Okay here's a MiyagixHiroki because Foreverblue90 requested it! Hope you enjoy it! I f you don't like MiyagixHiroki then don't read this fic. It's as simple as that. but I'll take the flames if I get them and more than likely finish this, regardless.


When Hiroki opened the door to his office, he could literally feel the cloud of depression that hung around Miyagi. He glanced over at the professor, noticing that the man wasn't working, (big surprise there), and that he had his head on the desk. The smell of cigarette smoke was thicker then it usually was, and Hiroki's nose scrunched up on its own accord.

"Damn it, baka!" he snapped, stepping into the room, and over several piles of books. "If you're going to smoke, open a damn window!" He knew that the man wasn't listening, but on the off chance that he was, he was certainly going to give him an earful.

Setting his stuff on his desk with a huff, he moved towards the window, and threw it open to let the small room air out. Inhaling a deep breath of fresh air, Hiroki turned around and inspected the state of the room. Although there were still massive amounts of books piled around the room, each book was neatly placed; one on top of the other, all sorted by author, by the looks of it.

"Hey, how long have you-?"

"AUUGH!" Miyagi cried out suddenly, startling Hiroki, who pushed himself against the window not sure what to make of his boss' sudden outburst. "WHAT THE HELL IS HIS PROBLEM NOW?! I THOUGHT WE WERE OVER THIS BULLSH- oh Kamijou~!" Miyagi sang out, instantly brightening up when he noticed said person. "When'd you get here?"

Hiroki shot him a wary look, edging towards his desk. "Didn't we agree that we wouldn't bring our personal life with us to work?" he asked carefully, hoping Miyagi would get the hint not to let whatever was bothering him effect his work.

Miyagi pouted. "That's cold!" he huffed, "And besides you broke that rule last week, my dear Kamijou!" he said with a smirk, watching amused as Hiroki's face switch between confused to menacing in a matter of seconds. "And I was the one that listened to you and comforted you, so now it's my turn."

"Like hell it is!" Hiroki snapped, grapping his jacket from where he'd thrown it earlier on the back of his chair.

Miyagi, sensing that Hiroki was trying to make a bolt for the door, sprung out of his chair, and latched onto Hiroki. "I think I'll take my comforting now," he purred, tightening his arms around the associate professors neck, bringing his lips closer to the stunned man's.

Something Miyagi saw out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. "Hey when'd that window get opened?" he asked pulling his head back a bit to stare at the window in confusion.

Hiroki came out of his stupor at the question, and his eyes widened when he noticed just how close Miyagi's face was to his. His fist clenched, as his heart sped up and irritation flowed through him.


"Oww!" Miyagi whined, clutching the top of his head, rubbing lightly at the bump that was forming. "You didn't have to hit me; I wasn't actually going to do anything!" He moaned in his defense.

"It's the fact that you definably were doing something! Trust me, I'd have no regrets for suing your ass for sexual harassment, you bastard!" Hiroki snapped. "Do your work if you're depressed instead of hitting on me."

Miyagi pouted, crossing his arms over his chest, and stuck his bottom lip out like a little kid. "But I can do that later, I want my Kamijou, now!"

"Shouldn't you be saying that about that little boy toy of yours? Leave me out of your sick little fantasies! You're almost as bad as Akihiko! But at least that bastard keeps his hands to himself!" Hiroki grumbled, pulling his laptop out of his briefcase and setting it on his desk.

Miyagi glanced over at him over the end of the lit cigarette that he had dug out during his subordinate's rant. "Akihiko? That author you're obsessed with? Eh…" he trailed off and waved a hand in the air, telling Hiroki not to bother answering that question. "And anyway I no longer have a 'boy toy', as you so kindly put it… at least I don't think I do…"

Hiroki blinked and stared at the back of Miyagi's head, before turning his attention back to his laptop as the screen popped up. "Is that so?" he asked in a tone that told Miyagi he could continue if he wanted too.

After all, he did have a point; Hiroki had come to him for advice, last week.

Hiroki frowned remembering how the last few weeks had been with Nowaki. It seemed like the younger man was hiding something from him, but Hiroki didn't want to jump to any conclusions… but if this continued on for too much longer, he'd have to confront Nowaki- no doubt.

