7 year old Trunks was curious. He knew that he was part of a family of royalty. His Grandpa was the King, and his dad was the prince. What does this make him? Especially since his grandpa is dead. So he went and asked his mom.


"Yes Trunks?"

"Well I have a question."

"What is it?"

"Well if dad is the prince of all sayians what does that make me?"

"Well….uh….uh…." Bulma was speechless.

"I don't know Trunks ask your dad?"

"Okay….." Then Trunks went to go ask his prince of a father. He found him training in the gravity room at 350 times normal gravity. This was easy for him.


"What Trunks!" Yelled Vegeta.

"Well I wanted to know something that only you can answer."

"What your mom couldn't answer! Looks like she doesn't know everything!" Vegeta boasted.

"Yeah well… I just wanted to know if you are the prince of all sayians what does that make me?"

"Let's see that makes you a prince of a prince which makes you a sayian warrior."

"But grandpa your dad is dead. So that doesn't make you King of all sayian's."

"Uhhh….your right which means that all must bow to the new knig and the new prince! HAHAHAHA!"

"Thanks….." From then on Vegeta always mentioned that he was the king and all had to bow down to the king. Making it hard to live life now for all the Z fighters even Bulma got annoyed. Trunks from then on regretted ever asking his dad that question.