This was written for xoxEllexox, and now she owes me a Jony story :)
How Can You Refuse?
It was cold. Far to cold. Damn this weather.
I quickened my pace and wrapped my long coat closer around me, then adjusted my scarf and beanie.
Why did I decide to go on a walk today?
I stopped and looked around. I wasn't planning on going anywhere. And in this cold I really wanted to get back home and snuggle with my doona on the couch, hot chocolate in hand.
No. I should walk on.
I turned the corner and walked smack bang into someone, spilling the cup (of what I assumed was coffee) in their hands.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you." I apologised,
The man was crouched on the ground picking up the now empty cup and its lid.
"It is my fault as much as yours." He said,
"I have money, I'll pay for it."
"It is fine. What is the expression, 'no use crying over spilt milk'?"
"Oh… If you're sure."
He stood and looked down at me. When his eyes met mine I gasped.
He was gorgeous.
"What is your name?" He asked me,
"Caitlin." I replied meekly,
"How about instead of buying me a drink, you let me buy one for you?"
I blushed. "I don't know…"
"I have changed my mind, it is not up for debate, you will accompany me and we will have a drink together."
"A nice warm drink, in a nice cosy tea house, on this cold winter's day; Caitlin, how can you refuse?"
"I can't."