Title: Secret Languages

Author: Naria Lacour de Fanel

Pairing: Sebastian/Ciel

Rating: T

Warnings: Intimacy, fluff, WAFF

AN: I am not a Sebastian/Ciel fan girl ,but they are SO easy to write!! WHY?! Oh well, enjoy!


"Love me."

There was no room for soft-hearted pleading in that demanding statement. It was an order of the highest degree. To believe it to be a simple request, a simpering appeal for affection, was foolish; for his voice carried with it a cadence of authority and dominance unmatched even in his younger years.

It was a small demand, and yet it was so severe in it's simplicity. The austere clarity of those two little words felt as dangerous as they were endearing to the knowing recipient. To deny him was to call upon the raw forces of rage and the classic hell of a lover scorned. And yet, to obey such a command would be giving up one's own known freedom…

But to deny Ciel would break his already fractured heart, which in turn would cause the demon his own incurable misery from knowing he had hurt the boy so.

What was freedom compared to the unrivaled beauty of his master?

What was freedom compared to the knowledge that he, and he alone, could have that selfish heart of the last Phantomhive?

What was freedom compared to his smile?

Not that he was smiling now…No, presently he hid that delicate and radiant smile behind scowling lips.

His physical presence did not allow any argument. His rigid posture, the tense muscles in the arms crossed upon his chest, and the near snarling lips were more than enough proof that he was leaving no room for rejection. He was an embodiment of selfishness and self-assured victory. Though the way he held himself also left room for one to ponder why he felt he needed to seem so threatening…as if denial was as intolerable as it was unexpected. The boy did not know it, but it was his eyes that destroyed his stern image. The shimmering blue orbs, while piercing and goading, also held a semblance of fear, a slight crack of uncertainty in an otherwise solid wall of surety.

It was a fear of rejection. A fear of being tossed away or ignored by the one he loved the most. It was an untamable fear borne of love, and it could only be mended through the same means. The boy needed his servant's love, and so he would take it, demand it, hoard it if need be. Ciel didn't want "if need be" to ever come to pass…he wanted Sebastian's love given to him freely, but that would leave him open to a possible rejection which he could not survive. And so, the arrogant young man relied on demand.

"Love me," was all he said. And yet Sebastian could hear the true meaning behind the selfish demand. It spoke volumes to him. Only he could hear it, because he was the only one privy to that intimate language of his master's. A language the boy had created and shaped just for his demon. In those words, those two tiny words was indeed a question, a quiver of doubt and trepidation…but in that stubbornly hidden fear, there was also a pledge of unconditional and ever living love for him and him alone. Ciel sang to him of loyalty, sacrifice, longing, romance, and tenderness. He laughed for him. He cried for him. He gave everything and all of himself in just two little words.

It was a demand. It was a question. It was something Sebastian could not refuse, nor did he wish to.

He knew. He just knew it. Ciel had had him since the beginning of time. The boy had been the master of his soul since he first existed.

But, he couldn't ever tell his master that. So, he spoke to him in that language he had created and shaped just for the prideful boy by bringing their lips together. In a kiss and a soft caress to his cheek, Ciel had his answer.

"I do." the demon said with his actions. And Earl Phantomhive needed nothing more.
