Chapter 12: Another Turn--Part II

(Back in Chapter 11…)

It was after they stepped out of the room that the blond haired man soon puts Double D back on his feet, which Double D quickly did, "You alright?" questioned the black haired man.

"Y-Yes, I'm fine now…" Double D replied back, looking at the men now with a questionable look, "Why are you two helping me? Aren't you guys a part of what Evan is…?"

The two men looked at each other before replying, "Actually, we're undercover police officers," stated the blond haired man.

This came as a surprise to Double D, "Really?" he then thought about something, "T-Then why are you not helping out Eddy now?!" Double D nearly shouted, "H-He could be--"

"Shh!" shushed the two men as Double D clasped his hands to his mouth, "We can help him in a minute; for now, we have to follow him until he gets home," stated the blond haired man.

"Yeah, there will be an ambush there by the police; they're waiting for him there," stated the black haired man.

"Oh, I-I see…" Double D muttered as he placed his right hand over his chest, lowering his head a little; even with this information now known to him, he still couldn't help but worry about Eddy's conditions now…

The two men noticed Double D's worried look, "… I think it would be fine if you came with us to get Evan," stated the black haired man, much to Double D and the other man's surprise, "I think you can help out, in the sense of getting your friend back."

"Hmm… that maybe so," replied the blond haired man as they both turned to Double D, "Is that alright with you?"

"… Y-Yes, that's fine with me," Double D replied back with a nervous nod of his head.

"Good," stated the blond haired man as he turned to the other man, "We better leave now, if we want to catch up with Evan."

"Right," replied the black haired man as he and the blond haired man soon rushed back out of the room, with Double D behind them.

'Eddy… I hope you're alright,' Double D thought with a sad look on his face as he ran…

(And now, onto Chapter 12…)

It was now eight o' clock here in the little town of Peach Creek as we could see a police car driving down the road near the Peach Creek/Lemon Brook county line. And it was in this police car that we could see the two men from before, Peter and James, with Double D sitting in the backseat, a worried was imprinted across his face.

It was then that the police radio started to go off in the police car, "Officer Trival! Officer Greene! Please, come in!"

It was soon that the black haired man who was in the passenger seat, Peter, picked up the communicator and spoke into it, "This is Officer Trival speaking; what's the status on Evan and Eddy Wendell?"

"That's the problem; we do not know of their current statuses," stated the voice on the other line, which made everyone's hearts in the police car stop in fright for a moment, "We had to be called out to another situation in Lemon Brook, so we had to abandon our positions at Mondo-A-Go-Go."

"Dammit!" shouted the blond haired man who was driving, James, "We need to get there now before something happens to the boy!"

"Right! We will leave that up to you two now, and we will meet you guys back up at the station; over and out!" the voice stated as it then clicked off.

The police car was silent for a few seconds before any of them spoke, "Will… W-Will Eddy be alright?" questioned Double D to the two men in front of him.

"… If we get there in time, he'll be fine," replied back Peter.

"Oh, okay…" Double D muttered with a sigh of sadness as he lowered his head with a thought, 'Eddy… please be safe…'

Darkness… that was all that Eddy could see as he started to come to his senses. He opened his eyes in a groggy way, only to see himself in an unexpected place. He was now in a small bathroom, with a bathtub, toilet and sink. He was about to comment on where he was… until he noticed that he could not move his mouth.

'W-What the heck?!' Eddy thought as he tried to figure out why he could not move his mouth, only to discover something else… He could not remove his wrists from behind his back.

'Oh, this is just great!' Eddy thought with sarcasm, 'Am I a prisoner or something now? Geez…'

It was then that Eddy noticed something that he had failed to notice at first; the bathtub was being filled up with water, all the way up to the brim, 'Huh, what the heck's that for?' Eddy thought.

Soon Eddy could hear footsteps coming towards him from the other side of the door near him as the door then opened to reveal Evan. Eddy only made a glared to Evan when he appeared at the door.

"Oh, you're finally awake, eh Pipsqueak?" stated Evan when he noticed that Eddy was awake. He then went over to the now full bathtub, "I have decided to give you a lesson… a floating lesson, that is," Evan continued to say as he turned off the water for the bathtub.

That was when Eddy realized that was going on when Evan said 'floating lesson', 'He's going to make me drown in the bathtub!' he thought with horror.

Eddy was then grabbed by Evan by his bound wrists as Evan made a sinister smirk, "Time to start this lesson, Eddy," Evan then directed Eddy's body to the bathtub full of water as he then grabbed the back of Eddy's head with his right hand, "Any last words before I start this lesson?"

Eddy's face dropped a little at a thought he just had, 'Double D's probably dead now…' he closed his eyes in sorrow for his friend, 'I guess there is no reason to live anymore if Double D is gone…'

"… Aww, too bad your mouth is all wrapped up," Evan stated as made a sick chuckle, "It really is a shame."

