My first REAL J/S fanfic. :D There were a few mistakes... I think I fixed them though. Let me know along the way.


She wasn't the prettiest, or the fastest… and she certainly wasn't popular. She was just plain Jeanette. Jeanette, who spent her weekends hunched over wires, chemicals, and gizmos trying to finish her latest project. Jeanette, who spent the Spring Fling by the punch bowl watching her friends dance. Jeanette, who poured over her notes and textbooks after school, double checking her work. Jeanette, who was almost fourteen now and was the only one of her sisters yet to have a boyfriend.

"JEANETTE!!!" Brittany exclaimed, firmly crossing her arms in front of her chest. "Come on, we're going to be late."

The blue clad chipette hurried down the staircase mumbling "Sorry, Brittany" as she passed.

Brittany sighed, rolling her eyes but smiled. "Ok. Let's go" she ordered, shuffling her two younger sisters forward. Jeanette hardly had enough time to grab her navy blue backpack before Brittany was shutting the door behind them.

The chipettes slowly made their way down the short pathway from their home and onto the open sidewalk in silence. A bird with bright blue feathers and an orange belly dipped in, soaring just above their heads. He flew in a quick circle before taking a perch on a nearby tree branch.

Jeanette smiled to herself, her mind immediately shooting out facts. A Bluebird, commonly mistaken with the Blue Jay, very territorial, loves open grassland, prefers to mate during the spring, the male searches for a spot to nest… Jeanette had done a report on the birds last year and had spent weeks, sitting in the middle of her yard or looking out from her bedroom window watching the skies eagerly.

"So, what do you think?" Eleanor asked.

Jeanette looked up, meeting her younger sister's eyes. "I'm sorry… what did you say?" she asked her.

"I was asking if you wanted to go to mall later, you, Brittany, and me" Eleanor repeated. "It's been awhile since we all hung out… without the boys."

"Um… Yeah. That sounds nice" Jeanette answered with a nod of her head. She turned looking back up to where she had last seen the Bluebird, but it was gone.

"Hey, guys!! Wait up!"

Brittany smiled at the familiar voice. She immediately stopped in her tracks and spun around, her sisters did the same. "Where were you?" Brittany asked.

Jeanette looked up, her smile widening at the site of the three chipmunk brothers.

"We got tied up" Simon answered, glaring at Alvin.

Alvin threw up his hands in surrender. "Hey, it wasn't my fault."

"It's never your fault" Brittany quipped.

"Exactly, I'm the victim here! Why can't anyone understand that?!" Alvin exclaimed.

"Perhaps because you're always in the mist of some half baked scheme" Simon suggested.

"Maybe if you just follow directions…" Theodore added.

"And listened to others once in awhile" Brittany finished. "You wouldn't get in so much trouble"

Alvin grinned, leaning in close to Brittany. "Trouble is my middle name, baby" he said winking at her.

"Oh please…" Brittany scoffed, rolling her eyes.

Simon sighed, rolling his towards Jeanette causing her to bend her head and giggle.

"So what are we doing afterschool?" Alvin asked, directing the question at Brittany.

"Sorry we already have plans" Brittany announced. "No boys allowed."

"Counting me?" Alvin asked her, eyebrows raised.

"Counting both of you" Eleanor answered, tugging lightly on Theodore's arm. "We'll hang out tomorrow, ok?" she whispered in his ear.

"Ok," Theodore agreed.

"And I'll call you tonight." Brittany told Alvin, offering her hand.

"Yeah," Alvin sided, their fingers intertwining.

Jeanette glanced at Simon.

She wanted to say something, she needed to say something but… no. She couldn't. It would just be a waste of time… Jeanette… She wasn't the type of girl, guys liked. She was just… Jeanette.

Their eyes met for just a split second before she turned away. Even if she did like Simon… she was certain he didn't like her… not in that way at least.


"How do I look?" Brittany asked. She twirled on foot causing her pink pleated skirt to fan out.

She was absolutely perfect, Jeanette sighed. From her long auburn hair down to her hot pink colored toenails. Just… perfect… It's not that Jeanette hated her sister. No. She would never! Could never! Even to think such a thought!! But… she envied her. And… maybe that was wrong. But how could she help it?

How could Jeanette Miller do anything BUT envy her sister, when there were days like this. Days when her auburn hair fell seamlessly down to her shoulders. Days when her brand new baby blue top brought the color in her eyes and made them almost glow. Days when there was no doubt who the prettiest sister was… when there was no doubt who the ugliest… dorkiest… loosiest sister was. Even if loosiest wasn't a word.

Eleanor jumped up from her seat outside the dressing room. "Brittany! You look great!!! Doesn't she, Jeanette?" Eleanor asked nudging her older sister.

Jeanette smiled brightly. "Yeah… Brittany… you look really pretty."

