After a long hiatus, I'm finally back to try writing again. Alot has been happening to me lately, moving from a house into a tiny 2 bedroom apartment, getting over the leftover stress/anxiety brought on by college, (you'd take a while to de-psycho yourself too after spending ages preparing for an 'open to the public' exhibition xD) but anyways I'll stop right there because it sounds like I'm making excuses and complaining. And I hate giving that impression. And now that the rant is out of the way (for now lol) let's continue on with my main order of business.


Anyways, here's a little idea I've had for a little while. It's a series about the vocaloids in their native environment, but I'll also 'creatively' fill in the blanks. Everybody remember reboot? That dinky 3d show about life in a computer? Why not use that as an indirect reference point? Of course, there's no bob, dot or enzo in this story. Nor any of the other characters. I'm not even using mainframe. Just the concept, if anything. At very least it should make the story a bit more interesting. This is inspired greatly by Mikumiku dance, and you may even recognise some of the setings xD.

Oh, and before I press on, the concept of 'master' will be visited, in greater detail. You'll see ;3

And now, without further ado. On with the story!


From the time man made the machine, he has invested a great many hours working to improve on it, to advance. In pursuit of the thing which he cannot grasp. Perfection.

But how can perfection be born from imperfection?

The machine is born of man's likeness.

Like a human child, it must absorb data that has already been gathered and compiled. That is it's function. In the creation of a perfect, all-knowing thing, the imperfection of man limits it's performance.

Without man, the machine cannot be fed new data. It cannot grow and learn on it's own.

Man's efforts are doomed to fail.

In what some might call persistent defiance, man still works tirelessly to find new uses for the machine.

The ultimate goal still remains.

An intelligent thing that can grow and learn, yet is not produced by nature.

An intelligence that is... artificial.

Alright, not too radical for anybody I suppose? Anyways, here's my dinky little prologue. Stay tuned for the next chapter :D