AN - Well, here it is. The final chapter. I struggled with getting the flow of this just right, and I'm sorry if anyone's disappointed with the amount of Tawnico. I wanted to keep it an integral part while making sure I didn't distract from this story still being mainly about Tawni and her eating disorder. I make reference to Demi Lovato's song Believe In Me which also partly inspired me to want to write a eating disorder story to begin with. And I just want to remind everyone once again that this was just a story, and I am in no way an expert on eating disorders. Each case is different and should be handled with professional care.
I want to take this time to thank everyone who read my story. And I want to thank AliceCullenForever101, sonnycentral, ikffrox, KSpazzed, 0TwistedAngel0, connor-rox, look at the stars, Owl Emporium, TwilightAddict111, Trickster18, have-a-cookie, , Money Stax, Madame J. Pontmercy, SparkleInTheSun, Sugar911, MaxRideRox, Mo813, Spunkalovely, JessicaJinx, and anyone else in the future for all of your wonderful reviews. They definitely kept me going :)
Chapter 10
"Hey, Grady, what'd you get for number 2…" Nico had been looking down at his Algebra book as he came into the prop room. He looked up to see if his friend was there, but almost dropped his book when he saw Tawni instead. "Tawni?" He didn't know what to think of the girl who was sitting in her usual chair, the one on the left of the sitting area. "You're back," he stated the obvious. Tawni didn't respond. He saw her bite her lip a little and assumed she hated his being in the room. "I guess I'll go find Grady," he said in order to assure her he was leaving.
"X equals 328," the sound of Tawni's voice stopped Nico in his tracks. He looked down at his algebra book, checking the answer mentally. It fit. He looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "I've been keeping up with the assignments," she answered before he had time to ask.
"Well, uh, thanks." Nico couldn't help but feel slightly awkward. There was silence between them for a few moments, causing the awkward tension to rise.
For Tawni, the silence was deafening as her thoughts began to swirl again. What are you even doing here? He's the one who humiliated you in front of everyone. Don't kid yourself. He doesn't think you're beautiful. How could he? Look at you. No matter what anyone says, you'll always be… "No!!" Tawni finally couldn't take it anymore. She was done being silent. She was done being a victim. She looked up and saw Nico staring at her, a bit startled by her sudden outburst. "I'm the one who needs to say thanks." If the tension had been a balloon, it would have popped as the walls Tawni had built came crashing down. "Thank you for saving me." Those words were like freedom for the both of them.
"Look," Nico didn't know where to begin. "I hope you know I only confronted you in front of everyone because I was afraid you might lie again." He felt the need to explain himself fully now that she was listening.
"That's not what I meant," Tawni interrupted him. "I mean, yeah, I guess I should be grateful for that too. But I mean, thanks for everything else. The flowers, the emails, the messages you left on my phone, for not giving upeven though I was horrible to you," she paused, thinking deeply before continuing. "And most of all, thanks for the text." Nico looked at her in bewilderment. "When I read it, suddenly, the world made sense again. All of a sudden, I was Tawni Hart again. Glamorous and loved on the outside," she shared with him.
"What about the inside?"
"I'm getting there," Tawni answered honestly. "You know, it didn't even bother me that the text was from you. In fact, after I started thinking straight again, I realized that maybe I was happy it was from you."
"Since I caused this mess to begin with," Nico shook his head in shame. Tawni didn't respond, but she understood what he meant. "I promise I never would have said a thing about your eating if I'd known that I might lose you," Nico's words shocked them both a little.
"I don't blame you anymore, Nico," Tawni quickly reassured him. "You were just joking. I shouldn't have taken it so seriously."
"I'm glad to hear you say that, but I'm still sorry for all the pain it caused. I never meant it. I couldn't mean it. After all I l…" Nico realized what he was about to say and stopped before he could finish. He and Tawni looked at each other as though they both knew something they hadn't before.
Before either of them had a chance to think twice, Tawni stood to her feet and moved closer to Nico. "Thanks for everything," she said and then kissed him.
Nico stood frozen, eyes wide open. "Wow, that's some way to say thanks," he tried to regain his composure. "But, uh, won't what's his face at Mackenzie Falls be a little upset?" He asked in a teasing manner, hoping she would be okay with his joke.
"He'll just have to deal with it. And if he can't, well, my mom thinks I'm dating you anyways," Tawni played along, much to Nico's relief.
"Then maybe we shouldn't disappoint her," Nico suddenly suggested boldly. "How about dinner tonight?"
"Dinner?" Tawni repeated the question, causing Nico to think she wasn't ready or willing to be around him that much let alone in front of food. "Dinner…sounds amazing. But I have a workshop after we leave here and…"
Nico interrupted her, not about to lose his chance. "I'll take you to the workshop, I'll just wait around until it's over, and then we can go."
Tawni smiled, flattered by his eagerness. She enjoyed feeling special again. "Okay, then it's a date."
Before anything more could be said, the other So Random! cast members along with Marshall came rushing in. They each took turns greeting her as Nico took a few steps back.
After having had her turn, Sonny joined Nico. She noticed the smile on his face as he watched everyone bombard Tawni as though she'd been gone for years. "I know that look. You're thinking about a pretty girl."
"Yeah," Nico nodded. "I am."
"I have no idea what my mom is going to cook," Tawni said as she and Nico neared the clinic room where her bi-weekly workshops were held. After two weeks of dating, Nico was finally coming to dinner at the Hart home that night, and Tawni was more than just a little apprehensive. She was so excited, she couldn't help but worry.
"Well, as long as she knows how to work a hot closet better than you…"
"Ha, ha," she elbowed him. "Seriously, I really want it to go well."
"Given your track record for at home dates, I don't blame you," Nico teased again, but decided not to take it any further. "Don't worry. Even if the food makes me sick, it'll be a great night. Because you're Tawni Hart and I'll take you just the way you are."
"Aww, that's so sweet, but need I remind you, it was partly your fault everyone got sick," Tawni retaliated with a laugh.
"Ouch. Point taken," Nico laughed as they stopped outside the door. "Miss you already."
Tawni smiled playfully. "Duh, who wouldn't?"
"Now that's the Tawni I remember," Nico saw the old sparkle in her eyes as she blew him a kiss before disappearing into the room.
Tawni took her usual seat and waited both for the specialist to begin so she could hear what had to be said and for the class to end so she could be with Nico again. She had a hard time deciding which one she was more anxious for, proving just how far she'd really come.
The door opened slowly and Tawni was slightly surprised to see Portlyn. She stood there in hesitation before shutting it behind her and carefully taking a seat next to Tawni. For a few moments they didn't even acknowledge each other. Neither one was sure what to say other than the usual "hi" which would seem even more awkward in such a setting.
Finally, Portlyn spoke, not having the nerve to look at Tawni as she did. "Thanks for the text message."
Tawni smiled a little before turning to look at her new, unlikely comrade. "Just thought I'd give you something a little less ugly to think about," she said knowingly. Because we're all beautiful in unusual ways.
The End