A/N: Hey! :D I am so, so, so, so, so sorry for not updating in a while. Yes, I deleted the original story but I felt like I was putting the stories together just to get reviews and trust me, I really wasn't. But reviews don't hurt. ;) The story will be longer and the third story will be based on the new Ice Age movie and the fourth story will be based on my own.

My grandfather died about two months ago or so, so yeah. I've been working on my album and such. Ideas would be nice too and I'm wiling for a co-writer. ;)

"Hey, look at that. Dinner and a show."

Casy approached at the edge of the ledge that looked out the entire camp of the DoDo birds. There weren't many birds left now that some of them got burned in that small lava pit, not to mention them running off the cliff to get that watermelon. Casy shook her head when a tall pile of the birds tumbled towards the cliff and they all fell to the edge. She looked over at who said about a show and found out it must've been the mammoth below her. Along with the mammoth was a male saber, a sloth, and a…baby? As she could tell, the baby was currently eating a smashed watermelon, his face already messy from it.

Casy was quite surprise that a sloth, a saber, and a baby would be together. It was down right odd. And usually, when a saber was with a sloth and mammoth, they would usually go after them and not just stand there like the saber was. Casy should know. She was a saber; a female saber that was. Her fur was like the males below her but it was a little lighter. Her eyes were a solid blue color. So fierce and strong. Unlike the saber she saw with the mammoth and sloth, she was small than him. About a couple of inches and she was thinner but still had muscles in her that made her look strong. And unlike male sabers, Casy didn't have two teeth grown outside of her mouth and her tail was longer. It reached to the ground and the tip of it had a golden color on it.

Casy scoffed. "Oh please!" she said, the four of them looking up at her. The male saber got in a position, ready to go after her, showing his teeth just the slightest. He growled at her but Casy didn't seem to notice. "You haven't seen entertainment like I have." Casy jumped from rock to rock to get down and she did so after a few seconds. The sloth jumped when he saw that she was a saber.

"Ahhh!" he screamed, going behind the saber, who was still in his position. "It's a saber! Protect me, Diego!" The saber, as known as Diego, just growled louder. Casy then noticed his position and smirked.

"Oooo! Aren't you scary!" She pretended to be afraid of him by backing away from him in fake fear, her eyes only giving away her tease. "Oh dear! I'm going to be attacked! What shall I do?" Diego growled once more and actually went to go after her, though Casy didn't fear him a bit. Just as he was jumping in the air, the mammoth stepped in front of Diego and caught him with his tusks. Diego clawed and kicked, trying to get off the trunk.

"Calm down, tiger," the mammoth said, setting Diego down. The saber grumbled and turned away. Casy looked at him in amusement, feeling quite proud of herself. The mammoth turned to her. "Who are you?"

"My name is Casy," Casy replied, bowing her head. It was something she was always taught and after a few times of doing it, it became a habit. "And you are…?"

"Manfred," the mammoth, as known as Manfred, answered. He pointed towards the saber. "That's Diego." He then pointed at the sloth. "And that's Sid." The sloth waved weakly, fearful of Casy. She smirked at him as he took a few steps back when she took a step closer to him.

"What's wrong, sloth?" she snarled. "Afraid?"

"Yes, in fact," Sid admitted and Casy chuckled. He slowly went towards Manny, Casy watching him. Manny rolled his eyes and moved out of the way, Sid yelping when he was out in the open. He quickly looked around him, frantic to shield him from the she-saber, afraid she was going to go after her any minute . But when Diego was going to go after her, Manny stopped him. So..if Casy was going to go after him, Manny would stop her…right? Just to make sure, Sid grabbed the baby, who had finished eating moments ago and held him in front of his face. Casy rolled her eyes.

"Oh please…" she muttered, shaking her head. Manny leaned towards her.

"You get used to it after a while," he told her. Casy looked at him and smiled.

"Thanks for the tip," Casy said. Diego then spoke up, stepping in front of her.

"You look quite familiar," he mused, looking her up and down, eying her rather suspiciously. "Have we met before?"

"I don't think so," Casy answered, shaking her head. "I don't know anyone with the name Diego." It was then that she noticed Manny taking the baby from Sid and around his trunk. "Um…cute kid." Manny looked at her, Casy raising an eyebrow. "Um…"


"I figured. No mammoth, sloth, or saber could ever have a human as a child."

"Now here's a question," Diego butt in. "What's a saber like you doing in the crackpot's area?" Casy smirked and stood up straight.

"I could ask you the very same question, Diego." Her voice had mockery in it, as if she was begging to have a fight with Diego. The male growled at her but that's all he did. Just growl. Sid, apparently seeing her as a friendly gal, approached her.

"Are you traveling alone?" he asked. "No one with you? No family member?" Casy just shook her head and he smiled. Casy didn't expect him to say what he said next. "Why don't you come with us?"

"No!" Diego barked almost immediately, recovering from his own shock at Sid's words. Everyone looked at him, including the baby. "I-I mean..she could…uh…have a disease!" Casy growled, taking offense at that. She slowly walked towards Diego, glaring daggers at him.

