yup new story!

Yeah, yeah typical love story, best friend falls for best friend, but Alex Russo can't help the way she feels about Nate Gray!

Alex and Nate have known each other for 9 years. They're next door neighbors and have been going to school together since 2nd grade. Alex always had a little crush on Nate, always chasing him around the playground in elementary school, but she discovered her true feelings for him in when they were in 7th grade and he gave her her first kiss.


Lilly Truscott was having her annual back to school party. Alex only went because Nate had begged her to come. She was sitting alone until her girl bff, Mitchie, came over.

"Alex, why are you sitting here alone?! Its a party! Get your butt up!"

"I'm sorry, just not in a party mood..."

"Well do something, I know, a lot of people are playing spin the bottle, go play!"

"And risk the chance of getting a disease? No thanks!"

"Come on, your bringing me down! Please, please, please! I'll stop bothering you!"

"Okay Mitchie! Sheesh."

Mitchie dragged Alex over to a group of people sitting in a large circle. They found a spot and right when they sat down guess who the bottle lands on? Thats right, Alex! She looked at Mitchie mortified, she didn't think the bottle would actually land on her. She didn't want my first kiss to be with some stranger! Alex looked around to see who she was going to have to lock lips with. She looked straight ahead and saw someone lightly punch Nate saying "Nice job dude!" He looked just as shocked as she was.

"Whoa whoa, wait. You guys are going to make me kiss my best friend?!"

"Sorry Alex, the bottle landed on you! Now go kiss him" Hayley said.

Alex saw Nate get up slowly, she hesitantly got up as well. They both made their way into the middle of the circle of people.

"Well this is awkward" Alex said.

"Are you scared to kiss me Lexie?"

"Yeah, because I'm scared of your nasty germs in my mouth!"

He smiled, "I know you've always wanted to kiss me."

She knew he was kidding "In your dreams Grey!"

"Well I guess my dreams are about to become reality."

"Lets get this over with!"

Right after she said that, Nate grabbed her face and kissed her. Everything felt like it was going in slow motion for Alex. Before she could think anything, it was over.

He was still holding onto her face and looked into her eyes, "How was that Russo?"

Alex was speechless; she didn't know what to say. All she knew was that that kiss was incredible! And that right then in there, she fell for my best friend.

He smirked and let go of her. He went back to his spot getting high fives from all the guys. Alex was still a bit at of it. She turned around awkwardly and walked back to her spot.

"How was it?" Mitchie asked as soon as she sat down.

Alex played it cool, "Like kissing a brother." She faked a gag. She couldn't tell her how she really felt. How that one simple kiss made her heart sing.

Mitchie started laughing. Alex looked up at Nate. When he saw Alex, he winked. She just smiled and shook my head.

*End of flashback*

Alex smiled at the memory of that day. Now they're sophomores in high school, and she still felt the same way about Nate, but she knew that they could never be more because all he sees her as, is his clumsy best friend, and she didn't want to ruin their friendship by telling him that she was in love with him and him not returning the feeling.

She was in her bathroom washing her face. She could hear Mitchie lightly snoring in her room. It was 9:24 a.m. on a Saturday.

Alex went into her room and decided to wake up Mitchie. She jumped on her.
"Wake up sleepy head!" she exclaimed.

"Hmphh.... Alex! What time is it?!" Mitchie asked obviously annoyed.

"Its time for you to get up!" Alex started shaking her back and forth.

"I'm up! I'm up!" Alex heard her phone ringing and rolled over to reach it on her nightstand.


"Morning Lexie!" She smiled as she heard that certain voice say her name.

"Hey Nate... what's up?" She pushed Mitchie again to make sure she was fully awake.

She turned facing her and glared. Alex just stuck my tongue at her.

"Shane and I got 4 tickets to go to California Adventure! Do you and Mitchie want to come with us?"

"Sweet! Yeah, we'll go... but isn't California Adventure like 2 hours away?"

"Yep, just think of it as a mini road trip!

She laughed, "Okay. Let me get sleeping beauty up over here."

"Cool, we'll pick you up at 10ish."


She hung up with a big smile on her face. She thought about how she gets to spend the whole day with Nate. She looked to her left and saw Mitchie looking at her weirdly.

"What?" Alex asked.

"What was that all about?"

"Shane and Nate invited us to go to California Adventure with them. So get up! They'll be here in half an hour!" She told her.

Suddenly a huge grin appeared on Mitchie's face, "I know your secret Alex..."

Alex looked at her confused. "What are you talking about?"

Mitchie got up and stretched. "I know you like Mr. Nathaniel Gray."

Her eyes grew big. How does she know?! Alex thought. "W-what are you t-talking about?" She stuttered.

"You talk in your sleep, hun." Mitchie said patting her back.

Alex took a deep breath. "Please don't tell ANYONE!"

All of the sudden Mitchie started laughing hysterically. Why was she laughing? Alex thought.

"You actually do like him?! I was just kidding! You don't talk in your sleep!" She said laughing even more.

Her face dropped. "MICHELLE TORRES! What the hell?!" Alex threw a pillow at her.

She fell onto the bed. "I'm sorry Lex. I had to find out some way! Cause SOMEONE didn't want to tell me! You can hide it from everyone but me! I see your face when you talk to him. How long?"

"3 years..." Alex said.

"Awww, why don't you tell him?" She asked her.

"Are you kidding me Mitchie? I don't want to ruin our relationship! I mean, when I find the right time to tell him, I will.''

"I understand." Thats why Alex loved Mitchie, she knows when to stop. "Well let's get ready! I'm borrowing your clothes! I'm to lazy to run next door!" She said while walking to my closet.

That's right; Mitchie was Alex's other next door neighbor. They've known each other since birth. Both their parents were close friends.

Mitchie and Alex both wore shorts and tank tops, and they pulled our hair back. It was towards the end of November and the temperature was still hot outside, and walking around for hour in that weather, they were bound to sweat.

The doorbell rang at 10:12, the girls ran downstairs to answer it.

Yea, it's bad. But I hope it gets better. I like this story. I have the whole plot in my head. Please review it. :)

Edit: Oh my goodness, I can't believe I started writing this story almost a year ago!

I started reading over this story and noticed SO many errors and such that I just had to edit it. I'm sure there are plenty more to pick out, but I'm not too much of a grammar snob to fix them. :P