And, before Eddy could even brace himself, Evan slammed his head into the bathtub full of water. Eddy was unable to do anything now as the water came crashing into his lungs from his nose. He struggled to let himself free from Evan's grasps. But alas, it was futile to even try. Soon Eddy stopped struggling altogether as his eyes rolled to the back of his head…

"… Heh, mission accomplished," Evan stated as he finally let's go of Eddy's head and wrists, leaving his head there floating in the bathtub water, "Guess I can throw him into the sea nearby, so the sharks can be fed…"

"You will do no such thing!" stated a familiar voice from behind him as Evan widened his eyes with shock and turned around to see something that he did not expect at all.

Standing there at the bathroom door was Double D, Peter and James, with Peter and James pointing a pistol at him, "Evan Wendell, you are under arrest for the murder of Eddy Wendell and attempted murder of Eddward Johnson," Peter stated.

"… Heh, who would've thought I'd get caught like this?" Evan muttered as James came into the bathroom and handcuffed him.

"Double D, go get your friend," James stated as he led Evan out of the bathroom, while Peter stated to recite out Evan's Miranda Rights to him.

Double D looked on with sadness as he walked up into the bathroom, lifted Eddy's head from the bathtub, untied his hands from behind him and laid him down on the bathroom floor. It was then that Double D noticed the duct tape over Eddy's mouth.

"E-Eddy…" Double D muttered as he gently took the duct tape off of Eddy's mouth, "Please, d-don't die on me…"

Double D soon took his shaky right hand and placed it over Eddy's still chest; nothing. Double D then placed his right ear over Eddy's chest to hear anything… nothing.

Double D's heart seemed to stop at these signs, "No… Eddy…" he muttered with sadness as he grabbed Eddy's right hand again with his hands and started to weep silently for his friend…

But, it was when Double D was holding his hand that he felt something that surprised him; a pulse in his wrist.

"Eddy…?" Double D gasped a little at this sign; Eddy was still alive, but he was not breathing.

It was then that Double D got an idea; an idea to save Eddy. He blushed a little at the idea, but he knew it would work. Double D made sure that Eddy was lying flat on the ground as he propped his head upwards. Double D closed Eddy's nose as he came closer to his mouth with his and blew his air into his mouth. Double D did this for five seconds before separating from Eddy to catch his breath. After another five seconds, Double D continued to blow into Eddy's mouth…

Meanwhile, inside Eddy's mind, he could feel himself floating, floating in the darkness around him. He did not like this feeling at all. It made him feel… useless.

Suddenly, he could see a spark of light in front of him, "Ack, what the heck?" he questioned as the light was growing bigger and bigger until it formed into a shape.

The shape turned into a girl, a girl that looked to be the age of six or so. She had long, waist-length blond hair that was almost white in color. She wore a white sweater, a pair of blue jeans and white tennis shoes. Her eyes were a hue of a bright, grass green; the same hue as Double D's eyes. But, there was something behind her that normal girls did not have; she had a pair of angel wings.

Eddy only stared at the girl for a moment before asking, "Who are you?!"

The little girl only smiled a little at him, "My name is Colette, and I am an angel."

"An angel…" Eddy questioned as he then realized, "So, I am really dead…?"

"You are actually in a state of limbo, Eddy," Colette stated, "But, you will be revived soon by my brother. Then you can be together again."

"… Wait, what do you mean by your brother?" Eddy started to ask, "Who is he?"

Colette only chuckled, "My brother is performing CPR on you right now, so you will soon see for yourself," it was then that a bright light started to shine behind the angel, "All I ask of you now… is to say hello to him for me, please."

"Wait, what…?!" Eddy started to question again as he was now blinded by the light behind Colette.

Double D did CPR now for five straight minutes before he finally stopped, slightly out of breath himself. It was immediately after he stopped that Eddy started to cough up the remaining water out of his lungs as he opened his eyes with shock, gasping for a breath. Double D almost jumped back a little with surprise, yelping a little as he did.

"E-Eddy?!" Double D muttered with shock as Eddy continued to gasp for breaths. It was when he stopped gasping for air that he noticed his surroundings, and then Double D, "D-Double D…?"

"Eddy! Y-You're alive!" Double D cried with overwhelming joy in his voice as he gave Eddy a hug, almost like one of Ed's bone crushing hugs, "I-I thought you were really gone!"

Eddy blinked a little at his behavior before a bit of a blush came across his face, "Uh, well, I, err…"

"Double D?" questioned Peter as he came back to the bathroom, "I thought I heard…?!" It was then that Peter noticed Eddy sitting up on his own, with Double D hugging him, "Holy cow, he's alive!"

"… Hey! You're one of the guys with Evan!" Eddy stated as Double D lets him go from his hug; Eddy narrowed his eyes at Peter, "What are you--?!"

"He's an undercover officer, Eddy," Double D quickly replied to Eddy, "He and the other person helped me out of there… But not before Evan beat me up."

"Oh… really?" Eddy stated.

"Yes," replied Double D with a nod of his head as he soon got up from where he was. He soon looked back down to Eddy, "Do you need help getting up, Eddy?"

"… Nah, I can get up on my own, Sockhead," Eddy replied to his friend as he got up from where he was, "Let's get the heck out of here."

"… I couldn't agree with you more, Eddy," Double D stated with a nod of his head as he and Eddy left the bathroom, walking with Peter out of the whale-shaped trailer they were in.

Haha, it looks like there will be one more chapter in this story before I end it... I wonder how that will go? XD