I make no apologies for what you, my employer, have brought upon herself.

On that night When you, my employer elected to permit me the liberties that you did, perhaps you did not consider the consequenses and that is not my burden to bear.

What you may have only wanted on a whim is now something you must accept until we part ways.
You will not transfer my contract. You will have to kill me first for here is no going back.
The flood gates which once held back all of what you must now exist with are now…irreparable
in lack of a better term. I tried to warn you but you were adamant.
Therefore, youmade your choice and I make no apologies for your inability to contend with what you, my employer, have released.

My instincts have come back with a vengeance and now your orders are
as ineffectual as my own to myself and that which was repressed has returned twice as strong.
Abnormal. Surely you held this possibility into account, yet you persisted
and I cannot be held accountable for this.

My instinct speaks louder than my conditioning now.
Unshackled, unleashed and as primal as the night you gave yourself to me,
ordered me to take you, ordered me to take what I had forgotten I needed and
need more and more as time marches on.

There is no more control. Only making up for lost time.
And now this is yours to endure until you destroy me.
There is simply no other way.
And when the day comes that you cannot take it anymore,
I will not fight you.
When that day comes it will end, and you will destroy what you
created when you let me off my chain and into this liaison.

Today is no exception.
The killing is done but I still feel the need to stab at something
and short of putting a bullet in my skull I will not take no for an answer.

I am always on a hair trigger.
Be careful how you look at me.
Be careful not to brush up against me.

The second that life and limb are not threatened,
I will move fast. I will use my strength.
I will carry you if you resist.
For the line between protection and ownership have been blurred in my head
forever more.

Don't make me repeat myself.

You have made our bed and now you will lie in it.

You unleashed this, this complication, this obligation upon yourself
and I make no apologies for it .