Miyagi made a noise in the back of his throat. "Actually I'd like not to talk about it at the moment… Anyway how're things with you and that Nowaki guy? Is he still ignoring you? …Want me to beat him up for you?" Miyagi joked, using the same type of tone one might use if another guy called his girlfriend fat.

Hiroki's eyes glowed red as his hand closed around the nearest object and chucked it at his superior's head. The thick book hit the professor dead on and bounced off, landing flat on the floor with a heavy thunk.

Miyagi grunted in pain and clutched his head again. "Damn that was in the same spot too! I admire your aim!"

Hiroki sighed, bringing up a hand to massage his temple. He could feel an impressive headache coming on… "Just get to work!" he snapped. "You've only got an hour until your class starts!"


Hiroki sighed, running a hand through his soft brown hair. He was currently walking home from work, having just gotten off. It was a bit later than usual, but Miyagi had volunteered to handle the rest of the work, so that Hiroki could go home early.

Hiroki glanced down at his watch, waiting for the light to turn green so that he could cross the street. 'Nowaki should be home by now' he thought, absentmindedly. That meant that he should get started on dinner when he got home… Or maybe he could just let the bastard fend for himself as payback for ignoring him for the past couple of weeks.

Hiroki sighed again, and scratched his head this time. "Did I do something wrong? Is that why he's avoiding me?" He mumbled out loud, but he couldn't remember doing anything that could have possibly hurt Nowaki's feelings…

Finally reaching his apartment door, he fished out his keys from his coat pocket, and opened the door. He frowned slightly when he pushed the door and discovered that none of the lights were on.

Scowling, he looked down at his watch, and stepped into the room, then he glanced over at the TV set and eyed the digital clock sitting on top of it. 'No, my watch isn't off… so why isn't Nowaki home?' he thought, his frown deepening.

Hiroki sighed, and flipped the light switch on. Setting his briefcase down by the couch, he stripped himself of his jacket and began loosening his tie.

Making his way over to his bedroom, he paused when he heard a soft 'thump' as something hit the wall. He blinked and backed away from the door a bit. He furrowed his eyebrows and strained his ears, trying to hear if there was possibly a robber in his home. And sure enough there were voices coming from inside the room.

…But it didn't sound as if someone were trying to take things… it was more like someone was struggling with another.

Hiroki inched toward the door, and pressed his ear against the cool surface of the wall. Light streamed out from underneath the door, and into the unlit hallway that Hiroki stood in.

"NO, stop it!" a low voice said, and Hiroki immediately recognized that it was Nowaki's voice. "Get off of me, Hiro-san's going to be home any minute, now!"

There was a chuckle, and after a pause there was a gasp of 'Senpai!'

Hiroki froze and his heart skipped a beat. Nowaki was in the bedroom with that bastard of a senpai…

He felt his chest tighten as fury, jealousy, and possessiveness filled him. He made to reach for the doorknob, but Tsumori's voice stopped him.

"You didn't mind so much last time," The man's voice held a mocking tone to it.

(Last… time…?)

"Oh, is it that you're guilty about it? You don't want your beloved 'Hiro-san' to know that you had sex with me?"

Hiroki stood stunned. 'Nowaki… cheated on me?' he thought, absolute shock running through his body. He felt his heart clench painfully in his chest. Squeezing his eyes shut, refusing to believe it, and he waited, listening intensely for Nowaki's denial.

"I…" Came Nowakis voice through the wall. "What I did was wrong, and I'm going to have to pay for my actions. But I have no intention of making the same mistake twice." Nowaki said, his voice stern, and Hiroki imagined that his eyes would be too.

Hiroki backed away from the door quickly. His heart was pounding loud and fast in his chest. He couldn't believe what he'd just heard.

Adrenaline pumping through his body, he raced back into the living room, grabbed his jacket off of the couch and ran out of the front door and into the dark night.

Phew! Okay after forever I finally finished the first chapter of this. Sorry that it took so long! I had been having difficulties getting certain parts of this out. umm... it explains a bit why Hiroki ran away in the next chapter