"MI6 set us up!" Wolf barked.
"Shh! The guards are looking." Hissed Snake as he put his hand on Wolf's arm in a gesture that seemed soothing but if one looked closer they would notice Snake's white knuckled gripped as he held Wolf in seat.
"Yeah, calm down Wolf. We're not read for trouble" Fox added rather unhelpfully
"Are you going to eat that?" Eagle pointed his fork at Fox's tray.
"Aggh, here" Fox groaned pushing his tray towards Eagle "at least some things haven't changed."
Wolf calmed down slightly at Eagle's antics. No matter how serious the situation you could count on Eagle to lighten the mood.
"Look… Is that?" Snake asked softly glancing towards the very last person to go through the lunch line.
Wolf followed Snake's gaze towards a tall athletic-looking young man—a boy really with longish blonde hair and serious brown eyes.
"Shit man! I thought he was getting juvie" Fox cursed.
The boy stood with his tray scanning the cafeteria. He was obviously looking for an empty table. Most of the other men ignored him some however were slightly more interested in the new comer flashing rude gestures. Spotting the former SAS men he froze.
"Eagle stand up and move over a seat" growled Wolf. Eagle so used to obeying his unit leader didn't even hesitate. Wolf, looking the boy straight in the eyes, inclined his head minutely to indicate the now vacant seat on his right. Appearing thankful, the boy moved quickly to his seat.
Cub looked up briefly before looking back down at his own helping of brown slop that passed as food in the joint. "I didn't think you guys would want me to sit with you."
"Why would you think that?" Eagle asked before shoveling more food into his mouth.
Wolf frowned disgusted with Eagle's gusto for the prison cuisine "Cub we are a unit, even now… "
"Especially now." Fox finished looking Cub straight in the eye.
"But if it wasn't for me you wouldn't be here" Cub wildly swung his head around. "If you guys hadn't been over at my house none of this would of happened. You'd all still be the k-unit and and"
"Cub" Snake put his hand on Cub's arm an action that mirrored his previous effort of trying to calm Wolf down "We are still the k-unit. We do not need the SAS to make us a unit."
"Besides if we hadn't been at your house the k-unit would have lost a member. Without 5 teammates we would have stopped being the K-unit." Fox added.
"Our only regret, Cub, is that we didn't get there sooner" Wolf said thinking of the beautiful woman whose red-head had been cradled in Cub's lap.
"That and we got caught" Eagle piped up.
Fox who normally would have whacked Eagle at that point, didn't want to attract more of the guards' attention so he settled for kicking him sharply under the table.
"What?!" whined Eagle.
"Who is your roommate?" Fox asked ignoring Eagle's whine.
Cub smirked, for the first time looking like his old self "Don't worry guys I can handle myself."
"We're a team" Snake reminded Cub "you don't have to handle everything by yourself." Although Snake acknowledged only to himself Cub probably could handle everything himself, Snake had after all had been a witness to the total destruction and fury Cub was capable of unleashing.
"Thanks guys but don't worry. It's nothing I can't handle." Seeing the still concerned glances Cub elaborated "Really, he's nice and he's taken a liking to me."
Anger flushed Wolf's face "Point him out. I'll have a chat with him right now."
"No!" Cub's voice went up a whole octave "not like that! He's old, a lifer"
"Ohh" Eagle got excited "what's his name maybe his trial was on the news. He's got to be famous if he's a lifer"
"Burton James" Cub coolly replied, the smirk firmly in place.
"Cub do you realize you just used the word nice to describe Burt James! He was gangster number 1! He ruled London!"
"Chill Fox. Didn't know you were such a fan. You know he told bout his arrest—I'd tell you but…" The prisoners stood cutting off Cub's remark. Lunch had ended.
"Stick together" Wolf commanded clearly taking charge as they were being herded out to the yard "We need to stay close until we size up the situation."