"Was there ever any doubt?" Brittany asked. She twirled one more time before closing the dressing room door behind her. She came out a few moments later, grinning as took Jeanette's hand, pulling her up from her seat. "Now we just have to pick out something for you to wear."

"I don't know …" Jeanette sighed.

"Come on, Jeanette" Eleanor encouraged. "It'll be fun. I promise."

"Fun" Jeanette repeated. After watching Brittany trance around in everything from silky ball gowns to grungy jeans for the last half hour, spending more time shopping seemed anything but. "Maybe we should just get home…"

"It's three hours till curfew," Eleanor said, crossing her arms.

"Don't be such a party pooper" Brittany snorted.

Jeanette bit her lip. "Well… alright." she agreed reluctantly.

"YES!!" Brittany cheered.

"Let's go!!" Eleanor cried. She reached for Jeanette's arm and pulled her to one of the racks.

Maybe it was just a girl thing. Shopping I mean… But slowly… After browsing though the purses at Goodman's and leafing through the dresses at Macy's then raiding the makeup counter… Jeanette found that she was… actually… enjoying herself.

"Ok," Brittany declared grinning. "Now we just have to GOT to find you some new clothes."

"What's wrong with my clothes?" Jeanette asked. She touched the shoulder of her blouse and pulled at the sleeve.

"Nothing, Jeanette." Eleanor assured her. "But… we're just suggesting that maybe you should try some new looks."

"Like what?"

"Just some new tops or a cute skirt or something…" Brittany explained.


"Just trust us." Eleanor told her.

And now there she was, standing in the middle of a small closet like dressing room… stepping into a skirt that she was almost certain Ms. Miller would never approve of and pulling a silky shoulder baring top that was certain SHE did not approve of over her head.

"Ok, let us see" she heard Eleanor call from the other side of the door.

"Or we're coming in!!" Brittany added.

When just over an hour ago… Brittany had been in her place… But now this was different… she wasn't going to strut out of there… do a lap around the room and do one of those model like turns. No… she wasn't Brittany. She was shy… reluctant… and just… out of place. She didn't want to hear their reactions… But these weren't the guys at school, she reminded herself. These were her sisters. Jeanette bit her lip and slowly pushed back the latch and pulled open the door.

"Oh my gosh!!" Brittany squealed.

"Jeanette!!" Eleanor cried.

"What?" Jeanette asked them. "Is it that… this was a mistake. I'll just go and change…"

"No!" Brittany said in a whispered shout. "Jeanette… look" Brittany said, grasping her shoulders and directing her towards the nearest mirror.

Jeanette's green eyes went wide. In the knee baring navy blue skirt her scrawny stick-like legs looked… long… and elegant. She suddenly had curves (well… if she turned just right), her eyes were suddenly glowing and she looked…

"Jeanette… you're…" Eleanor stopped searching for the right word.

"You're hot!" Brittany exclaimed. "With a little eye shadow and a flat iron… miracles can happen."


"Hey, Jeanette! Wait up a sec, would you?"

Jeanette Miller sighed, stopping in the middle of the busy hallway and turning to face, Jason 'Jay' Jones. Jay had long eyelashes, sparkling blue eyes, short dark brown hair, and a killer smile. He wasn't the most popular kid in the world… but he wasn't anywhere near the least either. He was a jock, and hung out with the football players. He was nice… or at least that's what Jeanette had heard. She'd never actually spoken to the guy before… she didn't even know he knew her name.

"Yes?" the middle chipette asked, pulling her books to her chest.

"Coach says if I don't pull up my science grade I don't get to play in the big game." He announced to her.

"Uh… that's too bad." Jeanette said with a shrug. She hadn't even known there was a "big game" coming up.

"And I heard you won the last science fair… so I was wondering if you could tutor me" Jason explained.

Jeanette blinked. "T- Tutor you?" she stammered.

"Yeah, I mean. You are like the smartest girl in school right?" Jason asked her.

"Well…" Jeanette began," I don't know Jason."

"Jay" he corrected.

"What?" she asked.

"Call me Jay, everybody else does." He explained.

"Jay… I'm not sure; I've never really tutored anyone before." Jeanette said.

"Come on…" Jay said. He reached out to her; lightly touching her face causing her heart to skip a beat. "Please Jeanette..."

Jeanette barely breathed. "Ok" she heard herself answer.

"Thanks, Jen." he answered, this time touching her shoulder. He smiled and her heart sank. "See you after school."

Jeanette must have stood there for at least five minutes, just staring into space. It was only when the bell rung signaling that the next class had started that Jeanette was able to move.

"See you!!" she called out into the empty hallway. She blinked again, gazing aimlessly around then pulled her books closer as she broke into a run. She was late for class. But even when she was safely in her seat… She couldn't keep up with a thing Mrs. Brown was saying.

She couldn't think of anything, except what had gone on in the hallway… except the tingle that ran down her spine when he touched her… except the feeling she felt when she thought of him. And she never wanted it to end.