"Do you want to find out?" she sneered. Diego backed away from her in disgust and Casy smiled crookedly. "Yeah. That's what I thought."

"Actually, Diego," Manny spoke up, walking beside Casy. "I think she would be useful. With her, we can get to Half Peak sooner than expected. Two sabers will make the trip faster." He seemed cheerful at that and Casy knew nothing was going to stop him from allowing her to join. Casy, though, thought she wouldn't be able to stand another minute with Diego. He was so…infuriating!

"Hmm…" Diego looked at Casy, who stood up straighter again, giving him a bold look. "I don't know, Manny…"

"Oh, come on!" Sid whined, crossing his arms. "What's wrong with her, Diego? She's strong, she's friendly, and…she's a female." At that, he winked at Diego and nudged him in the shoulder, which Diego responded by pulling his ears back, a frown appearing on his face.

"I'll just pretend that you didn't say that," he said dryly. Manny sighed, beginning to walk forwards.

"She's coming with us and that's final," he declared. Diego's eyes widened and turned to Manny in shock.

"But Manny-"

"That's final!"

Diego grumbled while Sid just smiled, pleased with himself. He ran off when Diego gave him a look. Casy walked towards him and stood right in front of him. "Don't worry, I won't make a fool out of you." She paused for a moment to add a chuckle. "At least not too much."

Diego growled but heaved out a sigh.

"This is going to be a looong trip," he muttered to himself.

After Diego got back in line with the others, the gang, including Casy, started walking. It was quiet at first, an awkward silence hitting them. This gave time of what she thought of the four. Each by each member, Casy thought of them. She started with Manny.

Manny seemed alright. He seemed friendly and all, but also a little moody. Like he never has fun and is always serious about everything. It's like he's never been happy before and Casy was starting to think that theory was true. She's seen many mammoths before. Babies, adults, and young ones, and they always seemed happy. Manny was different, and Casy always liked different. It meant that others had the guts to do something besides doing the same boring thing like others did. But that was beside the point; Manny needed to have fun. And thinking about fun made Casy grin. She was sure she could do that.

Next was Sid. She had a few problems with him but nothing that she couldn't fix. He seemed scared of everything, though Casy was not the judgmental one, she just could tell. He stunk badly from what Casy could smell from the distance and he was…odd. His eyes were different sizes, he had two front teeth out of his mouth, and he was just plain odd. Very odd. His voice sounded weird too. Just all over Sid…he was odd. Casy wrinkled her nose when she then caught a sniff of the sloth.

And last but not least, Diego. Even after knowing him for a while, Casy had one word for him: Irritating. He reminded her of her brother, Trevor. He was exactly like Diego and Casy though that those two would get along just fine. Sure Casy thought he was a little good looking. Muscles like he had would draw any female to him but his attitude was so bold. Daring. Trouble like. But Casy suppose that most males were like that.

The baby that Manny was holding however, was just cute and adorable. Casy had to smile at that. She just hope she could make friends with most of the members, even with Diego, though Casy knew it would be hard to do so.

"What is it, Sid?" Casy asked in annoyance as Sid sighed for the third time. Manny and Diego were in front while Casy and Sid were in back.

"Oh nothing," Sid said as if it wasn't nothing.

Casy merely nodded and silently sighed when Sid remained quiet. She thought that he would quit doing that when she showed her annoyance. But she was wrong. He sighed once again. "Okay, sloth, what is it that you want?"


Casy looked at him like he was crazy, her eye twitching. Diego and Manny heard this as well, Diego snickering and Manny shook his head. Diego turned his head around to Casy, a smirk on his face.

"He means he has to go pee," he said. Sid nodded quickly.

"And badly!" Sid said, now putting his hands in front of him, thinking it would hold his bladder. "So…can we please stop for a moment?" Casy rolled her eyes as Diego turned his head back.

"Can't you hold it?" Sid shook his head.

"At the feeling, nope!" he squeaked. Casy raised an eyebrow.

"Not even five minutes?" Casy asked.

"Seriously, Casy!" Sid exclaimed, his voice getting squeakier by the second. "I really don't think I can hold my pee."

"Sid…" Manny sighed. "If we stop then it will take longer."

"But if we don't," Sid began. "We'll have an accident." Casy smirked and muttered to herself, though Sid heard her.

"I'm thinking that too…" Diego laughed out loud, an actual laugh at Casy's joke. Manny gave him a look and Diego cleared his throat.

"Um…Sorry," he apologized sheepishly. Manny heaved out a sigh; a sigh of defeat and the gang stopped their walking.

"Alright, Sid." Manny motioned towards a bush they were just now walking by, only a few feet away from them. "Go take your potty break." As Manny said this, Sid let a relief expression spread over his face.

"That's okay." Sid sighed in slight relief with mixture of happiness. "I don't have to go anymore." Casy, Diego, and Manny looked at each other for a moment before they looked at Sid and stepped back from him in disgust, while chorusing,


A/N: So, did you like it, although it's kind of the same. Please review.