal night and he wasn't about to try to settle back into recharge until Ratchet came back, both a startling and reassuring thought. Startling that he couldn't recharge without him there and the fact he could make such an admission now and reassuring that he had someone who was coming back and also that he felt safe with Ratchet, had someone he could trust. Strange how a change of scenery could cause such changes, but life among the Autobots, Starscream had to admit, while different, was also one of the best things that had ever happened to him and his fellow Seekers.

He was even dabbling in science again, helped out around the lab, and found himself enjoying himself, even though he would never admit out loud to anyone he found Wheeljack's exuberance and madness exhilarating and Perceptor's absent-minded passion for science endearing. They were kindred spirits. Strange, finding that out, among the Autobots, there were those who shared the same passion for discovery. And even though he hadn't been among them very long, Starscream already considered them his family as much as he did his trine mates, Skywarp and Thundercracker, who were also finding for themselves places among their former enemies.

Family. Another concept Starscream found hard to wrap his processor around after so long without one. He'd let Megatron and his drive for conquest warp his way of thinking, cloud his judgment and separate him from his brothers. Starscream had found among the Autobots, family didn't just include one's bond mate or sparkling, but it meant friends and comrades also. The Autobots, he was learning, were one big dysfunctional family. Dysfunctional was better than nothing at all.

He was even finding amusement in Optimus Prime's predicament, which was proving entertaining for many reasons. The former Decpticon Seeker and his brothers had front row seats for that one from its inception. Prime had a bond mate and a sparkling, but hadn't exactly done things in the desired order, which brought a smile to Starscream's face. No, witnessing the normally calm, grounded Optimus Prime in such a predicament was another thing he'd never forget. The Autobot leader had gotten himself into a situation that resulted in the sparkling and a not-so-willing-at-first co-creator, but it had turned out in the end. So far, Starscream thought. They still drove each other crazy, and likely would for a very long time.

His train of thought was broken when he heard the door to their quarters open. Starscream sat up, watched Ratchet come inside.

"How are they?" Starscream asked.

"Prime's annoyed I woke him up, but he's feeling much better now. Less agitated too now that he's had a chance to rest," Ratchet said. "But they're both doing better."

"And I think he'd be grateful if you didn't bother them again until morning," Starscream said. "You do have a responsibility to your own mate, you know."

Ratchet sighed in mock disgust, sat down by Starscream. "Really?"

"And you better start by fulfilling it right now," Starscream said, pulling Ratchet back down on the berth with him. Looked like it was going to be a long night after all. . .